powermax_storagegroup (Data Source)

Data Source for reading StorageGroups in PowerMax array

Example Usage

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data "powermax_storagegroup" "test" {
  filter {
    names = ["esa_sg572"]

output "storagegroup_data" {
  value = data.powermax_storagegroup.test

data "powermax_storagegroup" "testall" {

output "storagegroup_data_all" {
  value = data.powermax_storagegroup.testall




  • id (String) Placeholder value to run tests
  • storage_groups (Attributes List) List of storage group attributes (see below for nested schema)

Nested Schema for filter


  • names (Set of String)

Nested Schema for storage_groups


  • cap_gb (Number) The capacity of the storage group
  • child_storage_group (List of String) The child storage group(s) associated with the storage group
  • compression (Boolean) States whether compression is enabled on storage group
  • compression_ratio (String) States whether compression is enabled on storage group
  • compression_ratio_to_one (Number) Compression ratio numeric value of the storage group
  • device_emulation (String) The emulation of the volumes in the storage group
  • host_io_limit (Object) Host IO limit of the storage group (see below for nested schema)
  • id (String) The ID of the storage group
  • maskingview (List of String) The masking views associated with the storage group
  • name (String) The name of the storage group
  • num_of_child_sgs (Number) The number of child storage groups associated with the storage group
  • num_of_masking_views (Number) The number of masking views associated with the storage group
  • num_of_parent_sgs (Number) The number of parent storage groups associated with the storage group
  • num_of_snapshot_policies (Number) The number of snapshot policies associated with the storage group
  • num_of_snapshots (Number) The number of snapshots associated with the storage group
  • num_of_vols (Number) The number of volumes associated with the storage group
  • parent_storage_group (List of String) The parent storage group(s) associated with the storage group
  • service_level (String) The service level associated with the storage group
  • slo (String) The service level associated with the storage group
  • slo_compliance (String) The service level compliance status of the storage group
  • snapshot_policies (List of String) The snapshot policies associated with the storage group
  • srp_id (String) The SRP to be associated with the Storage Group. An existing SRP or ’none’ must be specified
  • tags (String) The tags associated with the storage group
  • type (String) The storage group type
  • unprotected (Boolean) States whether the storage group is protected
  • unreducible_data_gb (Number) The amount of unreducible data in Gb.
  • uuid (String) Storage Group UUID
  • volume_ids (List of String) The IDs of the volume associated with the storage group.
  • vp_saved_percent (Number) VP saved percentage figure
  • workload (String) The workload associated with the storage group

Nested Schema for storage_groups.host_io_limit


  • dynamic_distribution (String)
  • host_io_limit_io_sec (String)
  • host_io_limit_mb_sec (String)