ome_appliance_network (Resource)

This terraform resource is used to manage Appliance Network Settings on OME.We can Create, Update and Delete OME Appliance Network Settings using this resource.

Example Usage

resource "ome_appliance_network" "net1" {
  // to change the ome appliance time setting
  time_setting = {
    # Required Attribute
    time_zone = "TZ_ID_65"

    # Optional Attribute
    enable_ntp             = true
    primary_ntp_address    = ""
    secondary_ntp_address1 = ""
    secondary_ntp_address2 = ""
  // to change the ome appliance session setting
  session_setting = {
    enable_universal_timeout = true
    universal_timeout        = 20
    # configuring number of parallel session 
    api_session = 10
    gui_session = 11
  // to change the ome appliance time setting
  proxy_setting = {
    # Required Attribute
    enable_proxy = true

    # Optional Attribute
    # ip address and port is required when enable proxy is true 
    ip_address            = ""
    proxy_port            = 443
    enable_authentication = true
    # username and password is required when enable authentication is true 
    username = "root"
    password = "root"
  // to change the ome appliance adapter setting
  adapter_setting = {
    # Required Attributes
    enable_nic     = true
    interface_name = "ens160"

    # Optional Attributes
    reboot_delay = 0
    management_vlan = {
      # Required Attribute
      enable_vlan = false
    ipv6_configuration = {
      # Required Attribute
      enable_ipv6 = true

      # Optional Attribute
      enable_auto_configuration = true
    dns_configuration = {
      register_with_dns = false

# session setting without universal_timeout
resource "ome_appliance_network" "net2" {
  // to change the ome appliance session setting
  session_setting = {
    # configuring timeout attributes
    enable_universal_timeout = false
    api_timeout              = 20
    gui_timeout              = 20
    # configuring number of parallel session 
    api_session = 10
    gui_session = 11

# static IP adapter setting 
resource "ome_appliance_network" "net3" {
  adapter_setting = {
    # Requried Attribute 
    enable_nic     = true
    interface_name = "ens160"

    # Optional Attribute
    reboot_delay = 0
    ipv6_configuration = {
      # Required Attribute
      enable_ipv6 = true

      # Optional Attribute
      enable_auto_configuration = false
      # static ipv6 configuration
      static_ip_address    = "<static-ipv6>"
      static_gateway       = "<static-ipv6-gateway>"
      static_prefix_length = 64
      # static dns configuration
      use_dhcp_for_dns_server_names = false
      static_preferred_dns_server   = "<dns-server-1>"
      static_alternate_dns_server   = "<dns-server-2>"

    ipv4_configuration = {
      # Required Attribute
      enable_ipv4 = true

      # Optional Attribute
      enable_dhcp = false
      # static ipv4 configuration
      static_ip_address  = ""
      static_subnet_mask = ""
      static_gateway     = ""
      # static dns configuration
      use_dhcp_for_dns_server_names = false
      static_alternate_dns_server   = ""
      static_preferred_dns_server   = ""

After the execution of above resource block, network setting would have been applied on the OME. For more information, Please check the terraform state file.




  • id (String) ID of the ome network setting.

Nested Schema for adapter_setting


  • enable_nic (Boolean) Enable or disable Network Interface Card (NIC) configuration
  • interface_name (String) If there are multiple interfaces, network configuration changes can be applied to a single interface using the interface name of the NIC.


  • dns_configuration (Attributes) Domain Name System(DNS) settings (see below for nested schema)
  • ipv4_configuration (Attributes) IPv4 network configuration. (Warning) Ensure that you have an alternate interface to access OpenManage Enterprise as these options can change the current IPv4 address (see below for nested schema)
  • ipv6_configuration (Attributes) IPv6 network configuration. (Warning) Ensure that you have an alternate interface to access OpenManage Enterprise as these options can change the current IPv6 address (see below for nested schema)
  • job_id (Number) Job ID
  • management_vlan (Attributes) vLAN configuration. settings are applicable for OpenManage Enterprise Modular (see below for nested schema)
  • reboot_delay (Number) The time in seconds, after which settings are applied

Nested Schema for adapter_setting.dns_configuration


  • dns_domain_name (String) Static DNS domain name. This is applicable when “use_dhcp_for_dns_domain_name” is false.
  • dns_name (String) DNS name for “hostname”. This is applicable when “register_with_dns” is true.
  • register_with_dns (Boolean) Register/Unregister I(dns_name) on the DNS Server.This option cannot be updated if vLAN configuration changes.
  • use_dhcp_for_dns_server_names (Boolean) Get the “dns_domain_name” using a DHCP server.

