Secure Erase

Redfish iDRAC Secure Erase Terraform module

Terraform module which runs ISE (Instant Scramble Erase) on physical disks managed by a Dell iDRAC.

This module is a wrapper around On create, the module fetches this script and uses it to check if the devices support ISE and fails if not. On destroy, it uses this script to run ISE on all the disks. The script, in turn, uses HTTPS Redfish API of the iDRAC.

~> Note: Atleast one of controller_names, controller_ids and pdisk_fqdds is required.

~> Note: pdisk_fqdds cannot be specified along with controller_names or controller_ids but controller_names and controller_ids can be specified together.


Name Version
iDRAC >= 9.0
Firmware >= 5.0, <= 7.0
Python >= 3.6


See examples directory for working examples to reference:

module "secure_erase" {
    source = "./"

    hostname = ""
    username = "admin"
    password = "passw0rd"
    ssl_verify = false

    # exactly 1 among pdisk_fqdds, controller_ids and controller_names must be set
    pdisk_fqdds = [
    # controller_ids = ["RAID.Mezzanine.1-1"]
    # controller_names = ["PERC H730P Mini"]



Name Version
terraform >= 1.5
local >= 2.4.1
random >= 3.6.0
redfish >= 1.2.0


Name Version
random >= 3.6.0
redfish >= 1.2.0
terraform n/a


No modules.


Name Type
random_id.dir resource
terraform_data.git_repo resource
terraform_data.sec_erase resource data source


Name Description Type Default Required
controller_ids List of storage controller IDs to run secure erase on. Conflicts with pdisk_fqdds. list(string) null no
controller_names List of storage controller names to run secure erase on. Conflicts with pdisk_fqdds. list(string) null no
hostname Hostname or IP of the iDRAC. string n/a yes
password Password of the iDRAC. string n/a yes
pdisk_fqdds List of disk FQDDs to run secure erase on. Must be specified if controller_names and controller_ids are not specified. Conflicts with controller_names and controller_ids. list(string) null no
python3_path Path to python3 executable. string "/usr/bin/python3" no
ssl_verify Whether to verify SSL certificate, default is true. bool true no
username Username of the iDRAC. string n/a yes
working_directory Working directory for this module. The module will manage a temporary directory here, so this directory should have write permissions. Defaults to the root module directory. string null no


Name Description
physical_disk_fqdds List of physical disk FQDDs on which secure erase would be run.
temp_dir Temporary directory used by this module.