powerflex_device (Data Source)

This datasource is used to query the existing device from PowerFlex array. The information fetched from this datasource can be used for getting the details / for further processing in resource block.

Note: Only one of name and id can be provided at a time.

Example Usage

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# commands to run this tf file : terraform init && terraform apply --auto-approve
# empty block of the powerflex_device datasource will give list of all device within the system

data "powerflex_device" "dev" {

data "powerflex_device" "dev1" {
  storage_pool_id = "c98e26e500000000"

data "powerflex_device" "dev2" {
  sds_name = "SDS_2"

output "deviceResult" {
  value = data.powerflex_device.dev.device_model

After the successful execution of above said block, We can see the output by executing terraform output command. Also, we can fetch information via the variable: data.powerflex_device.dev.attribute_name where attribute_name is the attribute which user wants to fetch.



  • current_path (String) Path Of The Device Instance. Conflicts with id, name, sds_id, sds_name, protection_domain_id, protection_domain_name, storage_pool_id and storage_pool_name.
  • id (String) Unique identifier Of The Device Instance. Conflicts with name, current_path, sds_id, sds_name, protection_domain_id, protection_domain_name, storage_pool_id and storage_pool_name.
  • name (String) Unique name Of The Device Instance. Conflicts with id, current_path, sds_id, sds_name, protection_domain_id, protection_domain_name, storage_pool_id and storage_pool_name.
  • protection_domain_id (String) ID of the protection domain. Conflicts with id, name, current_path, sds_id, sds_name, protection_domain_name and storage_pool_id.
  • protection_domain_name (String) Name of the protection domain Conflicts with id, name, current_path, sds_id, sds_name, protection_domain_id and storage_pool_id.
  • sds_id (String) ID of the SDS Conflicts with id, name, current_path, sds_name, protection_domain_id, protection_domain_name, storage_pool_id and storage_pool_name.
  • sds_name (String) Name of the SDS. Conflicts with id, name, current_path, sds_id, protection_domain_id, protection_domain_name, storage_pool_id and storage_pool_name.
  • storage_pool_id (String) ID of the storage pool. Conflicts with id, name, current_path, sds_id, sds_name, protection_domain_id, protection_domain_name and storage_pool_name.
  • storage_pool_name (String) Name of the storage pool. Conflicts with id, name, current_path, sds_id, sds_name and storage_pool_id.


Nested Schema for device_model


  • acceleration_pool_id (String) Acceleration Pool_id Of The Device Instance.
  • acceleration_props (Attributes) Acceleration Props Of The Device Instance. (see below for nested schema)
  • aggregated_state (String) Aggregated State Of The Device Instance.
  • ata_security_active (Boolean) Ata Security Active Of The Device Instance.
  • auto_detect_media_type (String) Auto Detect Media Type Of The Device Instance.
  • cache_look_ahead_active (Boolean) Cache Look Ahead Active Of The Device Instance.
  • capacity (Number) Capacity Of The Device Instance.
  • capacity_limit_in_kb (Number) Capacity Limit In Kb Of The Device Instance.
  • device_current_path_name (String) Device Current Path Name Of The Device Instance.
  • device_original_path_name (String) Device Original Path Name Of The Device Instance.
  • device_state (String) State Of The Device Instance.
  • device_type (String) Device Type Of The Device Instance.
  • error_state (String) Error State Of The Device Instance.
  • external_acceleration_type (String) External Acceleration Type Of The Device Instance.
  • fgl_nvdimm_metadata_amortization_x100 (Number) Fgl Nvdimm Metadata Amortization X100 Of The Device Instance.
  • fgl_nvdimm_write_cache_size (Number) Fgl Nvdimm Write Cache Size Of The Device Instance.
  • firmware_version (String) Firmware Version Of The Device Instance.
  • id (String) Unique ID Of The Device Instance.
  • led_setting (String) LED Setting Of The Device Instance.
  • links (Attributes List) Underlying REST API links. (see below for nested schema)
  • logical_sector_size_in_bytes (Number) Logical Sector Size In Bytes Of The Device Instance.
  • long_successful_ios (Attributes) Long Successful Ios Of The Device Instance. (see below for nested schema)
  • max_capacity_in_kb (Number) Max Capacity In Kb Of The Device Instance.
  • media_failing (Boolean) Media Failing Of The Device Instance.
  • media_type (String) Media Type Of The Device Instance.
  • model_name (String) Model Name Of The Device Instance.
  • name (String) Name Of The Device Instance.
  • persistent_checksum_state (String) Persistent Checksum State Of The Device Instance.
  • physical_sector_size_in_bytes (Number) Physical Sector Size In Bytes Of The Device Instance.
  • raid_controller_serial_number (String) Raid Controller Serial Number Of The Device Instance.
  • rfcache_error_device_does_not_exist (Boolean) Rfcache Error Device Does Not Exist Of The Device Instance.
  • rfcache_props (Attributes) Rfcache Props Of The Device Instance. (see below for nested schema)
  • sds_id (String) Sds ID Of The Device Instance.
  • serial_number (String) Serial Number Of The Device Instance.
  • slot_number (String) Slot Number Of The Device Instance.
  • sp_sds_id (String) Sp Sds Id Of The Device Instance.
  • ssd_end_of_life_state (String) Ssd End Of Life State Of The Device Instance.
  • storage_pool_id (String) Storage Pool ID Of The Device Instance.
  • storage_props (Attributes) Storage Props Of The Device Instance. (see below for nested schema)
  • temperature_state (String) Temperature State Of The Device Instance.
  • vendor_name (String) Vendor Name Of The Device Instance.
  • write_cache_active (Boolean) Write Cache Active Of The Device Instance.

