ome_deployment (Resource)

Resource for managing template deployment on OpenManage Enterprise.

Note: Atleast one of ref_template_name and ref_template_id and exactly one of device_ids and device_servicetags are required.

Example Usage

# Deploy template using Device Service tags
resource "ome_deployment" "deploy-template-1" {
  template_name      = "deploy-template-1"
  device_servicetags = ["MXL1234", "MXL1235"]
  job_retry_count    = 30
  sleep_interval     = 10

# Deploy template using Device Id's
resource "ome_deployment" "deploy-template-2" {
  template_name = "deploy-template-2"
  device_ids    = [10001, 10002]

# Get Deviceid's or servicetags from a specified list of groups
data "ome_groupdevices_info" "gd" {
  device_group_names = ["WINDOWS"]

# Deploy template for group by fetching the device ids using data sources
resource "ome_deployment" "deploy-template-3" {
  template_name = "deploy-template-3"
  device_ids    =

# Deploy template using Device Service tags with Schedule
resource "ome_deployment" "deploy-template-4" {
  template_name      = "deploy-template-4"
  device_servicetags = ["MXL1234"]
  run_later          = true
  cron               = "0 45 12 19 10 ? 2022"

# Deploy template using Device ids and deploy device attributes
resource "ome_deployment" "deploy-template-5" {
  template_name = "deploy-template-5"
  device_ids    = [10001, 10002]
  device_attributes = [
      device_servicetags = ["MXL12345", "MXL23456"]
      attributes = [
          attribute_id = 1197967
          display_name = "ServerTopology 1 Aisle Name"
          value        = "aisle updated value"
          is_ignored   = false

# Deploy template using Device ids and boot to network iso
resource "ome_deployment" "deploy-template-6" {
  template_name = "deploy-template-6"
  device_ids    = [10001, 10002]
  boot_to_network_iso = {
    boot_to_network = true
    share_type      = "CIFS"
    iso_timeout     = 240
    iso_path        = "/cifsshare/unattended/unattended_rocky8.6.iso"
    share_detail = {
      ip_address = ""
      share_name = ""
      work_group = ""
      user       = "username"
      password   = "password"
  job_retry_count = 30

# Deploy template using Device ids by changing the job_retry_count and sleep_interval and ignore the same during updates
resource "ome_deployment" "deploy-template-7" {
  device_servicetags = ["MXL1234"]
  job_retry_count    = 30
  sleep_interval     = 10

  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [

# Deploy template using Device service tags and groupnames
resource "ome_deployment" "deploy-template-8" {
  template_id        = 614
  device_servicetags = concat(, ["MXL1235"])



  • boot_to_network_iso (Object) Boot To Network ISO deployment details. (see below for nested schema)
  • cron (String) Cron to schedule the deployment task. Cron expression should be of future datetime.
  • device_attributes (List of Object) List of template attributes associated with the target devices for deploymnent. (see below for nested schema)
  • device_ids (Set of Number) List of the device id(s). Conflicts with device_servicetags.
  • device_servicetags (Set of String) List of the device servicetags. Conflicts with device_ids.
  • forced_shutdown (Boolean) Force shutdown after deployment.
  • job_retry_count (Number) Number of times the job has to be polled to get the final status of the resource. Default value is 20.
  • options_continue_on_warning (Boolean) Continue to run the job on warnings.
  • options_precheck_only (Boolean) Option to precheck
  • options_strict_checking_vlan (Boolean) Checks the strict association of vlan.
  • options_time_to_wait_before_shutdown (Number) Option to specify the time to wait before shutdown in seconds. Default and minimum value is 300 and maximum is 3600 seconds respectively. Default value is 300.
  • power_state_off (Boolean) End power state of a target devices. Default power state is ON. Make it true to switch it to OFF state.
  • run_later (Boolean) Provides options to schedule the deployment task immediately, or at a specified time.
  • sleep_interval (Number) Sleep time interval for job polling in seconds. Default value is 60.
  • template_id (Number) ID of the existing template. If a template with this ID is found, template_name will be ignored. Cannot be updated.
  • template_name (String) Name of the existing template. Cannot be updated.


  • id (String) ID of the deploy resource.

Nested Schema for boot_to_network_iso


  • boot_to_network (Boolean)
  • iso_path (String)
  • iso_timeout (Number)
  • share_detail (Object) (see below for nested schema)
  • share_type (String)

Nested Schema for boot_to_network_iso.share_detail


  • ip_address (String)
  • password (String)
  • share_name (String)
  • user (String)
  • work_group (String)

Nested Schema for device_attributes


Nested Schema for device_attributes.attributes


  • attribute_id (Number)
  • display_name (String)
  • is_ignored (Boolean)
  • value (String)


Import is supported using the following syntax:

terraform import ome_deployment.deploy-template-3 "<existing_deployment_name>"