
Dell Technologies (Dell) Container Storage Modules (CSM) for Authorization RPM deployment

The CSM Authorization RPM will be deprecated in a future release. It is highly recommended that you use CSM Authorization Helm deployment or CSM Operator going forward.

This section outlines the deployment steps for Container Storage Modules (CSM) for Authorization. The deployment of CSM for Authorization is handled in 2 parts:

  • Deploying the CSM for Authorization proxy server, to be controlled by storage administrators
  • Configuring one to many supported Dell CSI drivers with CSM for Authorization


The CSM for Authorization proxy server requires a Linux host with the following minimum resource allocations:

  • 32 GB of memory
  • 4 CPU
  • 200 GB local storage

The following package needs to be installed on the Linux host:

  • container-selinux

Use the appropriate package manager on the machine to install the package.

Using yum on CentOS/RedHat 7:

yum install -y container-selinux

Using yum on CentOS/RedHat 8:

yum install -y container-selinux

Dark Sites

For environments where the package manager yum is not available, ensure that you install a supported version of container-selinux package that is suitable for your Linux distribution.

Deploying the CSM Authorization Proxy Server

The first part of deploying CSM for Authorization is installing the proxy server. This activity and the administration of the proxy server will be owned by the storage administrator.

The CSM for Authorization proxy server is installed using a shell script after extracting from a tar archive.

If CSM for Authorization is being installed on a system where SELinux is enabled, you must ensure the proper SELinux policies have been installed.

Shell Script Installer

The easiest way to obtain the tar archive with the shell script installer is directly from the GitHub repository’s releases section.

Alternatively, the tar archive can be built from source by cloning the GitHub repository and using the following Makefile targets to build the installer:

make dist build-installer rpm package

The build-installer step creates a binary at karavi-authorization/bin/deploy and embeds all components required for installation. The rpm step generates an RPM package and stores it at karavi-authorization/deploy/rpm/x86_64/. The package step bundles the install script, authorization package, pre-downloaded K3s-SELinux packages, and policies folder together for the installation in the packages/ directory. This allows CSM for Authorization to be installed in network-restricted environments.

A Storage Administrator can execute the shell script, as a root user or via sudo.

Installing the RPM

  1. Before installing the rpm, some network and security configuration inputs need to be provided in json format. The json file should be created in the location $HOME/.karavi/config.json having the following contents:

      "web": {
        "jwtsigningsecret": "secret"
      "proxy": {
        "host": ":8080"
      "zipkin": {
        "collectoruri": "http://zipkin-addr:9411/api/v2/spans",
        "probability": 1
      "certificate": {
        "keyFile": "path_to_private_key_file",
        "crtFile": "path_to_host_cert_file",
        "rootCertificate": "path_to_root_CA_file"
      "hostname": "DNS-hostname"

    In an instance where a secure deployment is not required, an insecure deployment is possible. Please note that self-signed certificates will be created for you using cert-manager to allow TLS encryption for communication on the CSM for Authorization proxy server. However, this is not recommended for production environments. For an insecure deployment, the json file in the location $HOME/.karavi/config.json only requires the following contents:

      "hostname": "DNS-hostname"


  • DNS-hostname refers to the hostname of the system in which the CSM for Authorization server will be installed. This hostname can be found by running nslookup <IP_address>
  • There are a number of ways to create certificates. In a production environment, certificates are usually created and managed by an IT administrator. Otherwise, certificates can be created using OpenSSL.
  1. To install the rpm package on the system, you must first extract the contents of the tar file with the command:

    tar -xvf karavi_authorization_<version>
  2. Afterwards, you must enter the extracted folder’s directory and run the shell script:

    cd karavi_authorization_<version>

    As an option, on version 1.6.0, the Nodeports for the ingress controller can be specified:

    sh --traefik_web_port <web port number> --traefik_websecure_port <websecure port number>


    sh --traefik_web_port 30001 --traefik_websecure_port 30002
  3. After installation, application data will be stored on the system under /var/lib/rancher/k3s/storage/.

If errors occur during installation, review the Troubleshooting section.

Configuring the CSM for Authorization Proxy Server

The first part of CSM for Authorization deployment is to configure the proxy server. This is controlled by the Storage Administrator.

Please follow the steps outlined in the proxy server configuration.

Configuring a Dell CSI Driver with CSM for Authorization

The second part of CSM for Authorization deployment is to configure one or more of the supported CSI drivers. This is controlled by the Kubernetes tenant administrator.

Please follow the steps outlined in PowerFlex, PowerMax, or PowerScale to configure the CSI Driver to work with the Authorization sidecar.

Updating CSM for Authorization Proxy Server Configuration

CSM for Authorization has a subset of configuration parameters that can be updated dynamically:

Parameter Type Default Description
web.jwtsigningsecret String “secret” The secret used to sign JWT tokens

Updating configuration parameters can be done by editing the karavi-config-secret on the CSM for the Authorization Server. The secret can be queried using k3s and kubectl like so:

k3s kubectl -n karavi get secret/karavi-config-secret

To update or add parameters, you must edit the base64 encoded data in the secret. The karavi-config-secret data can be decoded like so:

k3s kubectl -n karavi get secret/karavi-config-secret -o yaml | grep config.yaml | head -n 1 | awk '{print $2}' | base64 -d

Save the output to a file or copy it to an editor to make changes. Once you are done with the changes, you must encode the data to base64. If your changes are in a file, you can encode it like so:

cat <file> | base64

Copy the new, encoded data and edit the karavi-config-secret with the new data. Run this command to edit the secret:

k3s kubectl -n karavi edit secret/karavi-config-secret

Replace the data in config.yaml under the data field with your new, encoded data. Save the changes and CSM for Authorization will read the changed secret.

Note: If you are updating the signing secret, the tenants need to be updated with new tokens via the karavictl generate token command like so. The --insecure flag is required if certificates were not provided in $HOME/.karavi/config.json

karavictl generate token --tenant $TenantName --insecure --addr DNS-hostname | sed -e 's/"Token": //' -e 's/[{}"]//g' -e 's/\\n/\n/g' | kubectl -n $namespace apply -f -

CSM for Authorization Proxy Server Dynamic Configuration Settings

Some settings are not stored in the karavi-config-secret but in the csm-config-params ConfigMap, such as LOG_LEVEL and LOG_FORMAT. To update the CSM for Authorization logging settings during runtime, run the below command on the K3s cluster, make your changes, and save the updated configmap data.

k3s kubectl -n karavi edit configmap/csm-config-params

This edit will not update the logging level for the sidecar-proxy containers running in the CSI Driver pods. To update the sidecar-proxy logging levels, you must update the associated CSI Driver ConfigMap in a similar fashion:

kubectl -n [CSM_CSI_DRVIER_NAMESPACE] edit configmap/<release_name>-config-params

Using PowerFlex as an example, kubectl -n vxflexos edit configmap/vxflexos-config-params can be used to update the logging level of the sidecar-proxy and the driver.