
You can upgrade the CSI Driver for Dell PowerScale using Helm or Dell CSI Operator.

Upgrade Driver from version 2.6.1 to 2.7.0 using Helm

Note: While upgrading the driver via helm, controllerCount variable in myvalues.yaml can be at most one less than the number of worker nodes.


  1. Clone the repository using git clone -b v2.7.0 https://github.com/dell/csi-powerscale.git, copy the helm/csi-isilon/values.yaml into a new location with a custom name say my-isilon-settings.yaml, to customize settings for installation. Edit my-isilon-settings.yaml as per the requirements.

  2. Change to directory dell-csi-helm-installer to install the Dell PowerScale cd dell-csi-helm-installer

  3. Upgrade the CSI Driver for Dell PowerScale using following command:

    ./csi-install.sh --namespace isilon --values ./my-isilon-settings.yaml --upgrade

Upgrade using Dell CSI Operator:


  1. While upgrading the driver via operator, replicas count in sample CR yaml can be at most one less than the number of worker nodes.
  2. Upgrading the Operator does not upgrade the CSI Driver.

To upgrade the driver:

  1. Please upgrade the Dell CSI Operator by following here.
  2. Once the operator is upgraded, to upgrade the driver, refer here.