Cluster Topologies

Supported Cluster Topologies with CSM Replication

Replication Cluster Topologies

Container Storage Modules (CSM) for Replication project supports the replication of volumes within a single Kubernetes cluster or between two different Kubernetes clusters. The replication controller can support multiple clusters at once, but a single volume can be replicated to a maximum of two clusters.

Each cluster should be assigned the unique identifier clusterId. The rules for naming are as follows:

  • must be 63 characters or fewer (cannot be empty)
  • must begin and end with an alphanumeric character ([a-z, 0-9, A-Z])
  • could contain dashes (-), underscores (_), dots (.), and alphanumerics between
  • must be unique across clusters

Single Cluster Replication

Cluster Configuration

When configuring replication within a single cluster, you need to create a ConfigMap with at least the clusterId field configured to point to the current cluster:

apiVersion: v1
  config.yaml: |
    clusterId: cluster-A
    targets: []    
kind: ConfigMap
  name: dell-replication-controller-config
  namespace: dell-replication-controller

Note that the targets parameter is left empty since we don’t require any target clusters to work within a single cluster. This also means that you don’t need to create any Secrets that contain connection information to such clusters, since in this use case, we are limited to a single cluster.

You can find more info about configs and secrets for cluster communication in configmaps-secrets.

Storage Class Configuration

To create volumes that would be replicated within a single cluster, you need to create a special StorageClass. This StorageClass should contain the usual replication parameter, and it should be set to self to indicate that we want to replicate the volume inside the current cluster.

Also, you would need to create another storage class in the same cluster that would serve as a target storage class. This means that all replicated volumes would be derived from it. Its parameter should be also set to self.

You can find out more about replication StorageClasses and replication specific parameters in storageclasses.

Replicated Resources

When creating PersistentVolumeClaims using StorageClass for a single cluster replication, replicated resources (PersistentVolumes, ReplicationGroups) would be created in the same cluster with the replicated- prefix added to them. For example:

kubectl get pv 
NAME                           CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS      STORAGECLASS                 AGE
csivol-06d51bfcc5              3Gi        RWO            Retain           Bound       powerstore-replication       23s
replicated-csivol-06d51bfcc5   3Gi        RWO            Retain           Available   powerstore-replication-tgt   23s
kubectl get rg
NAME                                                 AGE   STATE   LINK STATE     LAST LINKSTATE UPDATE
replicated-rg-240721b0-12fb-4151-8dd8-94794ae2493e   34s   Ready   SYNCHRONIZED   2021-08-03T11:23:18Z
rg-240721b0-12fb-4151-8dd8-94794ae2493e              34s   Ready   SYNCHRONIZED   2021-08-03T11:22:18Z

Multiple Cluster Replication

Cluster Configuration

Similar to a single cluster scenario, you need to create ConfigMap, but this time you need to provide at least one target cluster. You can provide as many as you like, but be mindful that a single volume can be replicated to only one of them.

For example:

apiVersion: v1
  config.yaml: |
    clusterId: cluster-A
      - clusterId: cluster-B
        secretRef: secretClusterB    
kind: ConfigMap
  name: dell-replication-controller-config
  namespace: dell-replication-controller

Note that target cluster information contains a field called secretRef. This field points to a secret available in the current cluster that contains connection information of cluster-B in the form of a kubeconfig file.

You can find more information about how to create such secrets in configmaps-secrets.

Storage Class Configuration

To create replicated volumes in the multi-cluster configuration you still need to have a special storage class. Replication parameter should be set to the cluster-id of whatever cluster you want to replicate your volumes.

For multi-cluster replication, we can choose one of the target cluster ids we specified in ConfigMap. In our example replication parameter, the target cluster id should be equal to cluster-B.

You can find more information about other replication parameters available in storage classes here.

Replicated Resources

When creating PersistentVolumeClaims using StorageClass for a multi-cluster replication, replicated resources would be created in both source and target clusters under the same names. For example:


kubectl get pv
NAME                           CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS      STORAGECLASS                 AGE
csivol-06d51bfcc5              3Gi        RWO            Retain           Bound       powerstore-replication       23s
kubectl get rg
NAME                                      AGE   STATE   LINK STATE     LAST LINKSTATE UPDATE
rg-240721b0-12fb-4151-8dd8-94794ae2493e   34s   Ready   SYNCHRONIZED   2021-08-03T11:22:18Z


kubectl get pv
NAME                           CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS          STORAGECLASS                 AGE
csivol-06d51bfcc5              3Gi        RWO            Retain           Available       powerstore-replication       18s
kubectl get rg
NAME                                      AGE   STATE   LINK STATE     LAST LINKSTATE UPDATE
rg-240721b0-12fb-4151-8dd8-94794ae2493e   30s   Ready   SYNCHRONIZED   2021-08-03T11:22:18Z