
Install Helm 3

Install Helm 3 on the master node before you install CSI Driver for PowerMax.


Run the command to install Helm 3.

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/helm/master/scripts/get-helm-3 | bash 

Installation Wizard Support Matrix Click Here

The Container Storage Modules Installation Wizard is a webpage that helps you create a manifest file to install Dell CSI Drivers and CSM Modules. Users can enable or disable modules through the UI, and it generates a single manifest file, eliminating the need to download individual Helm charts for drivers and modules.

Note:Ensure Helm 3.x, namespace, and secrets are set up before installing the Helm chart.

Generate Manifest File

  1. Open the CSM Installation Wizard.
  2. Select the Installation Type as Helm/Operator.
  3. Select the Array.
  4. Enter the Image Repository. The default value is dellemc.
  5. Select the CSM Version.
  6. Select the modules for installation. If there are module specific inputs, enter their values.
  7. If needed, modify the Controller Pods Count.
  8. If needed, select Install Controller Pods on Control Plane and/or Install Node Pods on Control Plane.
  9. Enter the Namespace. The default value is csi-<array>.
  10. Click on Generate YAML.
  11. A manifest file, values.yaml will be generated and downloaded.
  12. A section Run the following commands to install will be displayed.
  13. Run the commands displayed to install Dell CSI Driver and Modules using the generated manifest file.

Installation Using Helm Chart


NOTE: Ensure Helm 3.x, namespace, and secrets are set up before installing the Helm chart.

  • Add the Dell Helm Charts repository.

    On your terminal, run each of the commands below:

     helm repo add dell https://dell.github.io/helm-charts
     helm repo update
  • Copy the downloaded values.yaml file.

  • Look over all the fields in the generated values.yaml and fill in/adjust any as needed.

NOTE: The CSM Installation Wizard generates values.yaml with the minimal inputs required to install the CSM. To configure additional parameters in values.yaml, you can follow the steps outlined in CSI Driver ,Observability, Replication, ,Resiliency.

  • If Observability is checked in the wizard, refer to Observability to export metrics to Prometheus and load the Grafana dashboards.
  • If Authorization is checked in the wizard, only the sidecar is enabled. Refer to Authorization to install and configure the CSM Authorization Proxy Server.
  • If Replication is checked in the wizard, refer to Replication on configuring communication between Kubernetes clusters.
  • If your Kubernetes distribution doesn’t have the Volume Snapshot feature enabled, refer to this section to install the Volume Snapshot CRDs and the default snapshot controller.

  • Install the Helm chart.

    On your terminal, run this command:

    helm install <release-name> dell/container-storage-modules -n <namespace> --version <container-storage-module chart-version> -f <values.yaml location>

    Example: helm install powermax dell/container-storage-modules -n csi-powermax –version 1.4.0 -f values.yaml

Volume Snapshot Requirements (Optional)

For detailed snapshot setup procedure, click here.

Install Driver


  1. Run git clone -b v2.13.0 https://github.com/dell/csi-powermax.git to clone the git repository. This will include the Helm charts and dell-csi-helm-installer scripts.
  2. Ensure that you have created a namespace where you want to install the driver. You can run kubectl create namespace powermax to create a new one
  3. Edit the samples/secret/secret.yaml file,to point to the correct namespace, and replace the values for the username and password parameters. These values can be obtained using base64 encoding as described in the following example:
    echo -n "myusername" | base64
    echo -n "mypassword" | base64
    where myusername and mypassword are credentials for a user with PowerMax privileges.
  4. Create the secret by running
    kubectl create -f samples/secret/secret.yaml
  5. Download the default values.yaml file
    cd dell-csi-helm-installer && wget -O my-powermax-settings.yaml https://github.com/dell/helm-charts/raw/csi-powermax-2.13.0/charts/csi-powermax/values.yaml
  6. Ensure the unisphere have 10.0 REST endpoint support by clicking on Unisphere -> Help (?) -> About in Unisphere for PowerMax GUI.
  7. Edit the newly created file and provide values for the following parameters
    vi my-powermax-settings.yaml
  1. Install the driver using csi-install.sh bash script by running
    cd ../dell-csi-helm-installer && ./csi-install.sh --namespace powermax --values ./my-powermax-settings.yaml --helm-charts-version <version>
  2. Or you can also install the driver using standalone helm chart using the command
    helm install --values  my-powermax-settings.yaml --namespace powermax powermax ./csi-powermax


