Unity XT

The Dell CSI Operator is no longer actively maintained or supported. Dell CSI Operator has been replaced with Dell CSM Operator. If you are currently using Dell CSI Operator, refer to the operator migration documentation to migrate from Dell CSI Operator to Dell CSM Operator.

CSI Driver for Unity XT


Create secret to store Unity XT credentials

Create a namespace called unity (it can be any user-defined name; But commands in this section assumes that the namespace is unity) Prepare the secret.yaml for driver configuration. The following table lists driver configuration parameters for multiple storage arrays.

Parameter Description Required Default
username Username for accessing Unity XT system true -
password Password for accessing Unity XT system true -
endpoint REST API gateway HTTPS endpoint Unity XT system true -
arrayId ArrayID for Unity XT system true -
isDefault An array having isDefault=true is for backward compatibility. This parameter should occur once in the list. true -
skipCertificateValidation Determines if the driver is going to validate unisphere certs while connecting to the Unisphere REST API interface true true

Ex: secret.yaml

    - arrayId: "APM00******1"
      username: "user"
      password: "password"
      endpoint: ""
      skipCertificateValidation: true
      isDefault: true
    - arrayId: "APM00******2"
      username: "user"
      password: "password"
      endpoint: ""
      skipCertificateValidation: true

kubectl create secret generic unity-creds -n unity --from-file=config=secret.yaml

Use the following command to replace or update the secret

kubectl create secret generic unity-creds -n unity --from-file=config=secret.yaml -o yaml --dry-run | kubectl replace -f -

Note: The user needs to validate the YAML syntax and array related key/values while replacing the unity-creds secret. The driver will continue to use previous values in case of an error found in the YAML file.

Create secret for client side TLS verification

Please refer detailed documentation on how to create this secret here

If certificate validation is skipped, empty secret must be created. To create an empty secret. Ex: empty-secret.yaml

  apiVersion: v1
  kind: Secret
    name: unity-certs-0
    namespace: unity
  type: Opaque
    cert-0: ""

Execute command: kubectl create -f empty-secret.yaml

Modify/Set the following optional environment variables

Users should configure the parameters in CR. The following table lists the primary configurable parameters of the Unity driver and their default values:

Parameter Description Required Default
Common parameters for node and controller
CSI_ENDPOINT Specifies the HTTP endpoint for Unity XT. No /var/run/csi/csi.sock
X_CSI_UNITY_ALLOW_MULTI_POD_ACCESS Flag to enable multiple pods use same pvc on same node with RWO access mode No false
Controller parameters
X_CSI_MODE Driver starting mode No controller
X_CSI_UNITY_AUTOPROBE To enable auto probing for driver No true
X_CSI_HEALTH_MONITOR_ENABLED Enable/Disable health monitor of CSI volumes from Controller plugin No
Node parameters
X_CSI_MODE Driver starting mode No node
X_CSI_ISCSI_CHROOT Path to which the driver will chroot before running any iscsi commands No /noderoot
X_CSI_HEALTH_MONITOR_ENABLED Enable/Disable health monitor of CSI volumes from Node plugin No

Example CR for Unity XT

Refer samples from here. Below is an example CR:

apiVersion: storage.dell.com/v1
kind: CSIUnity
  name: unity
  namespace: unity
    configVersion: v2.7.0
    replicas: 2
    dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet
    forceUpdate: false
      image: "dellemc/csi-unity:v2.7.0"
      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      - name: provisioner
        args: ["--volume-name-prefix=csiunity","--default-fstype=ext4"]
      - name: snapshotter
        args: ["--snapshot-name-prefix=csiunitysnap"]
      # Enable/Disable health monitor of CSI volumes from node plugin. Provides details of volume usage.
      # - name: external-health-monitor
      #   args: ["--monitor-interval=60s"]  

          # X_CSI_HEALTH_MONITOR_ENABLED: Enable/Disable health monitor  of CSI volumes from Controller plugin - volume condition.
          # Install the 'external-health-monitor' sidecar accordingly.
          # Allowed values:
          #   true: enable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
          #   false: disable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
          # Default value: false
            value: "false"

