
Starting with Container Storage Module 1.12, all deployments will use images from quay.io by default. New release images will be available on Docker Hub until CSM 1.14 (May 2025), and existing releases will remain on Docker Hub.

The Container Storage Modules (CSM) for Observability Helm chart bootstraps an Observability deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.


  • Helm 3.x
  • The deployment of one or more supported Dell CSI drivers

Install the CSM for Observability Helm Chart


  1. Create a namespace where you want to install the module

    kubectl create namespace karavi
  2. Install cert-manager CRDs

    kubectl apply --validate=false -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.10.0/cert-manager.crds.yaml
  3. Add the Dell Helm Charts repo

      helm repo add dell https://dell.github.io/helm-charts
  1. Copy only the deployed CSI driver entities to the Observability namespace


    1. Copy the config Secret from the CSI PowerScale namespace into the Container Storage Module Observability namespace:

      kubectl get secret isilon-creds -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE]/namespace: [CSM_NAMESPACE]/' | kubectl create -f -

      If the CSI driver secret name is not the default isilon-creds, please use the following command to copy secret:

      kubectl get secret [ISILON-CREDS] -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o yaml | sed 's/name: [ISILON-CREDS]/name: isilon-creds/' | sed 's/namespace: [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE]/namespace: [CSM_NAMESPACE]/' | kubectl create -f -

    If Container Storage Module for Authorization is enabled for CSI PowerScale, perform these steps:

    1. Copy the driver configuration parameters ConfigMap from the CSI PowerScale namespace into the Container Storage Module Observability namespace:

      kubectl get configmap isilon-config-params -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE]/namespace: [CSM_NAMESPACE]/' | kubectl create -f -

      If the CSI driver configmap name is not the default isilon-config-params, please use the following command to copy configmap:

      kubectl get configmap [ISILON-CONFIG-PARAMS] -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o yaml | sed 's/name: [ISILON-CONFIG-PARAMS]/name: isilon-config-params/' | sed 's/namespace: [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE]/namespace: [CSM_NAMESPACE]/' | kubectl create -f -
    2. Copy the karavi-authorization-config, proxy-server-root-certificate, proxy-authz-tokens Secret from the CSI PowerScale namespace into the CSM for Observability namespace:

      kubectl get secret karavi-authorization-config proxy-server-root-certificate proxy-authz-tokens -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE]/namespace: [CSM_NAMESPACE]/' | sed 's/name: karavi-authorization-config/name: isilon-karavi-authorization-config/' | sed 's/name: proxy-server-root-certificate/name: isilon-proxy-server-root-certificate/' | sed 's/name: proxy-authz-tokens/name: isilon-proxy-authz-tokens/' | kubectl create -f -
  1. Configure the parameters and install the CSM for Observability Helm Chart

    A default values.yaml file is located here that can be used for installation. This can be copied into a file named myvalues.yaml and either used as is or modified accordingly.


    • The default values.yaml deploys the CSM for Observability Topology service.
    • For CSI PowerScale with Authorization, configure karaviMetricsPowerscale.authorization in myvalues.yaml.

    helm install karavi-observability dell/karavi-observability -n [CSM_NAMESPACE] -f myvalues.yaml

    Alternatively, you can specify each parameter using the ‘–set key=value[,key=value]’ and/or ‘–set-file key=value[,key=value] arguments to ‘helm install’. For example:

    helm install karavi-observability dell/karavi-observability -n [CSM_NAMESPACE] \
    --set-file karaviTopology.certificateFile=<location-of-karavi-topology-certificate-file> \
    --set-file karaviTopology.privateKeyFile=<location-of-karavi-topology-private-key-file> \
    --set-file otelCollector.certificateFile=<location-of-otel-collector-certificate-file> \
    --set-file otelCollector.privateKeyFile=<location-of-otel-collector-private-key-file>


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Container Storage Module for Observability Helm chart and their default values.


Parameter Description Default
karaviTopology.image Location of the csm-topology Container image quay.io/dell/container-storage-modules/csm-topology:v1.10.0
karaviTopology.enabled Enable the CSM for Observability Topology service true
karaviTopology.provisionerNames Provisioner Names used to filter the Persistent Volumes created on the Kubernetes cluster (must be a comma-separated list) csi-vxflexos.dellemc.com
karaviTopology.service.type Kubernetes service type ClusterIP
karaviTopology.certificateFile Optional valid CA public certificate file that will be used to deploy the Topology service. Must use domain name ‘karavi-topology’.
karaviTopology.privateKeyFile Optional public certificate’s associated private key file that will be used to deploy the Topology service. Must use domain name ‘karavi-topology’.
karaviTopology.logLevel Output logs that are at or above the given log level severity (Valid values: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, PANIC) INFO
karaviTopology.logFormat Output logs in the specified format (Valid values: text, json) text


