ome_configuration_baseline (Resource)

Resource for managing configuration baselines on OpenManage Enterprise.

Note: Exactly one of ref_template_name and ref_template_id and exactly one of device_ids and device_servicetags are required.

Note: When schedule is true, following parameters are considered: notify_on_schedule, cron, email_addresses, output_format.

Note: Updates are supported for all the parameters.

Example Usage

# Manage baseline using Device Servicetags
resource "ome_configuration_baseline" "baseline_name" {
  baseline_name      = "Baseline Name"
  device_servicetags = ["MXL1234", "MXL1235"]

# Create Baseline using device ids
resource "ome_configuration_baseline" "baseline1" {
  baseline_name   = "baseline1"
  ref_template_id = 745
  device_ids      = [10001, 10002]
  description     = "baseline description"

# Create Baseline using device servicetag with daily notification scheduled 
resource "ome_configuration_baseline" "baseline2" {
  baseline_name      = "baseline2"
  ref_template_id    = 745
  device_servicetags = ["MXL1234", "MXL1235"]
  description        = "baseline description"
  schedule           = true
  notify_on_schedule = true
  email_addresses    = [""]
  cron               = "0 30 11 * * ? *"
  output_format      = "csv"

# Create Baseline using device ids with daily notification on status changing to non-compliant 
resource "ome_configuration_baseline" "baseline3" {
  baseline_name   = "baseline3"
  ref_template_id = 745
  device_ids      = [10001, 10002]
  description     = "baseline description"
  schedule        = true
  email_addresses = [""]
  output_format   = "pdf"



  • baseline_name (String) Name of the Baseline.


  • cron (String) Cron expression for notification schedule. Can be set only when both schedule and notify_on_schedule are set to true.
  • description (String) Description of the baseline.
  • device_ids (Set of Number) List of the device id on which the baseline compliance needs to be run. Conflicts with device_servicetags.
  • device_servicetags (Set of String) List of the device servicetag on which the baseline compliance needs to be run. Conflicts with device_ids.
  • email_addresses (Set of String) Email addresses for notification. Can be set only when schedule is true.
  • job_retry_count (Number) Number of times the job has to be polled to get the final status of the resource. Default value is 30.
  • notify_on_schedule (Boolean) Schedule notification via cron or any time the baseline becomes non-compliant. Default value is false.
  • output_format (String) Output format type, the input is case senitive. Valid values are html, csv, pdfand xls. Default value is html.
  • ref_template_id (Number) Reference template ID. Conflicts with ref_template_name.
  • ref_template_name (String) Reference template name. Conflicts with ref_template_id.
  • schedule (Boolean) Schedule notification via email. Default value is false.
  • sleep_interval (Number) Sleep time interval for job polling in seconds. Default value is 20.


  • id (Number) ID of the configuration baseline resource.
  • task_id (Number) Task id associated with baseline.


Import is supported using the following syntax:

terraform import ome_configuration_baseline.create_baseline "<existing_baseline_name>"