Authorization v2.0

Dell Technologies (Dell) Container Storage Modules (CSM) for Authorization Uninstallation

This section outlines the uninstallation steps for Container Storage Modules (CSM) for Authorization v2.

Delete all Authorization Custom Resources(CRs)

The commands below will delete a Tenant, Role, and Storage system. All CRs must be deleted before Authorization is uninstalled.

kubectl delete csmtenant [csmtenant-name] --namespace authorization
kubectl delete csmrole [csmrole-name] --namespace authorization
kubectl delete storage [storage-name] --namespace authorization

Uninstall the CSM for Authorization Helm Chart

The command below removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart.

helm uninstall authorization --namespace authorization

You may also want to delete the karavi-config-secret secret.

kubectl delete secret karavi-config-secret -n authorization

Uninstalling the sidecar-proxy in the CSI Driver

To uninstall the sidecar-proxy in the CSI Driver, uninstall the driver and reinstall the driver using the original configuration secret.

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