Parameter Description Default
otelCollector.certificateFile Optional valid CA public certificate file that will be used to deploy the OpenTelemetry Collector. Must use domain name ‘otel-collector’.
otelCollector.privateKeyFile Optional public certificate’s associated private key file that will be used to deploy the OpenTelemetry Collector. Must use domain name ‘otel-collector’.
otelCollector.service.type Kubernetes service type ClusterIP


Parameter Description Default
karaviMetricsPowerscale.image CSM Metrics for PowerScale Service image quay.io/dell/container-storage-modules/csm-metrics-powerscale:v1.7.0
karaviMetricsPowerscale.enabled Enable CSM Metrics for PowerScale service true
karaviMetricsPowerscale.collectorAddr Metrics Collector accessible from the Kubernetes cluster otel-collector:55680
karaviMetricsPowerscale.provisionerNames Provisioner Names used to filter for determining PowerScale volumes (must be a Comma-separated list) csi-isilon.dellemc.com
karaviMetricsPowerscale.capacityMetricsEnabled Enable PowerScale capacity metric Collection true
karaviMetricsPowerscale.performanceMetricsEnabled Enable PowerScale performance metric Collection true
karaviMetricsPowerscale.clusterCapacityPollFrequencySeconds The polling frequency (in seconds) to gather cluster capacity metrics 30
karaviMetricsPowerscale.clusterPerformancePollFrequencySeconds The polling frequency (in seconds) to gather cluster performance metrics 20
karaviMetricsPowerscale.quotaCapacityPollFrequencySeconds The polling frequency (in seconds) to gather volume capacity metrics 30
karaviMetricsPowerscale.concurrentPowerscaleQueries The number of simultaneous metrics queries to make to PowerScale(MUST be less than 10; otherwise, several request errors from PowerScale will ensue.) 10
karaviMetricsPowerscale.endpoint Endpoint for pod leader election karavi-metrics-powerscale
karaviMetricsPowerscale.service.type Kubernetes service type ClusterIP
karaviMetricsPowerscale.logLevel Output logs that are at or above the given log level severity (Valid values: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, PANIC) INFO
karaviMetricsPowerscale.logFormat Output logs in the specified format (Valid values: text, json) text
karaviMetricsPowerscale.isiClientOptions.isiSkipCertificateValidation Skip OneFS API server’s certificates true
karaviMetricsPowerscale.isiClientOptions.isiAuthType 0 to enable session-based Authentication; 1 to enables basic Authentication 1
karaviMetricsPowerscale.isiClientOptions.isiLogVerbose Decide High/Medium/Low content of the OneFS REST API message 0
karaviMetricsPowerscale.authorization.enabled Authorization is an optional feature to apply credential shielding of the backend PowerScale. false
karaviMetricsPowerscale.authorization.proxyHost Hostname of the csm-authorization server.
karaviMetricsPowerscale.authorization.skipCertificateValidation A boolean that enables/disables certificate validation of the csm-authorization server.

Starting with Container Storage Module 1.12, all deployments will use images from quay.io by default. New release images will be available on Docker Hub until CSM 1.14 (May 2025), and existing releases will remain on Docker Hub.

CSM for Observability Installer

The installer bootstraps Helm for a simplified and robust deployment by:

  • Checking if Container Storage Modules for Observability is installed
  • Verifying Kubernetes/OpenShift and Helm versions
  • Adding and refreshing the Dell Helm chart repository
  • Creating the CSM namespace and copying secrets
  • Installing CertManager CRDs and the Container Storage Modules Helm chart
  • Waiting for CSM pods to be ready

If Authorization is enabled for CSI drivers in the same Kubernetes cluster:

  • Verifies the karavictl binary is available.
  • Verifies the appropriate Secrets and ConfigMap exist in the CSI driver namespace.
  • Updates the CSM Observability deployment to use the existing Authorization instance if not already enabled.


  • Helm 3.x
  • The deployment of one or more supported Dell CSI drivers

Online Installer

Follow the instructions below to install Container Storage Module Observability in an environment that has an Internet connection and is capable of downloading the required Helm chart and Docker images. The installer expects CSI drivers are using the default secret and configmap names.


A Linux-based system, with Internet access, will be used to execute the script to install Container Storage Modules Observability into a Kubernetes/Openshift environment that also has Internet access.

