Authorization v2.0

Installing Authorization v2.0 via Dell CSM Operator

Starting with Container Storage Module 1.12, all deployments will use images from by default. New release images will be available on Docker Hub until CSM 1.14 (May 2025), and existing releases will remain on Docker Hub.

Install CSM Authorization via Dell CSM Operator

The CSM Authorization module for supported Dell CSI Drivers can be installed via the Dell CSM Operator. To deploy the Operator, follow the instructions available here.


  1. Install Vault or configure an existing Vault.

  2. Execute kubectl create namespace authorization to create the authorization namespace (if not already present). Note that the namespace can be any user-defined name, in this example, we assume that the namespace is ‘authorization’.

  3. Install cert-manager CRDs

    kubectl apply --validate=false -f
  4. Prepare samples/authorization/config.yaml which contains the JWT signing secret. The following table lists the configuration parameters.

    Parameter Description Required Default
    web.jwtsigningsecret String used to sign JSON Web Tokens true secret


      jwtsigningsecret: randomString123

    After editing the file, run this command to create a secret called karavi-config-secret:

    kubectl create secret generic karavi-config-secret -n authorization --from-file=config.yaml=samples/authorization/config.yaml

    Use this command to replace or update the secret:

    kubectl create secret generic karavi-config-secret -n authorization --from-file=config.yaml=samples/authorization/config.yaml -o yaml --dry-run=client | kubectl replace -f -


  • If you are installing CSM Authorization in a different namespace than authorization, edit the namespace field in this file to your namespace.

Install CSM Authorization Proxy Server

  1. Follow all the prerequisites.

  2. Create a CR (Custom Resource) for Authorization from a sample manifest. This file can be modified to use custom parameters if needed.

  3. Users should configure the parameters in the CR. This table lists the primary configurable parameters of the Authorization Proxy Server and their default values:

    Parameter Description Required Default
    nginx This section configures the enablement of the NGINX Ingress Controller. - -
    enabled For Kubernetes Container Platform only: Enable/Disable deployment of the NGINX Ingress Controller. Set to false if you already have an Ingress Controller installed. No true
    cert-manager This section configures the enablement of cert-manager. - -
    enabled Enable/Disable deployment of cert-manager. Set to false if you already have cert-manager installed. No true
    authorization This section configures the CSM-Authorization components. - -
    certificate The base64-encoded certificate for the certificate/private-key to configure the proxy-service Ingress. Leave empty to use self-signed certificate. No -
    privateKey The base64-encoded private key for the certificate/private-key to configure the proxy-service Ingress. Leave empty to use self-signed certificate. No -
    hostname The hostname to configure the self-signed certificate (if applicable), and the proxy service Ingress. No
    proxyServerIngress.ingressClassName The ingressClassName of the proxy-service Ingress. Yes nginx
    proxyServerIngress.hosts Additional host rules to be applied to the proxy-service Ingress. No -
    proxyServerIngress.annotations Additional annotations for the proxy-service Ingress. No -

    Additional v2.0 Parameters:

    Parameter Description Required Default
    redis This section configures the Redis components. - -
    redisName The prefix of the redis pods. The number of pods is determined by the number of replicas. Yes redis-csm
    redisCommander The prefix of the redis commander pod. Yes rediscommander
    sentinel The prefix of the redis sentinel pods. The number of pods is determined by the number of replicas. Yes sentinel
    redisReplicas The number of replicas for the sentinel and redis pods. Yes 5
    storageclass The storage class for Redis to use for persistence. If not supplied, a locally provisioned volume is used. No -
    vault This section configures the vault components. - -
    vaultAddress The address where vault is hosted with the credentials to the array (<port>). Yes -
    vaultRole The configured authentication role in vault. Yes csm-authorization
    kvEnginePath The vault path where the credentials are stored. Yes secret
    certificate The base64-encoded certificate for the certificate/private-key pair to connect to Vault. Leave empty to use self-signed certificate. No -
    privateKey The base64-encoded private key for the certificate/private-key pair to connect to Vault. Leave empty to use self-signed certificate. No -
    certificateAuthority The base64-encoded certificate authority for validating the Vault server. No -


  • If you are installing CSM Authorization in a different namespace than authorization, edit the namespace fields in this file to your namespace.
  • If you specify storageclass, the storage class must NOT be provisioned by the Dell CSI Driver to be configured with this installation of CSM Authorization.

Optional: To enable reporting of trace data with Zipkin, use the csm-config-params configMap in the sample CR or dynamically by editing the configMap.

Add the Zipkin values to the configMap where ZIPKIN_ADDRESS is the IP address or hostname of the Zipkin server.

ZIPKIN_URI: "http://ZIPKIN_ADDRESS:9411/api/v2/spans"
  1. Execute this command to create the Authorization CR:

    kubectl create -f <SAMPLE FILE>


  • This command will deploy the Authorization Proxy Server in the namespace specified in the input YAML file.

Verify Installation of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server

Once the Authorization CR is created, you can verify the installation as mentioned below:

kubectl describe csm/<name-of-custom-resource> -n authorization

Install dellctl

Note: Karavictl will not work with Authorization v2.x. Please use dellctl instead.

Follow the instructions for Installing dellctl.

Configure the CSM Authorization Proxy Server

Follow the instructions available in CSM Authorization for Configuring the CSM Authorization Proxy Server.

Configure a Dell CSI Driver with CSM Authorization

Follow the instructions available in CSM Authorization for

Vault Server Installation

If there is already a Vault server available, skip to Minimum Server Configuration.

If there is no Vault server available to use with CSM Authorization, it can be installed in many ways following Hashicorp Vault documentation.

For testing environment, however, a simple deployment suggested in this section may suffice. It creates a standalone server with in-memory (non-persistent) storage, running in a Docker container.

