
The CSM Observability module for supported Dell CSI Drivers can be installed via the Dell CSM Operator. Dell CSM Operator will deploy CSM Observability, including topology service, Otel collector, and metrics services.


  • Create a namespace karavi
    kubectl create namespace karavi
  • Enable Observability module and components in sample manifests. If cert-manager has already been installed, don’t enable it.
    • Scenario 1: Deploy one supported CSI Driver and enable Observability module

      • If you enable metrics-powerscale or metrics-powerflex, must enable otel-collector as well.
    • Scenario 2: Deploy multiple supported CSI Drivers and enable Observability module

      • When deploying the first driver, enable all components of Observability module in the CR.
      • For the following drivers, only enable the metrics service, and remove topology and otel-collector sections from the CR.
      • The CR created at first must be deleted at last.

Note: pods in the karavi namespace will be in the ContainerCreating state until certificates are successfully created as described in the next step.

  • Create certificates

    Note: you may need to wait for the cert-manager pods to be 60-90 seconds old to successfully create certificates without an x509 error. See the cert-manager documentation for more information.

    • Option 1: Self-signed certificates

      1. A Sample certificates manifest can be found at samples/observability/selfsigned-cert.yaml.
      2. Create certificates
      kubectl create -f selfsigned-cert.yaml
    • Option 2: Custom certificates

      1. Replace tls.crt and tls.key with actual base64-encoded certificate and private key in samples/observability/custom-cert.yaml.
      2. Create certificates
      kubectl create -f custom-cert.yaml