  • The parameter --helm-charts-version is optional and if you do not specify the flag, by default the csi-install.sh script will clone the version of the helm chart that is specified in the driver’s csi-install.sh file. If you wish to install the driver using a different version of the helm chart, you need to include this flag. Also, remember to delete the helm-charts repository present in the csi-powermax directory if it was cloned before.
  • For detailed instructions on how to run the install scripts, see the readme document in the dell-csi-helm-installer folder.
  • There are a set of samples provided here to help you configure the driver with reverse proxy
  • This script also runs the verify.sh script in the same directory. You will be prompted to enter the credentials for each of the Kubernetes nodes. The verify.sh script needs the credentials to check if the iSCSI initiators have been configured on all nodes. You can also skip the verification step by specifying the --skip-verify-node option
  • In order to enable authorization, there should be an authorization proxy server already installed.
  • PowerMax Array username must have role as StorageAdmin to be able to perform CRUD operations.
  • If the user is using complex K8s version like “v1.24.3-mirantis-1”, use this kubeVersion check in helm Chart file. kubeVersion: “>= 1.24.0-0 < 1.29.0-0”.
  • User should provide all boolean values with double-quotes. This applies only for values.yaml. Example: “true”/“false”.
  • controllerCount parameter value should be <= number of nodes in the kubernetes cluster else install script fails.
  • Endpoint should not have any special character at the end apart from port number.

Storage Classes

A wide set of annotated storage class manifests has been provided in the samples/storageclass folder. Please use these samples to create new storage classes to provision storage.

Volume Snapshot Class

Starting with CSI PowerMax v1.7.0, dell-csi-helm-installer will not create any Volume Snapshot Class during the driver installation. There is a sample Volume Snapshot Class manifest present in the samples/volumesnapshotclass folder. Please use this sample to create a new Volume Snapshot Class to create Volume Snapshots.

Sample values file

The following sections have useful snippets from values.yaml file which provides more information on how to configure the CSI PowerMax driver along with CSI PowerMax ReverseProxy.

CSI PowerMax driver with Proxy

This is the most advanced configuration which provides you with the capability to connect to Multiple Unisphere servers. You can specify primary and backup Unisphere servers for each storage array. If you have different credentials for your Unisphere servers, you can also specify different credential secrets.

  defaultCredentialsSecret: powermax-creds
    - storageArrayId: "000000000001"
      endpoint: https://primary-1.unisphe.re:8443
      backupEndpoint: https://backup-1.unisphe.re:8443
    - storageArrayId: "000000000002"
      endpoint: https://primary-2.unisphe.re:8443
      backupEndpoint: https://backup-2.unisphe.re:8443
    - endpoint: https://primary-1.unisphe.re:8443
      credentialsSecret: primary-unisphere-secret-1
      skipCertificateValidation: false
      certSecret: primary-cert
        maxActiveRead: 5
        maxActiveWrite: 4
        maxOutStandingRead: 50
        maxOutStandingWrite: 50
    - endpoint: https://backup-1.unisphe.re:8443
      credentialsSecret: backup-unisphere-secret-1
      skipCertificateValidation: true
    - endpoint: https://primary-2.unisphe.re:8443
      credentialsSecret: primary-unisphere-secret-2
      skipCertificateValidation: true
    - endpoint: https://backup-2.unisphe.re:8443
      credentialsSecret: backup-unisphere-secret-2
      skipCertificateValidation: true

# "csireverseproxy" refers to the subchart csireverseproxy
  tlsSecret: csirevproxy-tls-secret
  deployAsSidecar: true
  port: 2222

Note: If the credential secret is missing from any management server details, the installer will try to use the defaultCredentialsSecret