powerstore_volume (Data Source)

Volume DataSource.

Note: Only one of name or id can be provided at a time.

Example Usage

# commands to run this tf file : terraform init && terraform apply --auto-approve
# This datasource reads volumes either by id or name where user can provide a value to any one of them
# If it is a empty datsource block , then it will read all the volumes
# If id or name is provided then it reads a particular volume with that id or name
# Only one of the attribute can be provided among id and  name 

data "powerstore_volume" "test1" {
  name = "tf_vol"

output "volumeResult" {
  value = data.powerstore_volume.test1.volumes



  • id (String) Unique identifier of the volume instance.
  • name (String) Name of the volume.


Nested Schema for volumes


  • app_type (String) The app type of the volume.
  • app_type_l10n (String) Localized message string corresponding to app type
  • app_type_other (String) The app type other of the volume.
  • appliance (Object) Specifies the Appliance associated for a volume. (see below for nested schema)
  • appliance_id (String) Unique identifier of the appliance on which the volume is provisioned.
  • capacity_unit (String) The Capacity Unit corresponding to the size.
  • creation_timestamp (String) The creation timestamp of the volume.
  • datastores (Attributes List) Specifies the Datastores for a volume. (see below for nested schema)
  • description (String) The description of the volume.
  • host_group_id (String) The host group id of the volume.
  • host_id (String) The host id of the volume.
  • id (String) The ID of the volume.
  • is_host_access_available (Boolean) Indicates whether the volume is available to host
  • is_replication_destination (Boolean) Indicates whether this volume is a replication destination.
  • location_history (Attributes List) Specifies the LocationHistory for a volume. (see below for nested schema)
  • logical_unit_number (Number) The current amount of data written to the volume
  • logical_used (Number) Current amount of data used by the volume.
  • mapped_volumes (Attributes List) Specifies the MappedVolumes associated with a volume. (see below for nested schema)
  • metro_replication_session_id (String) Unique identifier of the replication session assigned to the volume
  • migration_session (Object) Specifies the MigrationSession associated for a volume. (see below for nested schema)
  • migration_session_id (String) Unique identifier of the migration session assigned to the volume
  • name (String) Name of the volume.
  • nguid (String) The nguid of the volume.
  • node_affinity (String) The node affinity of the volume.
  • node_affinity_l10n (String) Localized message string corresponding to node affinity
  • nsid (Number) The nsid of the volume.
  • performance_policy_id (String) The performance policy assigned to the volume.
  • protection_data (Object) Specifies the ProtectionData associated with a volume. (see below for nested schema)
  • protection_policy (Object) Specifies the protection policy associated for a volume. (see below for nested schema)
  • protection_policy_id (String) The protection policy assigned to the volume.
  • size (Number) The size of the volume.
  • state (String) The state of the volume.
  • state_l10n (String) Localized message string corresponding to state
  • type (String) The type of the volume.
  • type_l10n (String) Localized message string corresponding to type
  • volume_group_id (String) The volume group id of the volume.
  • volume_groups (Attributes List) Specifies the VolumeGroup for a volume. (see below for nested schema)
  • wwn (String) The wwn of the volume.

Nested Schema for volumes.appliance


  • id (String)
  • name (String)
  • service_tag (String)

Nested Schema for volumes.datastores


  • id (String) Unique identifier of the datastore instance.
  • instance_uuid (String) UUID instance of the datastore in vCenter.
  • name (String) User-assigned name of the datastore in vCenter.

Nested Schema for volumes.location_history


  • from_appliance_id (String) Unique identifier of the appliance from which the volume was relocated.
  • migrated_on (String) Time when the storage resource location changed.
  • to_appliance_id (String) Unique identifier of the appliance to which the volume was relocated.

Nested Schema for volumes.mapped_volumes


  • id (String) Unique identifier of a mapping between a host and a volume.

Nested Schema for volumes.migration_session


  • id (String)
  • name (String)

Nested Schema for volumes.protection_data


  • creator_type (String)
  • expiration_timestamp (String)
  • source_id (String)

Nested Schema for volumes.protection_policy


  • description (String)
  • id (String)
  • name (String)

Nested Schema for volumes.volume_groups


  • description (String) Description for the volume group.
  • id (String) Unique identifier of the volume group.
  • name (String) Name of the volume group.