NOTE: With in-memory storage, the data in Vault is permanently destroyed upon the server’s termination.

Generate TLS certificates for server and client

Create server CA private key and certificate:

openssl req -x509 -sha256 -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes \
	-subj "/CN=Vault Root CA" \
	-keyout server-ca.key \
	-out server-ca.crt

Create server private key and CSR:

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes \
	-subj "/CN=vault-demo-server" \
	-keyout server.key \
	-out server.csr

Create server certificate signed by the CA:

Replace <external IP> with an IP address by which CSM Authorization can reach the Vault server. This may be the address of the Docker host where the Vault server will be running.

cat > cert.ext <<EOF
subjectAltName = @alt_names
DNS.1 = vault-demo-server
IP.1 =
IP.2 = <external IP>

openssl x509 -req \
	-CA server-ca.crt -CAkey server-ca.key \
	-in server.csr \
	-out server.crt \
	-days 365 \
	-extfile cert.ext \

cat server-ca.crt >> server.crt

Create client CA private key and certificate:

openssl req -x509 -sha256 -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes \
	-subj "/CN=Client Root CA" \
	-keyout client-ca.key \
	-out client-ca.crt

Create client private key and CSR:

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes \
	-subj "/CN=vault-client" \
	-keyout client.key \
	-out client.csr

Create client certificate signed by the CA:

cat > cert.ext <<EOF
subjectAltName = @alt_names
DNS.1 = vault-client
IP.1 =

openssl x509 -req \
	-CA client-ca.crt -CAkey client-ca.key \
	-in client.csr \
	-out client.crt \
	-days 365 \
	-extfile cert.ext \

cat client-ca.crt >> client.crt

Create server hcl file

cat >server.hcl <<EOF
storage "inmem" {}

listener "tcp" {
	address = ""
	tls_disable = "false"
	tls_cipher_suites = "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384"
	tls_min_version = "tls12"
	tls_cert_file = "/var/vault/server.crt"
	tls_key_file  = "/var/vault/server.key"
	tls_client_ca_file = "/var/vault/client-ca.crt"
	tls_require_and_verify_client_cert = "true"

disable_mlock = true
api_addr = ""
ui = true

Start Vault Server

Variable CONF_DIR below refers to the directory containing files server.crt, server.key, client-ca.crt and server.hcl.


docker run --rm -d \
	--name="vault-server" \
	-p 8200:8200 -p 8400:8400 \
	-e VAULT_ADDR="" \
	sh -c 'vault server -dev -dev-listen-address -config=server.hcl'

Minimum Server Configuration

NOTE: this configuration is a bare minimum to support CSM Authorization and is not intended for use in production environment. Refer to the Hashicorp Vault documentation for recommended configuration options.

If a test instance of Vault is used, the vault commands below can be executed in the Vault server container shell. To enter the shell, run docker exec -it vault-server sh. After completing the configuration process, exit the shell by typing exit.

Alternatively, you can download the vault binary and run it anywhere. It will require two environment variables to communicate with the Vault server:

  • VAULT_ADDR - URL similar to You may need to change the address in the URL to the address of the Docker host where the server is running.
  • VAULT_TOKEN - Authentication token, e.g. the root token DemoRootToken used in the test instance of Vault.

Enable Key/Value secret engine

vault secrets enable -version=2 -path=csm-authorization/ kv

Key/Value secret engine is used to store array credentials.

Enable Kubernetes authentication

vault auth enable kubernetes

Configure Kubernetes authentication

vault write auth/kubernetes/config kubernetes_host="$KUBERNETES_HOST" kubernetes_ca_cert="$KUBERNETES_CA_CERT"

Create a policy

vault policy write csm-authorization - <<EOF
path "csm-authorization/*" {
	capabilities = ["read"]

The policy needs read access to the path(s) containing the storage credentials.

Create a role

vault write auth/kubernetes/role/csm-authorization \
	token_ttl=1h \
	token_max_ttl=1h \
	token_explicit_max_ttl=10d \
  bound_service_account_names=storage-service \
  bound_service_account_namespaces=authorization \

The role needs to be:

  • bound to the storage-service service account
  • bound to the namespace where CSM Authorization will be deployed
  • reference the policy that has read access to the storage credentials.

Write a secret

vault kv put -mount=csm-authorization /storage/powerflex/systemid1 username=user password=pass

The username must use the key username and the password must use the key password.

Token TTL Considerations

Effective client token TTL is determined by the Vault server based on multiple factors which are described in the Vault documentation.

With the default server settings, role level values control TTL in this way:

token_explicit_max_ttl=2h - limits the client token TTL to 2 hours since it was originally issues as a result of login. This is a hard limit.

token_ttl=30m - sets the default client token TTL to 30 minutes. 30 minutes are counted from the login time and from any following token renewal. The client token will only be able to renew 3 times before reaching it total allowed TTL of 2 hours.

Existing role values can be changed using vault write auth/kubernetes/role/csm-authorization token_ttl=30m token_explicit_max_ttl=2h.

Uninstall CSM Authorization

Delete all Authorization Custom Resources(CRs)

The commands below will delete a Tenant, Role, and Storage system. All CRs must be deleted before Authorization is uninstalled.

kubectl delete csmtenant [csmtenant-name] --namespace authorization
kubectl delete csmrole [csmrole-name] --namespace authorization
kubectl delete storage [storage-name] --namespace authorization

Uninstall the CSM Authorization Proxy Server

The command below removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the install.

kubectl delete csm/authorization --namespace authorization

Uninstalling the CSM Authorization sidecar in the CSI Driver

To uninstall the sidecar in the CSI Driver, update the driver CSM object to disable the authorization component.

kubectl edit csm/[driver-CR-name] --namespace [driver-namespace]