Offline Installer for Observability

Dell Container Storage Modules (CSM) for Observability Offline Installer

The following instructions can be followed when a Helm chart will be installed in an environment that does not have an Internet connection and will be unable to download the Helm chart and related Docker images.


  • Helm 3.x
  • The deployment of one or more Dell CSI drivers


Multiple Linux-based systems may be required to create and process an offline bundle for use.

  • One Linux-based system, with Internet access, will be used to create the bundle. This involves the user invoking a script that utilizes docker to pull and save container images to file.
  • One Linux-based system, with access to an image registry, to invoke a script that uses docker to restore container images from file and push them to a registry

If one Linux system has both Internet access and access to an internal registry, that system can be used for both steps.

Preparing an offline bundle requires the following utilities:

Dependency Usage
docker docker will be used to pull images from public image registries, tag them, and push them to a private registry.
Required on both the system building the offline bundle as well as the system preparing for installation.
Tested version is docker 18.09+

Executing the Installer

To perform an offline installation of a Helm chart, the following steps should be performed:

  1. Build an offline bundle.
  2. Unpack the offline bundle and prepare for installation.
  3. Perform a Helm installation.

Build the Offline Bundle

  1. Copy the script to a local Linux system using curl or wget:

    curl --output


    wget -O
  2. Set the file as executable.

    chmod +x
  3. Build the bundle by providing the Helm chart name as the argument. Below is a sample output that may be different on your machine.

    ./ -c dell/karavi-observability
    * Adding Helm repository
    * Downloading Helm chart dell/karavi-observability to directory /home/user/offline-karavi-observability-bundle/helm-original
    * Downloading and saving Docker images
    * Compressing offline-karavi-observability-bundle.tar.gz

Unpack the Offline Bundle

  1. Copy the bundle file to another Linux system that has access to the internal Docker registry and that can install the Helm chart. From that Linux system, unpack the bundle.

    tar -xzf offline-karavi-observability-bundle.tar.gz
  2. Change directory into the new directory created from unpacking the bundle:

    cd offline-karavi-observability-bundle
  3. Prepare the bundle by providing the internal Docker registry URL. Below is a sample output that may be different on your machine.

    ./ -p <my-registry>:5000
    * Loading, tagging, and pushing Docker images to registry <my-registry>:5000/
      dellemc/csm-topology:v1.6.0 -> <my-registry>:5000/csm-topology:v1.6.0
      dellemc/csm-metrics-powerflex:v1.6.0 -> <my-registry>:5000/csm-metrics-powerflex:v1.6.0
      dellemc/csm-metrics-powerstore:v1.6.0 -> <my-registry>:5000/csm-metrics-powerstore:v1.6.0
      dellemc/csm-metrics-powerscale:v1.3.0 -> <my-registry>:5000/csm-metrics-powerscale:v1.3.0
      dellemc/csm-metrics-powermax:v1.1.0 -> <my-registry>:5000/csm-metrics-powermax:v1.1.0
      otel/opentelemetry-collector:0.42.0 -> <my-registry>:5000/opentelemetry-collector:0.42.0
      nginxinc/nginx-unprivileged:1.20 -> <my-registry>:5000/nginx-unprivileged:1.20

Perform Helm installation

  1. Change directory to helm which contains the updated Helm chart directory:

    cd helm
  2. Install necessary cert-manager CustomResourceDefinitions provided:

    kubectl apply --validate=false -f cert-manager.crds.yaml
  3. Copy the CSI Driver Secret(s)

    Copy the CSI Driver Secret from the namespace where CSI Driver is installed to the namespace where CSM for Observability is to be installed.

    CSI Driver for PowerFlex:

    kubectl get secret vxflexos-config -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE]/namespace: [CSM_NAMESPACE]/' | kubectl create -f -

    If the CSI driver secret name is not the default vxflexos-config, please use the following command to copy secret:

    kubectl get secret [VXFLEXOS-CONFIG] -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o yaml | sed 's/name: [VXFLEXOS-CONFIG]/name: vxflexos-config/' | sed 's/namespace: [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE]/namespace: [CSM_NAMESPACE]/' | kubectl create -f -

    If CSM for Authorization is enabled for CSI PowerFlex, perform these steps:

    kubectl get configmap vxflexos-config-params -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE]/namespace: [CSM_NAMESPACE]/' | kubectl create -f -

    If the CSI driver configmap name is not the default vxflexos-config-params, please use the following command to copy configmap:

    kubectl get configmap [VXFLEXOS-CONFIG-PARAMS] -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o yaml | sed 's/name: [VXFLEXOS-CONFIG-PARAMS]/name: vxflexos-config-params/' | sed 's/namespace: [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE]/namespace: [CSM_NAMESPACE]/' | kubectl create -f -
    kubectl get secret karavi-authorization-config proxy-server-root-certificate proxy-authz-tokens -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE]/namespace: [CSM_NAMESPACE]/' | kubectl create -f -

    CSI Driver for PowerStore:

    kubectl get secret powerstore-config -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE]/namespace: [CSM_NAMESPACE]/' | kubectl create -f -

    If the CSI driver secret name is not the default powerstore-config, please use the following command to copy secret:

    kubectl get secret [POWERSTORE-CONFIG] -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o yaml | sed 's/name: [POWERSTORE-CONFIG]/name: powerstore-config/' | sed 's/namespace: [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE]/namespace: [CSM_NAMESPACE]/' | kubectl create -f -