Nested Schema for device_model.acceleration_props


  • acc_used_capacity_in_kb (String) Accelerator(ACC) Used Capacity In KB Acceleration Properties Parameters Of The Device Instance.


  • href (String) Specifies the exact path to fetch the details.
  • rel (String) Specifies the relationship with the Protection Domain.

Nested Schema for device_model.long_successful_ios


Nested Schema for device_model.long_successful_ios.long_window


  • last_oscillation_count (Number) Last Oscillation Count Window Parameters Of The Device Instance.
  • last_oscillation_time (Number) Last Oscillation Time Window Parameters Of The Device Instance.
  • max_failures_count (Number) Max Failures Count Window Parameters Of The Device Instance.
  • threshold (Number) Threshold Window Parameters Of The Device Instance.
  • window_size_in_sec (Number) Window Size in seconds Window Parameters Of The Device Instance.

Nested Schema for device_model.long_successful_ios.medium_window


  • last_oscillation_count (Number) Last Oscillation Count Window Parameters Of The Device Instance.
  • last_oscillation_time (Number) Last Oscillation Time Window Parameters Of The Device Instance.
  • max_failures_count (Number) Max Failures Count Window Parameters Of The Device Instance.
  • threshold (Number) Threshold Window Parameters Of The Device Instance.
  • window_size_in_sec (Number) Window Size in seconds Window Parameters Of The Device Instance.

Nested Schema for device_model.long_successful_ios.short_window


  • last_oscillation_count (Number) Last Oscillation Count Window Parameters Of The Device Instance.
  • last_oscillation_time (Number) Last Oscillation Time Window Parameters Of The Device Instance.
  • max_failures_count (Number) Max Failures Count Window Parameters Of The Device Instance.
  • threshold (Number) Threshold Window Parameters Of The Device Instance.
  • window_size_in_sec (Number) Window Size in seconds Window Parameters Of The Device Instance.

Nested Schema for device_model.rfcache_props


  • device_uuid (String) Device UUID RfCache Parameters Of The Device Instance.
  • rfcache_error_card_io_error (Boolean) Rfcache Error Card Io error RfCache Parameters Of The Device Instance.
  • rfcache_error_heavy_load_cache_skip (Boolean) rfcache_error_heavy_load_cache_skip RfCache Parameters Of The Device Instance.
  • rfcache_error_stuck_io (Boolean) Rfcache Error Stuck Io RfCache Parameters Of The Device Instance.

Nested Schema for device_model.storage_props


  • checksum_acc_device_id (String) Checksum Accelerator(ACC) Device ID Storage Properties Parameters Of The Device Instance.
  • checksum_changelog_acc_device_id (String) Checksum Changelog Accelerator(ACC) Device ID Storage Properties Parameters Of The Device Instance.
  • checksum_changelog_size_mb (Number) Checksum Changelog Size MB Storage Properties Parameters Of The Device Instance.
  • checksum_mode (String) Checksum Mode Storage Properties Parameters Of The Device Instance.
  • checksum_size_mb (Number) Checksum Size MB Storage Properties Parameters Of The Device Instance.
  • dest_checksum_acc_device_id (String) Destination Checksum Accelerator(ACC) Device ID Storage Properties Parameters Of The Device Instance.
  • dest_checksum_changelog_acc_device_id (String) Destination Checksum Changelog Accelerator(ACC) Device ID Storage Properties Parameters Of The Device Instance.
  • dest_checksum_changelog_size_mb (Number) Destination Checksum Changelog Size MB Storage Properties Parameters Of The Device Instance.
  • dest_checksum_mode (String) Destination Checksum Mode Storage Properties Parameters Of The Device Instance.
  • dest_fgl_acc_device_id (String) Destination FGL(Fujitsu General Limited) Accelerator(ACC) Device ID Storage Properties Parameters Of The Device Instance.
  • dest_fgl_nvdimm_size_mb (Number) Destination FGL(Fujitsu General Limited) Non-Volatile Dual In-line Memory Module(NVDIMM) Size In MB Storage Properties Parameters Of The Device Instance.
  • fgl_acc_device_id (String) FGL(Fujitsu General Limited) Accelerator(ACC) Device Id Storage Properties Parameters Of The Device Instance.
  • fgl_nvdimm_size_mb (Number) FGL(Fujitsu General Limited) Non-Volatile Dual In-line Memory Module(NVDIMM) Size In MB Storage Properties Parameters Of The Device Instance.
  • is_checksum_fully_calculated (Boolean) Is Checksum Fully Calculated Storage Properties Parameters Of The Device Instance.