Nested Schema for adapter_setting.ipv4_configuration


  • enable_ipv4 (Boolean) Enable or disable access to the network using IPv4.


  • enable_dhcp (Boolean) Enable or disable the automatic request to get an IPv4 address from the IPv4 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server. If enable_dhcp option is true, OpenManage Enterprise retrieves the IP configuration—IPv4 address, subnet mask, and gateway from a DHCP server on the existing network.
  • static_alternate_dns_server (String) Static IPv4 DNS alternate server. This option is applicable when “use_dhcp_for_dns_server_names” is false.
  • static_gateway (String) Static IPv4 gateway address. This option is applicable when “enable_dhcp” is false.
  • static_ip_address (String) Static IPv4 address. This option is applicable when “enable_dhcp” is false.
  • static_preferred_dns_server (String) Static IPv4 DNS preferred server. This option is applicable when “use_dhcp_for_dns_server_names” is false.
  • static_subnet_mask (String) Static IPv4 subnet mask address. This option is applicable when “enable_dhcp” is false.
  • use_dhcp_for_dns_server_names (Boolean) This option allows to automatically request and obtain a DNS server IPv4 address from the DHCP server. This option is applicable when “enable_dhcp” is true.

Nested Schema for adapter_setting.ipv6_configuration


  • enable_ipv6 (Boolean) Enable or disable access to the network using the IPv6.


  • enable_auto_configuration (Boolean) Enable or disable the automatic request to get an IPv6 address from the IPv6 DHCP server or router advertisements(RA). If “enable_auto_configuration” is true, OME retrieves IP configuration-IPv6 address, prefix, and gateway, from a DHCPv6 server on the existing network
  • static_alternate_dns_server (String) Static IPv6 DNS alternate server. This option is applicable when “use_dhcp_for_dns_server_names” is false.
  • static_gateway (String) Static IPv6 gateway address. This option is applicable when “enable_auto_configuration” is false.
  • static_ip_address (String) Static IPv6 address. This option is applicable when “enable_auto_configuration” is false.
  • static_preferred_dns_server (String) Static IPv6 DNS preferred server. This option is applicable when “use_dhcp_for_dns_server_names” is false.
  • static_prefix_length (Number) Static IPv6 prefix length. This option is applicable when “enable_auto_configuration” is false.
  • use_dhcp_for_dns_server_names (Boolean) This option allows to automatically request and obtain a DNS server IPv6 address from the DHCP server. This option is applicable when “enable_auto_configuration” is true.

Nested Schema for adapter_setting.management_vlan


  • enable_vlan (Boolean) Enable or disable vLAN for management.The vLAN configuration cannot be updated if the “register_with_dns” field under “dns_configuration” is true. WARNING: Ensure that the network cable is plugged to the correct port after the vLAN configurationchanges have been made. If not, the configuration change may not be effective.


  • id (Number) vLAN ID. This option is applicable when “enable_vlan” is true.

Nested Schema for proxy_setting


  • enable_proxy (Boolean) Enables or disables the HTTP proxy configuration. If “enable proxy” is false, then the HTTP proxy configuration is set to its default value.


  • enable_authentication (Boolean) Enable or disable proxy authentication. If “enable_authentication” is true, “proxy_username” and “proxy_password” must be provided. If “enable_authentication” is false, the proxy username and password are set to its default values.
  • ip_address (String) Proxy server address. This option is mandatory when “enable_proxy” is true.
  • password (String) Proxy server password. This option is mandatory when “enable_authentication” is true.
  • proxy_port (Number) Proxy server’s port number. This option is mandatory when “enable_proxy” is true.
  • username (String) Proxy server username. This option is mandatory when “enable_authentication” is true.

