Authorization v2.0

This section outlines the uninstallation steps for Container Storage Modules (CSM) for Authorization v2.

Delete all Authorization Custom Resources(CRs)

The commands below will delete a Tenant, Role, and Storage system. All CRs must be deleted before Authorization is uninstalled.

kubectl delete csmtenant [csmtenant-name] --namespace authorization
kubectl delete csmrole [csmrole-name] --namespace authorization
kubectl delete storage [storage-name] --namespace authorization

Uninstall the CSM for Authorization Helm Chart

The command below removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart.

helm uninstall authorization --namespace authorization

You may also want to delete the karavi-config-secret secret.

kubectl delete secret karavi-config-secret -n authorization

Uninstalling the sidecar-proxy in the CSI Driver

To uninstall the sidecar-proxy in the CSI Driver, uninstall the driver and reinstallthe driver using the original configuration secret.