Apex Block for vSphere module Guide
vSphere OVA Powerflex Manager Installation Guide
This configuration will be broken into 3 steps, each step will have either a configuration or README with manual steps the user needs to do.
Step 1 Deploy EXSi OVAs
- Use the vsphere-ova-vm-deployment module to deploy all 4 VMs, the 3 nodes and the installer VM. These VMs can be found on the dell support site here: https://www.dell.com/support/home/en-us/product-support/product/scaleio/drivers
Step 2 Setup VM interfaces
Import the Entrust root certificate to the Vmware vCenter certificate store: https://www.dell.com/support/manuals/en-us/scaleio/pfx_p_software-install-upgrade-46x/add-entrust-root-certificate-to-the-vmware-vcenter-certificate-store?guid=guid-e9b530a7-2ac7-4e00-89cb-70a681a70c2a&lang=en-us . Note: this only needs to be preformed once. If using the same vCenter for multiple clusters this step only needs to be preformed one time.
Follow these steps to set the IP addresses on all 4 of the VMs you deployed in step 1: https://www.dell.com/support/manuals/en-us/scaleio/pfx_p_software-install-upgrade-46x/configure-the-powerflex-management-platform-installer-networking-interface?guid=guid-2e62d072-8286-4313-96cd-6a6203029991&lang=en-us
Set the property values for the PFMP_Config.json. This will be the IPAddress/Hostnames of your 3 nodes as well as information about the IPs needed for your management UI. For more information check out this: https://www.dell.com/support/manuals/en-us/scaleio/pfx_p_software-install-upgrade-46x/deploy-the-powerflex-management-platform-cluster?guid=guid-8ad88b8b-2ab7-4c46-a077-512749a059d2&lang=en-us. Note: you do not need to do the steps in the above KB articial just set the PFMP_Config.json with the values as described. An example of this JSON file is in the examples/vsphere_pfmp_installation/PFMP_Config.json
Step 3 Install the Powerflex Manager
- Use the vsphere_pfmp_installation module to install the Powerflex Manager