Dependency Usage
kubectl kubectl will be used to verify the Kubernetes/OpenShift environment
helm helm will be used to install the Container Storage Module Observability helm chart
jq jq will be used to parse the CContainer Storage Module Authorization configuration file during installation

Installer Usage

./karavi-observability-install.sh --help

Note: Container Storage Module for Authorization currently does not support the Observability module for PowerStore. Therefore setting enable-authorization is not supported in this case.

Executing the Installer

To perform an online installation of Container Storage Module Observability, the following steps should be performed:

  1. Clone the GitHub repository:

    git clone https://github.com/dell/karavi-observability.git
  2. Change to the installer directory:

    cd karavi-observability/installer
  3. Execute the installation script. The following example will install Container Storage Module Observability into the CSM namespace.

    A sample values.yaml file is located here. This can be copied into a file named myvalues.yaml and modified accordingly for the installer command below. Configuration options are outlined in the Helm chart deployment section.


  • The default values.yaml deploys the CSM for Observability Topology service.
  • For CSI PowerScale with Authorization, configure karaviMetricsPowerscale.authorization in myvalues.yaml.


./karavi-observability-install.sh install –namespace [CSM_NAMESPACE] –values myvalues.yaml

> Installing Karavi Observability in namespace karavi on 1.27

| |- Karavi Observability is not installed Success | |- Karavi Authorization will be enabled during installation | |- Verifying Kubernetes versions | |–> Verifying minimum Kubernetes version Success | |–> Verifying maximum Kubernetes version Success | |- Verifying helm version Success | |- Configure helm chart repository | |–> Adding helm repository https://dell.github.io/helm-charts Success | |–> Updating helm repositories Success | |- Creating namespace karavi Success | |- CSI Driver for PowerFlex is installed Success | |- Copying Secret from vxflexos to karavi Success | |- CSI Driver for PowerStore is installed Success | |- Copying Secret from powerstore to karavi Success | |- CSI Driver for PowerScale is installed Success | |- Copying Secret from isilon to karavi Success | |- CSI Driver for PowerMax is installed Success | |- Copying ConfigMap from powermax to karavi Success | |- Copying Secret from powermax to karavi Success | |- Installing CertManager CRDs Success | |- Enabling Karavi Authorization for Karavi Observability | |–> Copying ConfigMap from vxflexos to karavi Success | |–> Copying Karavi Authorization Secrets from vxflexos to karavi Success | |–> Copying ConfigMap from isilon to karavi Success | |–> Copying Karavi Authorization Secrets from isilon to karavi Success | |–> Copying ConfigMap from powermax to karavi Success | |–> Copying Karavi Authorization Secrets from powermax to karavi Success | |- Installing Karavi Observability helm chart Success | |- Waiting for pods in namespace karavi to be ready Success


Starting with Container Storage Module 1.12, all deployments will use images from quay.io by default. New release images will be available on Docker Hub until CSM 1.14 (May 2025), and existing releases will remain on Docker Hub.

The following instructions can be followed when a Helm chart will be installed in an environment that does not have an Internet connection and will be unable to download the Helm chart and related Docker images.


  • Helm 3.x
  • The deployment of one or more Dell CSI drivers


Multiple Linux-based systems may be required to create and process an offline bundle for use.

  • One Linux-based system, with Internet access, will be used to create the bundle. This involves the user invoking a script that utilizes docker to pull and save container images to file.
  • One Linux-based system, with access to an image registry, to invoke a script that uses docker to restore container images from file and push them to a registry

If one Linux system has both Internet access and access to an internal registry, that system can be used for both steps.

Preparing an offline bundle requires the following utilities:

Dependency Usage
docker docker will be used to pull images from public image registries, tag them, and push them to a private registry.
Required on both the system building the offline bundle as well as the system preparing for installation.
Tested version is docker 18.09+

Executing the Installer

To perform an offline installation of a Helm chart, the following steps should be performed:

  1. Build an offline bundle.
  2. Unpack the offline bundle and prepare for installation.
  3. Perform a Helm installation.

Build the Offline Bundle

  1. Copy the offline-installer.sh script to a local Linux system using curl or wget:

    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dell/karavi-observability/main/installer/offline-installer.sh --output offline-installer.sh


    wget -O offline-installer.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dell/karavi-observability/main/installer/offline-installer.sh
  2. Set the file as executable.

    chmod +x offline-installer.sh
  3. Build the bundle by providing the Helm chart name as the argument. Below is a sample output that may be different on your machine.

