powerscale_synciq_peer_certificate (Data Source)

This datasource is used to query the existing SyncIQ Peer Certificates from PowerScale array. The information fetched from this datasource can be used for getting the details or for further processing in resource block.

Example Usage

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# PowerScale SyncIQ Certificate allows you to get a list of SyncIQ Peer Certificates or a peer certificate by its ID.

# Returns a list of PowerScale SyncIQ Certificates
data "powerscale_synciq_peer_certificate" "all_certificates" {

# Returns a the PowerScale SyncIQ Certificate with given ID
data "powerscale_synciq_peer_certificate" "one_certificate" {
  id = "g23j9a1f83h12n5j4"

# Returns the PowerScale SyncIQ Certificate with given name
data "powerscale_synciq_peer_certificate" "one_certificate_by_name" {
  filter {
    name = "tfaccTest"

# Output value of above block by executing 'terraform output' command.
# The user can use the fetched information by the variable data.powerscale_synciq_peer_certificate.all_certificates.certificates
output "powerscale_synciq_all_certificates" {
  value = data.powerscale_synciq_peer_certificate.all_certificates.certificates

# The user can use the fetched certificate by ID by the variable data.powerscale_synciq_peer_certificate.one_certificate.certificates[0]
output "certificateByID" {
  value = data.powerscale_synciq_peer_certificate.one_certificate.certificates[0]

# The user can use the fetched certificate by name by the variable data.powerscale_synciq_peer_certificate.one_certificate_by_name.certificates[0]
output "certificateByName" {
  value = data.powerscale_synciq_peer_certificate.one_certificate_by_name.certificates[0]

# Get syncIQ certificate by status
# Step 1: We shall use the datasource to get all the certificates as shown above
# Step 2: We index them by status
output "certificatesByStatus" {
  value = {
    "valid"    = [for certificate in data.powerscale_synciq_peer_certificate.all_certificates.certificates : certificate if certificate.status == "valid"]
    "invalid"  = [for certificate in data.powerscale_synciq_peer_certificate.all_certificates.certificates : certificate if certificate.status == "invalid"]
    "expired"  = [for certificate in data.powerscale_synciq_peer_certificate.all_certificates.certificates : certificate if certificate.status == "expired"]
    "expiring" = [for certificate in data.powerscale_synciq_peer_certificate.all_certificates.certificates : certificate if certificate.status == "expiring"]

# After the successful execution of above said block, We can see the output value by executing 'terraform output' command.



  • filter (Block, Optional) Filters for fetching SyncIQ Peer Certificate. (see below for nested schema)
  • id (String) ID of the SyncIQ Peer Certificate to be fetched. If not provided, all the certificates will be fetched.


Nested Schema for filter


  • name (String) Name of the SyncIQ Peer Certificate to be fetched.

Nested Schema for certificates


  • description (String) Description field associated with a certificate provided for administrative convenience.
  • fingerprints (Attributes List) A list of zero or more certificate fingerprints which can be used for certificate identification. (see below for nested schema)
  • id (String) Unique server certificate identifier.
  • issuer (String) Certificate issuer field extracted from the certificate.
  • name (String) Administrator specified name identifier.
  • not_after (Number) Certificate notAfter field extracted from the certificate encoded as a UNIX epoch timestamp. The certificate is not valid after this timestamp.
  • not_before (Number) Certificate notBefore field extracted from the certificate encoded as a UNIX epoch timestamp. The certificate is not valid before this timestamp.
  • status (String) Certificate validity status
  • subject (String) Certificate subject field extracted from the certificate.

Nested Schema for certificates.fingerprints


  • type (String) Fingerprint hash algorithm
  • value (String) Fingerprint value