Nested Schema for session_setting


  • api_session (Number) The maximum number of API sessions to be allowed.
  • api_timeout (Number) Duration of inactivity in minutes after which the API session ends. This is mutually exclusive with “universal_timeout”.
  • enable_universal_timeout (Boolean) Enable or disable the universal inactivity timeout.
  • gui_session (Number) The maximum number of GUI sessions to be allowed.
  • gui_timeout (Number) Duration of inactivity in minutes after which the web interface of Graphical User Interface (GUI) session ends. This is mutually exclusive with “universal_timeout”.
  • serial_session (Number) The maximum number of serial console sessions to be allowed. This is applicable only for OpenManage Enterprise Modular.
  • serial_timeout (Number) Duration of inactivity in minutes after which the serial console session ends.This is applicable only for OpenManage Enterprise Modular. This is mutually exclusive with “universal_timeout”.
  • ssh_session (Number) The maximum number of SSH sessions to be allowed. This is applicable to OME-M only.
  • ssh_timeout (Number) Duration of inactivity in minutes after which the SSH session ends. This is applicable only for OpenManage Enterprise Modular. This is mutually exclusive with “universal_timeout”.
  • universal_timeout (Number) Duration of inactivity in minutes after which all sessions end. This is applicable when “enable_universal_timeout” is true. This is mutually exclusive with “api_timeout”, “gui_timeout”, “ssh_timeout” and “serial_timeout”.

Nested Schema for time_setting


  • time_zone (String) The valid timezone ID to be used. This option is applicable for both system time and NTP time synchronization.


  • enable_ntp (Boolean) Enables or disables Network Time Protocol(NTP).If “enable_ntp” is false, then the NTP addresses reset to their default values.
  • primary_ntp_address (String) The primary NTP address. This option is applicable when “enable_ntp” is true.
  • secondary_ntp_address1 (String) The first secondary NTP address. This option is applicable when “enable_ntp” is true.
  • secondary_ntp_address2 (String) The second secondary NTP address. This option is applicable when “enable_ntp” is true.
  • system_time (String) Time in the current system. This option is only applicable when “enable_ntp” is false. This option must be provided in following format ‘yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss’.