       # nodeSelector: Define node selection constraints for controller pods.
       # For the pod to be eligible to run on a node, the node must have each
       # of the indicated key-value pairs as labels.
       # Leave as blank to consider all nodes
       # Allowed values: map of key-value pairs
       # Default value: None
       # Uncomment if nodes you wish to use have the node-role.kubernetes. io/control-plane taint
       #  node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane: ""

       # tolerations: Define tolerations for the controllers, if required.
       # Leave as blank to install controller on worker nodes
       # Default value: None
       # Uncomment if nodes you wish to use have the node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane taint
       #  - key: "node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane"
       #    operator: "Exists"
       #    effect: "NoSchedule"

          # X_CSI_HEALTH_MONITOR_ENABLED: Enable/Disable health monitor of CSI volumes from node plugin - volume usage
          # Allowed values:
          #   true: enable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
          #   false: disable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
          # Default value: false
            value: "false"
       # nodeSelector: Define node selection constraints for node pods.
       # For the pod to be eligible to run on a node, the node must have each
       # of the indicated key-value pairs as labels.
       # Leave as blank to consider all nodes
       # Allowed values: map of key-value pairs
       # Default value: None
       # Uncomment if nodes you wish to use have the node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane taint
       #  node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane: ""

       # tolerations: Define tolerations for the node daemonset, if required.
       # Default value: None
       # Uncomment if nodes you wish to use have the node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane taint
       #  - key: "node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane"
       #    operator: "Exists"
       #    effect: "NoSchedule"
       #  - key: "node.kubernetes.io/memory-pressure"
       #    operator: "Exists"
       #    effect: "NoExecute"
       #  - key: "node.kubernetes.io/disk-pressure"
       #    operator: "Exists"
       #    effect: "NoExecute"
       #  - key: "node.kubernetes.io/network-unavailable"
       #    operator: "Exists"
       #    effect: "NoExecute"

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: unity-config-params
  namespace: unity
  driver-config-params.yaml: |
    CSI_LOG_LEVEL: "info"
    TENANT_NAME: ""    

Dynamic Logging Configuration

Operator based installation

As part of driver installation, a ConfigMap with the name unity-config-params is created using the manifest located in the sample file. This ConfigMap contains an attribute CSI_LOG_LEVEL which specifies the current log level of the CSI driver. To set the default/initial log level user can set this field during driver installation.

To update the log level dynamically user has to edit the ConfigMap unity-config-params and update CSI_LOG_LEVEL to the desired log level.

kubectl edit configmap -n unity unity-config-params

Note :

  1. The log level is not allowed to be updated dynamically through logLevel attribute in the secret object.
  2. “Kubelet config dir path” is not yet configurable in case of Operator based driver installation.
  3. Also, snapshotter and resizer sidecars are not optional to choose, it comes default with Driver installation.

Volume Health Monitoring

Operator based installation

Volume Health Monitoring feature is optional and by default this feature is disabled for drivers when installed via operator. To enable this feature, add the below block to the driver manifest before installing the driver. This ensures to install external health monitor sidecar. To get the volume health state value under controller should be set to true as seen below. To get the volume stats value under node should be set to true.

      # Uncomment the following to install 'external-health-monitor' sidecar to enable health monitor of CSI volumes from Controller plugin.
      # Also set the env variable controller.envs.X_CSI_ENABLE_VOL_HEALTH_MONITOR  to "true".
      # - name: external-health-monitor
      #   args: ["--monitor-interval=60s"]

        # X_CSI_HEALTH_MONITOR_ENABLED: Enable/Disable health monitor of CSI volumes from Controller plugin- volume status, volume condition.
        # Install the 'external-health-monitor' sidecar accordingly.
        # Allowed values:
        #   true: enable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
        #   false: disable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
        # Default value: false
          value: "false"

        # X_CSI_HEALTH_MONITOR_ENABLED: Enable/Disable health monitor of CSI volumes from node plugin - volume usage
        # Allowed values:
        #   true: enable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
        #   false: disable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
        # Default value: false
          value: "false"