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powerflex_sdc (Resource)
This resource can be used to manage Storage Data Clients on a PowerFlex array.
Example Usage
# Commands to run this tf file : terraform init && terraform plan && terraform apply
# Only importing the sdc resource or renaming of sdc resource is supported
# For Renaming , id and name are required fields
# For importing , please check file for more details
# name can't be empty
resource "powerflex_sdc" "sdc" {
id = "e3ce1fb500000000"
name = "terraform_sdc"
#output "changed_sdc" {
# value = powerflex_sdc.sdc
# # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(String) ID of the SDC to manage. This can be retrieved from the PowerFlex website. Cannot be
(String) Name of the SDC to manage.
(String) The Last updated timestamp of the SDC.links
(Attributes List) The Links of the fetched SDC. (see below for nested schema)mdm_connection_state
(String) The MDM connection status of the fetched SDC.on_vmware
(Boolean) If the fetched SDC is on vmware.sdc_approved
(Boolean) If the fetched SDC is approved.sdc_guid
(String) The GUID of the fetched SDC.sdc_ip
(String) The IP of the fetched SDC.system_id
(String) The System ID of the fetched SDC.
Nested Schema for links
(String) The Links-HREF of the fetched SDC.rel
(String) The Links-Rel of the fetched SDC.
Import is supported using the following syntax:
# Below are the steps to import SDC :
# Step 1 - To import a sdc , we need the id of that sdc
# Step 2 - To check the id of the sdc we can make use of sdc datasource . Please refer for more info.
# Step 3 - create a tf file with empty resource block . Refer the example below.
# Example :
# resource "powerflex_sdc" "resource_block_name" {
# }
# Step 4 - execute the command : terraform init && terraform import "powerflex_sdc.resource_block_name" "id_of_the_sdc" (resource_block_name must be taken from step 3 and id must be taken from step 2)
# Step 5 - After successful execution of the command , check the state file