powerstore_storagecontainer (Resource)

StorageContainer resource

Example Usage

# Commands to run this tf file : terraform init && terraform plan && terraform apply
# Create, Update, Delete is supported for this resource
# To import , check storage_container_import.tf for more info
# name is the required attribute to create and update
# To check which attributes of the storage container can be updated, please refer Product Guide in the documentation

resource "powerstore_storagecontainer" "test1" {
  name             = "scterraform1"
  quota            = 10737418240
  storage_protocol = "SCSI"
  high_water_mark  = 70



  • name (String) Name for the storage container. This should be unique across all storage containers in the cluster.


  • high_water_mark (Number) The percentage of the quota that can be consumed before an alert is raised
  • quota (Number) The total number of bytes that can be provisioned/reserved against this storage container. A value of 0 means there is no limit.
  • storage_protocol (String) The storage protocol of Storage Container. eg: SCSI, NVMe


  • id (String) The unique identifier of the storage container.


Import is supported using the following syntax:

# Below are the steps to import storage container :
# Step 1 - To import a storage container , we need the id of that storage container 
# Step 2 - To check the id of the storage container we can make Get request to storage container endpoint. eg. which will return list of all storage container ids.
# Step 3 - Add empty resource block in tf file. 
# eg. 
# resource "powerstore_storagecontainer" "resource_block_name" {
  # (resource arguments)
# }
# Step 4 - Execute the command: terraform import "powerstore_storagecontainer.resource_block_name" "id_of_the_storage_container" (resource_block_name must be taken from step 3 and id must be taken from step 2)
# Step 5 - After successful execution of the command , check the state file