    ./offline-installer.sh -c dell/karavi-observability
    * Adding Helm repository https://dell.github.io/helm-charts
    • Downloading Helm chart dell/karavi-observability to directory /home/user/offline-karavi-observability-bundle/helm-original

    • Downloading and saving Docker images

      quay.io/dell/container-storage-modules/csm-topology:v1.11.0 quay.io/dell/container-storage-modules/csm-metrics-powerflex:v1.11.0 quay.io/dell/container-storage-modules/csm-metrics-powerstore:v1.11.0 quay.io/dell/container-storage-modules/csm-metrics-powerscale:v1.8.0 quay.io/dell/container-storage-modules/csm-metrics-powermax:v1.6.0 otel/opentelemetry-collector:0.42.0 nginxinc/nginx-unprivileged:1.27

    • Compressing offline-karavi-observability-bundle.tar.gz

Unpack the Offline Bundle

  1. Copy the bundle file to another Linux system that has access to the internal Docker registry and that can install the Helm chart. From that Linux system, unpack the bundle.

    tar -xzf offline-karavi-observability-bundle.tar.gz
  2. Change directory into the new directory created from unpacking the bundle:

    cd offline-karavi-observability-bundle
  3. Prepare the bundle by providing the internal Docker registry URL. Below is a sample output that may be different on your machine.

    ./offline-installer.sh -p <my-registry>:5000
    * Loading, tagging, and pushing Docker images to registry <my-registry>:5000/
      quay.io/dell/container-storage-modules/csm-topology:v1.11.0 -> <my-registry>:5000/csm-topology:v1.11.0
      quay.io/dell/container-storage-modules/csm-metrics-powerflex:v1.11.0 -> <my-registry>:5000/csm-metrics-powerflex:v1.11.0
      quay.io/dell/container-storage-modules/csm-metrics-powerstore:v1.11.0 -> <my-registry>:5000/csm-metrics-powerstore:v1.11.0
      quay.io/dell/container-storage-modules/csm-metrics-powerscale:v1.8.0 -> <my-registry>:5000/csm-metrics-powerscale:v1.8.0
      quay.io/dell/container-storage-modules/csm-metrics-powermax:v1.6.0 -> <my-registry>:5000/csm-metrics-powermax:v1.6.0
      otel/opentelemetry-collector:0.42.0 -> <my-registry>:5000/opentelemetry-collector:0.42.0
      nginxinc/nginx-unprivileged:1.27 -> <my-registry>:5000/nginx-unprivileged:1.27

Perform Helm installation

  1. Change directory to helm which contains the updated Helm chart directory:

    cd helm
  2. Install necessary cert-manager CustomResourceDefinitions provided:

    kubectl apply --validate=false -f cert-manager.crds.yaml
  3. Copy the CSI Driver Secret(s)

    Copy the CSI Driver Secret from the namespace where CSI Driver is installed to the namespace where CSM for Observability is to be installed.


CSI Driver for PowerScale:

kubectl get secret isilon-creds -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE]/namespace: [CSM_NAMESPACE]/' | kubectl create -f -

If the CSI driver secret name is not the default isilon-creds, please use the following command to copy secret:

kubectl get secret [ISILON-CREDS] -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o yaml | sed 's/name: [ISILON-CREDS]/name: isilon-creds/' | sed 's/namespace: [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE]/namespace: [CSM_NAMESPACE]/' | kubectl create -f -

If CSM for Authorization is enabled for CSI PowerScale, perform these steps:

kubectl get configmap isilon-config-params -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE]/namespace: [CSM_NAMESPACE]/' | kubectl create -f -

If the CSI driver configmap name is not the default isilon-config-params, please use the following command to copy configmap:

kubectl get configmap [ISILON-CONFIG-PARAMS] -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o yaml | sed 's/name: [ISILON-CONFIG-PARAMS]/name: isilon-config-params/' | sed 's/namespace: [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE]/namespace: [CSM_NAMESPACE]/' | kubectl create -f -

kubectl get secret karavi-authorization-config proxy-server-root-certificate proxy-authz-tokens -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE]/namespace: [CSM_NAMESPACE]/' | sed 's/name: karavi-authorization-config/name: isilon-karavi-authorization-config/' | sed 's/name: proxy-server-root-certificate/name: isilon-proxy-server-root-certificate/' | sed 's/name: proxy-authz-tokens/name: isilon-proxy-authz-tokens/' | kubectl create -f -
  1. After the images have been made available and the Helm chart configuration is updated, follow the instructions within the Helm chart’s repository to complete the installation.


    • Optionally, you could provide your own configurations. A sample values.yaml file is located here.
      • The default values.yaml is configured to deploy the CSM for Observability Topology service on install.
      • If CSM for Authorization is enabled for CSI PowerScale, the karaviMetricsPowerscale.authorization parameters must be properly configured.
    helm install -n install-namespace app-name karavi-observability
    NAME: app-name
    LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Nov  6 08:48:13 2020
    NAMESPACE: install-namespace
    STATUS: deployed
    TEST SUITE: None