powerscale_namespace_acl (Data Source)

This datasource is used to query the Namespace ACL from PowerScale array. The information fetched from this datasource can be used for getting the details or for further processing in resource block. You can use Namespace ACL to manage the access control list for a namespace.

Example Usage

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# This Terraform DataSource is used to query the details of the Namespace ACL from PowerScale array.

# Returns the PowerScale Namespace ACL on PowerScale array
data "powerscale_namespace_acl" "example" {
  # Note: namespace must be specified
  filter {
    namespace = "ifs/example"
    nsaccess  = true

# Output value of above block by executing 'terraform output' command
# You can use the the fetched information by the variable data.powerscale_namespace_acl.example
output "powerscale_namespace_acl_example" {
  value = data.powerscale_namespace_acl.example




  • acl (Attributes List) Array effective configuration of the JSON array of access rights. (see below for nested schema)
  • authoritative (String) If the directory has access rights set, then this field is returned as acl. If the directory has POSIX permissions set, then this field is returned as mode.
  • group (Attributes) Provides the JSON object for the group persona of the owner. (see below for nested schema)
  • mode (String) Provides the POSIX mode.
  • owner (Attributes) Provides the JSON object for the group persona of the owner. (see below for nested schema)

Nested Schema for filter


  • namespace (String) Indicate the namespace to set/get acl.


  • nsaccess (Boolean) Indicates that the operation is on the access point instead of the store path.

Nested Schema for acl


  • accessrights (List of String) Specifies the access control permissions for a specific user or group.
  • accesstype (String) Grants or denies access control permissions.
  • inherit_flags (List of String) Grants or denies access control permissions.
  • op (String) Operations for updating access control permissions. Unnecessary for access right replacing scenario
  • trustee (Attributes) Provides the JSON object for the group persona of the owner. (see below for nested schema)

Nested Schema for acl.trustee


  • id (String) Specifies the serialized form of a persona, which can be ‘UID:0’ or ‘GID:0’
  • name (String) Specifies the persona name, which must be combined with a type.
  • type (String) Specifies the type of persona, which must be combined with a name.

Nested Schema for group


  • id (String) Specifies the serialized form of a persona, which can be ‘GID:0’
  • name (String) Specifies the persona name, which must be combined with a type.
  • type (String) Specifies the type of persona, which must be combined with a name.

Nested Schema for owner


  • id (String) Specifies the serialized form of a persona, which can be ‘UID:0’
  • name (String) Specifies the persona name, which must be combined with a type.
  • type (String) Specifies the type of persona, which must be combined with a name.