powerflex_firmware_repository (Data Source)

This datasource is used to query the existing firmware repository from the PowerFlex array. The information fetched from this datasource can be used for getting the necessary details regarding the bundles and their components in that firmware repository.



  • firmware_repository_ids (Set of String) List of firmware repository IDs
  • firmware_repository_names (Set of String) List of firmware repository names


  • firmware_repository_details (Attributes List) Firmware Repository details (see below for nested schema)
  • id (String) Placeholder attribute.

Nested Schema for firmware_repository_details


  • bundle_count (Number) Bundle Count
  • component_count (Number) Component Count
  • created_by (String) Created By
  • created_date (String) Created Date
  • custom (Boolean) Custom
  • default_catalog (Boolean) Default Catalog
  • disk_location (String) Disk Location
  • download_progress (Number) Download Progress
  • download_status (String) Download Status
  • embedded (Boolean) Embedded
  • extract_progress (Number) Extract Progress
  • file_size_in_gigabytes (Number) File Size In Gigabytes
  • filename (String) Filename
  • id (String) ID of the Firmware Repository
  • job_id (String) Job ID
  • minimal (Boolean) Minimal
  • name (String) Firmware Repository name
  • needs_attention (Boolean) Needs Attention
  • password (String) Password
  • rcmapproved (Boolean) Rcmapproved
  • signature (String) Signature
  • software_bundles (Attributes List) Software Bundles (see below for nested schema)
  • software_components (Attributes List) Software Components (see below for nested schema)
  • source_location (String) Source Location
  • source_type (String) Source Type
  • state (String) State
  • updated_by (String) Updated By
  • updated_date (String) Updated Date
  • user_bundle_count (Number) User Bundle Count
  • username (String) Username

Nested Schema for firmware_repository_details.software_bundles


  • bundle_date (String) Bundle Date
  • bundle_type (String) Bundle Type
  • created_by (String) Created By
  • created_date (String) Created Date
  • custom (Boolean) Custom
  • description (String) Description
  • device_model (String) Device Model
  • device_type (String) Device Type
  • fw_repository_id (String) Fw Repository ID
  • id (String) ID
  • name (String) Name
  • needs_attention (Boolean) Needs Attention
  • software_components (Attributes List) Software Components (see below for nested schema)
  • updated_by (String) Updated By
  • updated_date (String) Updated Date
  • user_bundle (Boolean) User Bundle
  • user_bundle_path (String) User Bundle Path
  • version (String) Version

Nested Schema for firmware_repository_details.software_bundles.software_components


  • category (String) Category
  • component_id (String) Component ID
  • component_type (String) Component Type
  • created_by (String) Created By
  • created_date (String) Created Date
  • custom (Boolean) Custom
  • dell_version (String) Dell Version
  • device_id (String) Device ID
  • firmware_repo_name (String) Firmware Repo Name
  • hash_md5 (String) Hash Md5
  • id (String) ID
  • ignore (Boolean) Ignore
  • name (String) Name
  • needs_attention (Boolean) Needs Attention
  • operating_system (String) Operating System
  • original_component_id (String) Original Component ID
  • package_id (String) Package ID
  • path (String) Path
  • sub_device_id (String) Sub Device ID
  • sub_vendor_id (String) Sub Vendor ID
  • system_ids (List of String) System IDs
  • updated_by (String) Updated By
  • updated_date (String) Updated Date
  • vendor_id (String) Vendor ID
  • vendor_version (String) Vendor Version

Nested Schema for firmware_repository_details.software_components


  • category (String) Category
  • component_id (String) Component ID
  • component_type (String) Component Type
  • created_by (String) Created By
  • created_date (String) Created Date
  • custom (Boolean) Custom
  • dell_version (String) Dell Version
  • device_id (String) Device ID
  • firmware_repo_name (String) Firmware Repo Name
  • hash_md5 (String) Hash Md5
  • id (String) ID
  • ignore (Boolean) Ignore
  • name (String) Name
  • needs_attention (Boolean) Needs Attention
  • operating_system (String) Operating System
  • original_component_id (String) Original Component ID
  • package_id (String) Package ID
  • path (String) Path
  • sub_device_id (String) Sub Device ID
  • sub_vendor_id (String) Sub Vendor ID
  • system_ids (List of String) System IDs
  • updated_by (String) Updated By
  • updated_date (String) Updated Date
  • vendor_id (String) Vendor ID
  • vendor_version (String) Vendor Version