

Role data is stored in the common Config Map.

Steps to execute in the existing Authorization deployment

  1. Save the role data by saving the common configMap to a file.
kubectl -n <authorization-namespace> get configMap common -o yaml > roles.yaml

Steps to execute in the Authorization deployment to restore

  1. Delete the existing common configMap.
kubectl -n <authorization-namespace> delete configMap common
  1. Apply the file containing the backed-up role data.
kubectl apply -f roles.yaml
  1. Restart the proxy-server deployment.
kubectl -n <authorization-namespace> rollout restart deploy/proxy-server
deployment.apps/proxy-server restarted


Storage data is stored in the karavi-storage-secret Secret.

Steps to execute in the existing Authorization deployment

  1. Save the storage data by saving the karavi-storage-secret Secret to a file.

kubectl -n <authorization-namespace> get secret karavi-storage-secret -o yaml > storage.yaml

Steps to execute in the Authorization deployment to restore

  1. Delete the existing karavi-storage-secret secret.
kubectl -n <authorization-namespace> delete secret karavi-storage-secret
  1. Apply the file containing the storage data created in step 1.
kubectl apply -f storage.yaml
  1. Restart the proxy-server deployment.
kubectl -n <authorization-namespace> rollout restart deploy/proxy-server
deployment.apps/proxy-server restarted

Tenants, Quota, and Volume ownership

Redis is used to store application data regarding tenants, quota, and volume ownership with the Storage Class csm-authorization-local-storage or the one specified in the redis.storageClass parameter in the values file.

The Persistent Volume for Redis is provisioned by the above Storage Class with the redis-primary-pv-claim Persistent Volume Claim. See the example.

kubectl get persistentvolume
NAME                CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS     CLAIM                                      STORAGECLASS    REASON   AGE
k8s-ab74921ab9      8Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound      authorization/redis-primary-pv-claim       <storage-class>          112m

Steps to execute in the existing Authorization deployment

  1. Create a backup of this volume, typically via snapshot and/or replication, and create a Persistent Volume Claim using this backup by following the Storage Class’s provisioner documentation.

Steps to execute in the Authorization deployment to restore

  1. Edit the redis-primary Deployment to use the Persistent Volume Claim associated with the backup by running:
kubectl -n <authorization-namespace> edit deploy/redis-primary

The Deployment has a volumes field that should look like this:

- name: redis-primary-volume
    claimName: redis-primary-pv-claim

Replace the value of claimName with the name of the Persisent Volume Claim associated with the backup. If the new Persisent Volume Claim name is redis-backup, you would edit the deployment to look like this:

- name: redis-primary-volume
    claimName: redis-backup

Once saved, Redis will now use the backup volume.