powerscale_filesystem data source

powerscale_filesystem (Data Source)

This datasource is used to query the existing FileSystem(Namespace Directory) from PowerScale array. The information fetched from this datasource can be used for getting the details / for further processing in resource block.It allows you to get information which includes all metadata , access control , quotas and snapshots related information for the directory.

Example Usage

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# This terraform DataSource is used to query the existing FileSystem(Namespace Directory) from PowerScale array.It allows you to get information which includes all metadata , access control , quotas and snapshots related information for the directory.

# Returns the information related to the specified PowerScale FileSystem(Namespace Directory) based on the directory path. If directory path is not set it will give details regarding the default "/ifs" directory.
data "powerscale_filesystem" "system" {
  # Required parameter, path of the directory filesystem datasource, defaults to "/ifs" if not set
  directory_path = "/ifs/tfacc_file_system_test"

output "powerscale_filesystem_1" {
  value = data.powerscale_filesystem.system
# After the successful execution of above block, We can see the output value by executing 'terraform output' command.
# Also, we can use the fetched information by the variable data.powerscale_filesystem.system"



  • directory_path (String) FileSystem directory path.This specifies the path to the FileSystem(Namespace directory) which we are trying to query. Default path is /ifs
  • file_systems_details (Attributes) Details of the Filesystem (see below for nested schema)
  • id (String) FileSystem identifier. Unique identifier for the FileSystem(Namespace directory)

Nested Schema for file_systems_details


Nested Schema for file_systems_details.file_system_attributes


  • name (String) Attribute name
  • namespace (String) Attribute namespace
  • value (String) Attribute value

Nested Schema for file_systems_details.file_system_namespace_acl


Nested Schema for file_systems_details.file_system_namespace_acl.acl


  • access_rights (List of String) Access rights
  • access_type (String) Access type
  • inherit_flags (List of String) Inherit flags
  • op (String) Op
  • trustee (Attributes) Trustee (see below for nested schema)

Nested Schema for file_systems_details.file_system_namespace_acl.acl.trustee


  • id (String) Trustee identifier
  • name (String) Trustee name
  • type (String) Trustee type

Nested Schema for file_systems_details.file_system_namespace_acl.group


  • id (String) Group identifier
  • name (String) Group name
  • type (String) Group type

Nested Schema for file_systems_details.file_system_namespace_acl.owner


  • id (String) Owner identifier
  • name (String) Owner name
  • type (String) Owner type

Nested Schema for file_systems_details.file_system_quotas


  • container (Boolean) If true, SMB shares using the quota directory see the quota thresholds as share size.
  • enforced (Boolean) True if the quota provides enforcement, otherwise a accounting quota.
  • id (String) Quota Id
  • path (String) The path of quota.
  • type (String) The type of quota.
  • usage (Attributes) Usage (see below for nested schema)

Nested Schema for file_systems_details.file_system_quotas.usage


  • applogical (Number) Bytes used by governed data apparent to application
  • applogical_ready (Boolean) True if applogical resource accounting is accurate on the quota. If false, this quota is waiting on completion of a QuotaScan job.
  • fslogical (Number) Bytes used by governed data apparent to filesystem.
  • fslogical_ready (Boolean) True if fslogical resource accounting is accurate on the quota. If false, this quota is waiting on completion of a QuotaScan job.
  • fsphysical (Number) Bytes used by governed data apparent to filesystem.
  • fsphysical_ready (Boolean) True if fsphysical resource accounting is accurate on the quota. If false, this quota is waiting on completion of a QuotaScan job.
  • inodes (Number) Number of inodes (filesystem entities) used by governed data.
  • inodes_ready (Boolean) True if inodes resource accounting is accurate on the quota. If false, this quota is waiting on completion of a QuotaScan job.
  • physical (Number) Bytes used for governed data and filesystem overhead.
  • physical_data (Number) Number of physical blocks for file data
  • physical_data_ready (Boolean) True if physical_data resource accounting is accurate on the quota. If false, this quota is waiting on completion of a QuotaScan job.
  • physical_protection (Number) Number of physical blocks for file protection
  • physical_protection_ready (Boolean) True if physical_protection resource accounting is accurate on the quota. If false, this quota is waiting on completion of a QuotaScan job.
  • physical_ready (Boolean) True if physical resource accounting is accurate on the quota. If false, this quota is waiting on completion of a QuotaScan job.
  • shadow_refs (Number) Number of shadow references (cloned, deduplicated or packed filesystem blocks) used by governed data.
  • shadow_refs_ready (Boolean) True if shadow_refs resource accounting is accurate on the quota. If false, this quota is waiting on completion of a QuotaScan job.

Nested Schema for file_systems_details.file_system_snapshots


  • alias (String) The name of the alias, none for real snapshots.
  • created (Number) The Unix Epoch time the snapshot was created.
  • expires (Number) The Unix Epoch time the snapshot will expire and be eligible for automatic deletion.
  • has_locks (Boolean) True if the snapshot has one or more locks present see, see the locks subresource of a snapshot for a list of locks.
  • id (Number) The system ID given to the snapshot. This is useful for tracking the status of delete pending snapshots.
  • name (String) The user or system supplied snapshot name. This will be null for snapshots pending delete.
  • path (String) The /ifs path snapshotted.
  • pct_filesystem (Number) Percentage of /ifs used for storing this snapshot.
  • pct_reserve (Number) Percentage of configured snapshot reserved used for storing this snapshot.
  • schedule (String) The name of the schedule used to create this snapshot, if applicable.
  • shadow_bytes (Number) The amount of shadow bytes referred to by this snapshot.
  • size (Number) The amount of storage in bytes used to store this snapshot.
  • state (String) Snapshot state.
  • target_id (Number) The ID of the snapshot pointed to if this is an alias. 18446744073709551615 (max uint64) is returned for an alias to the live filesystem.
  • target_name (String) The name of the snapshot pointed to if this is an alias.