apex_navigator_block_volumes (Data Source)

This Terraform Datasource is used to query existing volumes on Apex Navigator.

Example Usage

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Licensed under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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data "apex_navigator_block_volumes" "example" {}

output "examples_volumes" {
  value = data.apex_navigator_block_volumes.example

# data "apex_navigator_block_volumes" "example" {
#   filter {
#     ids = ["volume-id"] 
#   }
# }

# output "examples_volumes" {
#   value = data.apex_navigator_block_volumes.example
# }




Nested Schema for filter


  • ids (Set of String) Filter by ids

Nested Schema for volumes


  • allocated_size (Number) The allocated size of the volume - Unit: bytes
  • bandwidth (Number) The bandwidth consumed by the volume. Aggregated for a rolling average over the last 24 hours - Unit: bytes/s
  • consistency_group_name (String) Consistency group name of the volume.
  • data_reduction_percent (Number) The data reduction percent for the volume.
  • data_reduction_ratio (Number) The data reduction ratio for the volume.
  • data_reduction_saved_size (Number) The data reduction capacity saved for the volume - Unit: bytes
  • id (String) Identifier of the volume
  • io_limit_policy_name (String) The IO limit policy name for the volume.
  • iops (Number) The IOPS for the volume. Aggregated for a rolling average over the last 24 hours - Unit: IO/s
  • is_compressed_or_deduped (String) Identifies whether the volume is compressed or deduplicated.
  • is_thin_enabled (Boolean) Identifies whether the volume has thin provisioning enabled.
  • issue_count (Number) Number of health issues that are present on the volume.
  • latency (Number) The latency for the volume. Aggregated for a rolling average over the last 24 hours - Unit: microseconds
  • logical_size (Number) The logical size for the volume - Unit: bytes
  • name (String) The name of the volume.
  • native_id (String) Identifier of the volume, defined by the system.
  • pool_id (String) The pool identifier for the volume.
  • pool_name (String) The pool name for the volume.
  • pool_type (String) Type of the pool.
  • snap_shot_count (Number) The snapshot count for the volume.
  • snap_shot_policy (String) The snapshot policy for the volume.
  • snap_shot_size (Number) The snapshot size for the volume - Unit: bytes
  • storage_resource_id (String) The storage resource identifier for the volume.
  • storage_resource_native_id (String) The storage resource native identifier for the volume.
  • system_id (String) Unique identifier for the device or appliance.
  • system_model (String) The model of the system.
  • system_name (String) Name of the system for the volume.
  • system_type (String) Type of the system for the volume
  • total_size (Number) The total provisioned size of the volume - Unit: bytes
  • type (String) Type of the volume, which is either LUN or VOLUME.
  • used_size (Number) The used size of the volume - Unit: bytes
  • used_size_unique (Number) The unique used size of the volume - Unit: bytes