Time Zone for time setting

Id Name UTC Offset Minutes
TZ_ID_38 “(GMT+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris” 60
TZ_ID_39 “(GMT+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb” 60
TZ_ID_70 (GMT+07:00) Novosibirsk 420
TZ_ID_71 (GMT+06:30) Yangon (Rangoon) 390
TZ_ID_72 “(GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta” 420
TZ_ID_73 (GMT+07:00) Krasnoyarsk 420
TZ_ID_34 “(GMT+00:00) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London” 0
TZ_ID_78 (GMT+08:00) Taipei 480
TZ_ID_35 “(GMT+00:00) Monrovia, Reykjavik” 0
TZ_ID_79 (GMT+08:00) Ulaanbaatar 480
TZ_ID_36 “(GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna” 60
TZ_ID_37 “(GMT+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague” 60
TZ_ID_30 (GMT-01:00) Azores -60
TZ_ID_74 “(GMT+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi” 480
TZ_ID_31 (GMT-01:00) Cape Verde Is. -60
TZ_ID_75 (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk 480
TZ_ID_32 (GMT+01:00) Casablanca 60
TZ_ID_76 “(GMT+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore” 480
TZ_ID_33 (GMT+00:00) Coordinated Universal Time 0
TZ_ID_77 (GMT+08:00) Perth 480
TZ_ID_49 (GMT+02:00) Jerusalem 120
TZ_ID_81 “(GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo” 540
TZ_ID_82 (GMT+09:00) Seoul 540
TZ_ID_83 (GMT+09:00) Yakutsk 540
TZ_ID_40 (GMT+01:00) West Central Africa 60
TZ_ID_84 (GMT+09:30) Adelaide 570
TZ_ID_80 (GMT+09:00) Pyongyang 540
TZ_ID_45 (GMT+02:00) Cairo 120
TZ_ID_89 (GMT+10:00) Hobart 600
TZ_ID_46 (GMT+02:00) Damascus 120
TZ_ID_47 “(GMT+02:00) Harare, Pretoria” 120
TZ_ID_48 “(GMT+02:00) Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius” 120
TZ_ID_41 (GMT+02:00) Windhoek 120
TZ_ID_85 (GMT+09:30) Darwin 570
TZ_ID_42 (GMT+02:00) Amman 120
TZ_ID_86 (GMT+10:00) Brisbane 600
TZ_ID_43 (GMT+03:00) Istanbul 180
TZ_ID_87 “(GMT+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney” 600
TZ_ID_44 (GMT+02:00) Beirut 120
TZ_ID_88 “(GMT+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby” 600
TZ_ID_16 (GMT-05:00) Indiana (East) -300
TZ_ID_17 (GMT-04:00) Caracas -240
TZ_ID_18 (GMT-04:00) Asuncion -240
TZ_ID_19 (GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada) -240
TZ_ID_7 (GMT-07:00) Arizona -420
TZ_ID_92 “(GMT+12:00) Auckland, Wellington” 720
TZ_ID_8 “(GMT-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan” -420
TZ_ID_93 (GMT+12:00) Fiji 720
TZ_ID_9 (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada) -420
TZ_ID_50 (GMT+03:00) Minsk 180
TZ_ID_94 (GMT+13:00) Nuku’alofa 780
TZ_ID_51 (GMT+03:00) Baghdad 180
TZ_ID_95 (GMT+14:00) Kiritimati 840
TZ_ID_3 (GMT-10:00) Hawaii -600
TZ_ID_4 (GMT-09:00) Alaska -540
TZ_ID_5 (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) -480
TZ_ID_90 (GMT+10:00) Vladivostok 600
TZ_ID_6 (GMT-08:00) Baja California -480
TZ_ID_91 “(GMT+11:00) Magadan, Solomon Is., New Caledonia” 660
TZ_ID_12 “(GMT-06:00) Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey” -360
TZ_ID_56 “(GMT+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat” 240
TZ_ID_13 (GMT-06:00) Saskatchewan -360
TZ_ID_57 (GMT+04:00) Baku 240
TZ_ID_1 (GMT-12:00) International Date Line West -720
TZ_ID_14 “(GMT-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito” -300
TZ_ID_58 (GMT+04:00) Port Louis 240
TZ_ID_2 (GMT-11:00) Samoa -660
TZ_ID_15 (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) -300
TZ_ID_59 (GMT+04:00) Tbilisi 240
TZ_ID_52 “(GMT+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh” 180
TZ_ID_96 “(GMT+02:00) Athens, Bucharest” 120
TZ_ID_53 “(GMT+03:00) Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd” 180
TZ_ID_10 (GMT-06:00) Central America -360
TZ_ID_54 (GMT+03:00) Nairobi 180
TZ_ID_11 (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) -360
TZ_ID_55 (GMT+03:30) Tehran 210
TZ_ID_27 (GMT-03:00) Greenland -180
TZ_ID_28 (GMT-03:00) Montevideo -180
TZ_ID_29 (GMT-02:00) Mid-Atlantic -120
TZ_ID_60 (GMT+04:00) Yerevan 240
TZ_ID_61 (GMT+04:30) Kabul 270
TZ_ID_62 (GMT+05:00) Ekaterinburg 300
TZ_ID_23 (GMT-03:30) Newfoundland -210
TZ_ID_67 (GMT+05:45) Kathmandu 345
TZ_ID_24 (GMT-03:00) Brasilia -180
TZ_ID_68 (GMT+06:00) Astana 360
TZ_ID_25 (GMT-03:00) Buenos Aires -180
TZ_ID_69 (GMT+06:00) Dhaka 360
TZ_ID_26 “(GMT-03:00) Cayenne, Fortaleza” -180
TZ_ID_63 “(GMT+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi” 300
TZ_ID_20 (GMT-04:00) Cuiaba -240
TZ_ID_64 (GMT+05:00) Tashkent 300
TZ_ID_21 “(GMT-04:00) Georgetown, La Paz, Manaus, San Juan " -240
TZ_ID_65 “(GMT+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi” 330
TZ_ID_22 (GMT-04:00) Santiago -240
TZ_ID_66 (GMT+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura 330