Authorization v1.x

Upgrade CSM Authorization

This section outlines the upgrade steps for Container Storage Modules (CSM) for Authorization. The upgrade of CSM for Authorization is handled in 2 parts:

  1. Upgrading the Authorization proxy server
  2. Upgrading CSI Driver, Authorization sidecar with Authorization module enabled

Upgrading the Authorization Proxy Server

  1. Modifying the existing Authorization Proxy Server installation directly via kubectl edit

    kubectl get csm -n <module-namespace>

    For example - If the Authorization Proxy Server is installed in authorization namespace then run this command to get the object name

    kubectl get csm -n authorization

    use the object name in kubectl edit command.

    kubectl edit csm <object-name> -n <module-namespace>

    For example - If the object name is authorization then use the name as authorization and if the namespace is authorization, then run this command to edit the object

    kubectl edit csm authorization -n authorization
  2. Modify the installation

    • Update the CSM Authorization Proxy Server configVersion
    • Update the images for proxyService, tenantService, roleService and storageService

Upgrading CSI Driver, Authorization sidecar with Authorization module enabled

  1. Modifying the existing driver and module installation directly via kubectl edit

    kubectl get csm -n <driver-namespace>

    For example - If the CSI PowerFlex driver is installed in vxflexos namespace then run this command to get the object name

    kubectl get csm -n vxflexos

    use the object name in kubectl edit command.

    kubectl edit csm <object-name> -n <driver-namespace>

    For example - If the object name is vxflexos then use the name as vxflexos and if the driver is installed in vxflexos namespace, then run this command to edit the object

    kubectl edit csm vxflexos -n vxflexos
  2. Modify the installation

    • Update the driver config version and image tag
    • Update the Authorization config version and karavi-authorization-proxy image.


  • In Authorization module upgrade, only n-1 to n upgrade is supported, e.g. if the current authorization version is v1.8.x, it can be upgraded to 1.9.x.