ome_device_action (Resource)

This terraform resource is used to run actions on devices managed by OME. The only supported action, for now, is refreshing inventory. This resource creates a job in OME to run the actions and does not support updating in-place. The resource generates a recreation plan instead for any necessary update action.

Example Usage

# /*
# Copyright (c) 2023 Dell Inc., or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# */

# Use the device datasource to get the ids of the required devices
# Their ids shall be used to run actions on them
data "ome_device" "devs" {
  filters = {
    device_service_tags = ["CZMC1T2", "4111H63"]

# refresh inventory of devices immediately on apply
# The resource creation will fail if the inventory refresh job fails or doesnt complete within `timeout` in minutes (here 8 minutes).
resource "ome_device_action" "code_1" {
  device_ids      = data.ome_device.devs.devices[*].id
  action          = "inventory_refresh"
  job_name        = "inventory-refresh-job"
  job_description = "Job to refresh inventory of CZMC1T2 and 4111H63 devices"
  timeout         = 8
  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [

# refresh inventory of devices sometime in the future
# The resource creation succeeds when the job is created on OME
resource "ome_device_action" "code_2" {
  device_ids      = data.ome_device.devs.devices[*].id
  action          = "inventory_refresh"
  job_name        = "inventory-refresh-job-cron"
  job_description = "Job to refresh inventory of CZMC1T2 and 4111H63 devices in future"
  cron            = "0 * */10 * * ? *"

# Rerunning the same action is done by forcing recreation of the resource
# Option 1: Taint the resource 
# Option 2: From Terraform 1.5, one can use the -replace directive 
# Option 3 (shown below): From Terraform 1.2, one can use the replace-triggered-by lifecycle method 

# In below example, changing the string firmware_v1 to firmware_v2 will rerun the action
resource "terraform_data" "devices_firmware" {
  input = "firmware_v1"

resource "ome_device_action" "code_3" {
  device_ids      = data.ome_device.devs.devices[*].id
  action          = "inventory_refresh"
  job_name        = "inventory-refresh-job"
  job_description = "Job to refresh inventory of CZMC1T2 and 4111H63 devices when any of their firwares is upgraded"
  timeout         = 8
  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [
    # From Terraform 1.2, one can use the replace-triggered-by lifecycle method 
    replace_triggered_by = [

After the execution of above resource block, device action would have been initiated on the OME. For more information, Please check the terraform state file.



  • device_ids (List of Number) List of id of devices on whom the action would be carried out.
  • job_name (String) Name of the job to be created on the OME appliance that will run the action.


  • action (String) Action to be performed on the devices. Accepted values are [inventory_refresh]. Default value is inventory_refresh.
  • cron (String) Cron expression to schedule an action in the future. If not specified, the action runs immediately on apply. Conflicts with timeout.
  • job_description (String) Description of the job to be created on the OME appliance that will run the action.
  • timeout (Number) Timeout, in minutes, for monitoring an immediately running action. Conflicts with cron. Default value is 10.


  • current_status (String) Current status of the job.
  • end_time (String) End time of the job.
  • id (Number) ID of the job created on OME appliance for carrying out the action.
  • last_run_status (String) Last run status of the job.
  • last_run_time (String) Last run time of the job.
  • next_run_time (String) Next run time of the job.
  • start_time (String) Start time of the job.