
Release Notes - CSI PowerStore v2.7.0

New Features/Changes

Fixed Issues

Known Issues

Issue Resolution or workaround, if known
Delete namespace that has PVCs and pods created with the driver. The External health monitor sidecar crashes as a result of this operation Deleting the namespace deletes the PVCs first and then removes the pods in the namespace. This brings a condition where pods exist without their PVCs and causes the external-health-monitor sidecar to crash. This is a known issue and has been reported at https://github.com/kubernetes-csi/external-health-monitor/issues/100
fsGroupPolicy may not work as expected without root privileges for NFS only
To get the desired behavior set “allowRoot: “true” in the storage class parameter
If the NVMeFC pod is not getting created and the host looses the ssh connection, causing the driver pods to go to error state remove the nvme_tcp module from the host incase of NVMeFC connection
When a node goes down, the block volumes attached to the node cannot be attached to another node This is a known issue and has been reported at https://github.com/kubernetes-csi/external-attacher/issues/215. Workaround:
1. Force delete the pod running on the node that went down
2. Delete the volumeattachment to the node that went down.
Now the volume can be attached to the new node.
When driver node pods enter CrashLoopBackOff and PVC remains in pending state with one of the following events:
1. failed to provision volume with StorageClass <storage-class-name>: error generating accessibility requirements: no available topology found
2. waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner “csi-powerstore.dellemc.com” or manually created by system administrator.
Check whether all array details present in the secret file are valid and remove any invalid entries if present.
Redeploy the driver.


  • Support for Kubernetes alpha features like Volume Health Monitoring and RWOP (ReadWriteOncePod) access mode will not be available in Openshift environment as Openshift doesn’t support enabling of alpha features for Production Grade clusters.