(Optional) Volume Snapshot Requirements

On Upstream Kubernetes clusters, ensure that to install

  • VolumeSnapshot CRDs - Install v1 VolumeSnapshot CRDs
  • External Volume Snapshot Controller

For detailed snapshot setup procedure, click here.

NOTE: This step can be skipped with OpenShift.

Installing CSI Driver via Operator

Refer PowerScale Driver to install the driver via Operator
Refer PowerFlex Driver to install the driver via Operator
Refer PowerMax Driver to install the driver via Operator
Refer PowerStore Driver to install the driver via Operator
Refer Unity XT Driver to install the driver via Operator

NOTE: If you are using an OLM based installation, example manifests are available in OperatorHub UI. You can edit these manifests and install the driver using the OperatorHub UI.

Verifying the driver installation

Once the driver Custom Resource (CR) is created, you can verify the installation as mentioned below

  • Check if ContainerStorageModule CR is created successfully using the command below:
    kubectl get csm/<name-of-custom-resource> -n <driver-namespace> -o yaml
  • Check the status of the CR to verify if the driver installation is in the Succeeded state. If the status is not Succeeded, see the Troubleshooting guide for more information.

Custom Resource Definitions

As part of the Dell CSM Operator installation, a CRD representing configuration for the CSI Driver and CSM Modules is also installed. containerstoragemodule CRD is installed in API Group storage.dell.com.

Drivers and modules can be installed by creating a customResource.

Custom Resource Specification

Each CSI Driver and CSM Module installation is represented by a Custom Resource.

The specification for the Custom Resource is the same for all the drivers.Below is a list of all the mandatory and optional fields in the Custom Resource specification

Mandatory fields

configVersion - Configuration version - refer here for appropriate config version.

replicas - Number of replicas for controller plugin - must be set to 1 for all drivers.

dnsPolicy - Determines the dnsPolicy for the node daemonset. Accepted values are Default, ClusterFirst, ClusterFirstWithHostNet, None.

common - This field is mandatory and is used to specify common properties for both controller and the node plugin.

  • image - driver container image
  • imagePullPolicy - Image Pull Policy of the driver image
  • envs - List of environment variables and their values

Optional fields

controller - List of environment variables and values which are applicable only for controller.

node - List of environment variables and values which are applicable only for node.

sideCars - Specification for CSI sidecar containers.

tlsCertSecret - Name of the TLS cert secret for use by the driver. If not specified, a secret *-certs must exist in the namespace as driver.

tolerations - List of tolerations which should be applied to the driver StatefulSet/Deployment and DaemonSet. It should be set separately in the controller and node sections if you want separate set of tolerations for them.

nodeSelector - Used to specify node selectors for the driver StatefulSet/Deployment and DaemonSet.

NOTE: The image field should point to the correct image tag for version of the driver you are installing.