    CSI Driver for PowerScale:

    kubectl get secret isilon-creds -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE]/namespace: [CSM_NAMESPACE]/' | kubectl create -f -

    If the CSI driver secret name is not the default isilon-creds, please use the following command to copy secret:

    kubectl get secret [ISILON-CREDS] -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o yaml | sed 's/name: [ISILON-CREDS]/name: isilon-creds/' | sed 's/namespace: [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE]/namespace: [CSM_NAMESPACE]/' | kubectl create -f -

    If CSM for Authorization is enabled for CSI PowerScale, perform these steps:

    kubectl get configmap isilon-config-params -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE]/namespace: [CSM_NAMESPACE]/' | kubectl create -f -

    If the CSI driver configmap name is not the default isilon-config-params, please use the following command to copy configmap:

    kubectl get configmap [ISILON-CONFIG-PARAMS] -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o yaml | sed 's/name: [ISILON-CONFIG-PARAMS]/name: isilon-config-params/' | sed 's/namespace: [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE]/namespace: [CSM_NAMESPACE]/' | kubectl create -f -
    kubectl get secret karavi-authorization-config proxy-server-root-certificate proxy-authz-tokens -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE]/namespace: [CSM_NAMESPACE]/' | sed 's/name: karavi-authorization-config/name: isilon-karavi-authorization-config/' | sed 's/name: proxy-server-root-certificate/name: isilon-proxy-server-root-certificate/' | sed 's/name: proxy-authz-tokens/name: isilon-proxy-authz-tokens/' | kubectl create -f -

    CSI Driver for PowerMax:

    Copy the configmap from the CSI Driver for Dell PowerMax namespace to the CSM namespace.

    kubectl get configmap powermax-reverseproxy-config -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE]/namespace: [CSM_NAMESPACE]/' | kubectl create -f -

    If the CSI driver configmap name is not the default powermax-reverseproxy-config, please use the following command to copy configmap:

    kubectl get configmap [POWERMAX-REVERSEPROXY-CONFIG] -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o yaml | sed 's/name: [POWERMAX-REVERSEPROXY-CONFIG]/name: powermax-reverseproxy-config/' | sed 's/namespace: [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE]/namespace: [CSM_NAMESPACE]/' | kubectl create -f -

    Copy the secrets from the CSI Driver for Dell PowerMax namespace to the CSM namespace.

    for secret in $(kubectl get configmap powermax-reverseproxy-config -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o jsonpath="{.data.config\.yaml}" | grep arrayCredentialSecret | awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"}{print $2}' | uniq)
       kubectl get secret $secret -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o yaml | sed "s/namespace: [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE]/namespace: [CSM_NAMESPACE]/" | kubectl create -f -

    If the CSI driver configmap name is not the default powermax-reverseproxy-config, please use the following command to copy secrets:

    for secret in $(kubectl get configmap [POWERMAX-REVERSEPROXY-CONFIG] -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o jsonpath="{.data.config\.yaml}" | grep arrayCredentialSecret | awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"}{print $2}' | uniq)
       kubectl get secret $secret -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o yaml | sed "s/namespace: [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE]/namespace: [CSM_NAMESPACE]/" | kubectl create -f -

    If CSM for Authorization is enabled for CSI PowerMax, perform these steps:

    kubectl get configmap powermax-config-params -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE]/namespace: [CSM_NAMESPACE]/' | kubectl create -f -

    If the CSI driver configmap name is not the default powermax-config-params, use the following command to copy the configmap:

    kubectl get configmap [POWERMAX-CONFIG-PARAMS] -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o yaml | sed 's/name: [POWERMAX-CONFIG-PARAMS]/name: powermax-config-params/' | sed 's/namespace: [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE]/namespace: [CSM_NAMESPACE]/' | kubectl create -f -
    kubectl get secret karavi-authorization-config proxy-server-root-certificate proxy-authz-tokens -n [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE] -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: [CSI_DRIVER_NAMESPACE]/namespace: [CSM_NAMESPACE]/' | sed 's/name: karavi-authorization-config/name: powermax-karavi-authorization-config/' | sed 's/name: proxy-server-root-certificate/name: powermax-proxy-server-root-certificate/' | sed 's/name: proxy-authz-tokens/name: powermax-proxy-authz-tokens/' | kubectl create -f -
  4. After the images have been made available and the Helm chart configuration is updated, follow the instructions within the Helm chart’s repository to complete the installation.


    • Optionally, you could provide your own configurations. A sample values.yaml file is located here.
    • The default values.yaml is configured to deploy the CSM for Observability Topology service on install.
    • If CSM for Authorization is enabled for CSI PowerFlex, the karaviMetricsPowerflex.authorization parameters must be properly configured.
    • If CSM for Authorization is enabled for CSI PowerScale, the karaviMetricsPowerscale.authorization parameters must be properly configured.
    • If CSM for Authorization is enabled for CSI PowerMax, the karaviMetricsPowerMax.authorization parameters must be properly configured.
    helm install -n install-namespace app-name karavi-observability
    NAME: app-name
    LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Nov  6 08:48:13 2020
    NAMESPACE: install-namespace
    STATUS: deployed
    TEST SUITE: None