
Cleanup Kubernetes Worker Hosts

Login to each worker host and perform these steps:

Remove directory /root/.driver-sec

This directory was created when a CSI driver with Encryption first ran on the host.

Remove entry from /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

This is an entry added when a CSI driver with Encryption first ran on the host. It ends with driver-sec, similarly to:

ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAACAQDGvSWmTL7NORRDPAvtbMbvoHUBLnen9bRtJePbGk1boJ4XK39Qdvo2zFHZ/6t2+dSL7xKo2kcxX3ovj3RyOPuqNCob
VQrpjsCPCu3fpVjvvwfspVOftbn/sNgY1J3lz0pdgvJ3yQs6pa+DODQyin5Rt//19rIGifPxi/Hk/k49Vw== driver-sec

It can be removed with sed -i '/^ssh-rsa .* driver-sec$/d' /root/.ssh/authorized_keys.

Remove Kubernetes Resources

Remove the resources created in Kubernetes cluster for Encryption.

Remove Vault Server Configuration

Remove the configuration created in the Vault server for Encryption.

Remove Rekey Controller

Remove the resources created during the installation of the Rekey Controller.