Windows SDC

SDC Host Module

This Terraform module installs the SDC package on a remote Windows host using the powerflex_sdc_host resource. It downloads the package either on local machine or remote (Windows) machine and deploys on Windows.

Example inputs


    user = "root"
    private_key = ""
    certificate = ""
    password = "password"


sdc_pkg = {
    url = ""
    local_pkg = ""
    local_dir = "/tmp"
    pkg_name = ""
    remote_pkg_name = ""
    remote_dir = "/tmp"
    use_remote_path = true

powerflex_config = {
    username = "admin"
    endpoint = ""
    password = "Password" 


Name Version
powerflex >=1.6.0


No providers.


Name Source Version
sdc_host_win ../../modules/sdc_host_win n/a


No resources.


Name Description Type Default Required
ip Stores the IP address of the remote Windows host. string n/a yes
mdm_ips all the mdms (either primary,secondary or virtual ips) in a comma separated list by cluster if unset will use the mdms of the cluster set in the provider block eg. [‘,’, ‘,’] list(string) [] no
powerflex_config Stores the configuration for terraform PowerFlex provider.
# Define the attributes of the configuration for terraform PowerFlex provider.
username = string
endpoint = string
password = string
n/a yes
remote_host Stores the credentials for connecting to the remote Windows host.
# Define the user attribute of the remote variable.
user = string
password = string
n/a yes
sdc_pkg configuration for SDC package like url to download package from, copy as local package or at directory on remote server.
# examples “", “ftp://username:password@ftpserver/path/to/file”
url = string
# the name of the SDC package saved in local directory.
pkg_name = string
# the local directory where the SDC package will be downloaded.
local_dir = string
# download and use the SDC package on remote machine path (where SDC is going to be deployed)
use_remote_path = bool
n/a yes


No outputs.