Use Cases

Use Cases

After Application Mobility is installed, the dellctl CLI can be used to register clusters and manage backups and restores of applications. These examples also provide references for using the Application Mobility Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) to define Custom Resources (CRs) as an alternative to using the dellctl CLI.

Backup and Restore an Application

This example details the steps when an application in namespace demo1 is being backed up and then later restored to either the same cluster or another cluster. In this sample, both Application Mobility and Velero are installed in the application-mobility namespace.

  1. If Velero is not installed in the default velero namespace and dellctl is being used, set this environment variable to the namespace where it is installed:

    export VELERO_NAMESPACE=application-mobility 
  2. On the source cluster, create a Backup by providing a name and the included namespace where the application is installed. The application and its data will be available in the object store bucket and can be restored at a later time.

    Using dellctl:

    dellctl backup create backup1 --include-namespaces demo1 --namespace application-mobility

    Using Backup Custom Resource:

    kind: Backup
      name: backup1
      namespace: application-mobility
      includedNamespaces: [demo1]
      datamover: Restic
      clones: []
  3. Monitor the backup status until it is marked as Completed.

    Using dellctl:

    dellctl backup get --namespace application-mobility

    Using kubectl:

    kubectl describe -n application-mobility
  4. If the Storage Class name on the target cluster is different than the Storage Class name on the source cluster where the backup was created, a mapping between source and target Storage Class names must be defined. See Changing PV/PVC Storage Classes.

  5. The application and its data can be restored on either the same cluster or another cluster by referring to the backup name and providing an optional mapping of the original namespace to the target namespace.

    Using dellctl:

    dellctl restore create restore1 --from-backup backup1 \
        --namespace-mappings "demo1:restorens1" --namespace application-mobility

    Using Restore Custom Resource:

    kind: Restore
      name: restore1
      namespace: application-mobility
      backupName: backup1
        "demo1" : "restorens1"
  6. Monitor the restore status until it is marked as Completed.

    Using dellctl:

    dellctl restore get --namespace application-mobility

    Using kubectl:

    kubectl describe -n application-mobility

Clone an Application

This example details the steps when an application in namespace demo1 is cloned from a source cluster to a target cluster in a single operation. In this sample, both Application Mobility and Velero are installed in the application-mobility namespace.

  1. If Velero is not installed in the default velero namespace and dellctl is being used, set this environment variable to the namespace where it is installed:

    export VELERO_NAMESPACE=application-mobility 
  2. Register the target cluster if using dellctl

    dellctl cluster add -n targetcluster -u <kube-system-namespace-uuid> -f ~/kubeconfigs/target-cluster-kubeconfig
  3. If the Storage Class name on the target cluster is different than the Storage Class name on the source cluster where the backup was created, a mapping between source and target Storage Class names must be defined. See Changing PV/PVC Storage Classes.

  4. Create a Backup by providing a name, the included namespace where the application is installed, and the target cluster and namespace mapping where the application will be restored.

    Using dellctl:

    dellctl backup create backup1 --include-namespaces demo1 --clones "targetcluster/demo1:restore-ns2" \
        --namespace application-mobility

    Using Backup Custom Resource:

    kind: Backup
      name: backup1
      namespace: application-mobility
      includedNamespaces: [demo1]
      datamover: Restic
        - namespaceMapping:
            "demo1": "restore-ns2" 
          restoreOnceAvailable: true
          targetCluster: targetcluster
  5. Monitor the restore status on the target cluster until it is marked as Completed.

    Using dellctl:

    dellctl restore get --namespace application-mobility

    Using kubectl:

    kubectl get -n application-mobility
    kubectl describe<restore-name> -n application-mobility

Changing PV/PVC Storage Classes

Create a ConfigMap on the target cluster in the same namespace where Application Mobility is installed. The data field must contain a mapping of source Storage Class name to target Storage Class name. See Velero’s documentation for Changing PV/PVC Storage Classes for additional details.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
    name: change-storage-class-config
    namespace: <application-mobility-namespace>
    labels: "" RestoreItemAction
    <source-storage-class-name>: <target-storage-class-name>

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