
The Dell CSI Operator is no longer actively maintained or supported. Dell CSI Operator has been replaced with Dell CSM Operator. If you are currently using Dell CSI Operator, refer to the operator migration documentation to migrate from Dell CSI Operator to Dell CSM Operator. CSM 1.7.1 is applicable to helm based installations of PowerFlex driver.

Installing CSI Driver for PowerFlex via Operator

The CSI Driver for Dell PowerFlex can be installed via the Dell CSI Operator.

To deploy the Operator, follow the instructions available here.

There are sample manifests provided which can be edited to do an easy installation of the driver. Note that the deployment of the driver using the operator does not use any Helm charts. The installation and configuration parameters will be slightly different from the ones specified via the Helm installer.

Kubernetes Operators make it easy to deploy and manage the entire lifecycle of complex Kubernetes applications. Operators use Custom Resource Definitions (CRD) which represents the application and use custom controllers to manage them.


  • If multipath is configured, ensure CSI-PowerFlex volumes are blacklisted by multipathd. See troubleshooting section for details

SDC Deployment for Operator

  • This feature deploys the sdc kernel modules on all nodes with the help of an init container.
  • For non-supported versions of the OS also do the manual SDC deployment steps given below. Refer to https://hub.docker.com/r/dellemc/sdc for supported versions.
  • Note: When the driver is created, MDM value for initContainers in driver CR is set by the operator from mdm attributes in the driver configuration file, secret.yaml. An example of secret.yaml is below in this document. Do not set MDM value for initContainers in the driver CR file manually.
  • Note: To use an sdc-binary module from customer ftp site:
    • Create a secret, sdc-repo-secret.yaml to contain the credentials for the private repo. To generate the base64 encoding of a credential:
        echo -n <credential>| base64 -i 
    secret sample to use:
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Secret
          name: sdc-repo-creds
          namespace: vxflexos
        type: Opaque
          # set username to the base64 encoded username, sdc default is
            username: <username in base64>
          # set password to the base64 encoded password, sdc default is
            password: <password in base64>
    • Create secret for FTP side by using the command kubectl create -f sdc-repo-secret.yaml.
    • Optionally, enable sdc monitor by uncommenting the section for sidecar in manifest yaml. Please note the following:
      • If using sidecar, you will need to edit the value fields under the HOST_PID and MDM fields by filling the empty quotes with host PID and the MDM IPs.
      • If not using sidecar, please leave this commented out – otherwise, the empty fields will cause errors.
Example CR: config/samples/vxflex_v270_ops_412.yaml
    # Comment the following section if you don't want to run the monitoring sidecar
      - name: sdc-monitor
        - name: HOST_PID
          value: "1"
        - name: MDM
          value: ""
      - name: external-health-monitor
        args: ["--monitor-interval=60s"]
      - image: dellemc/sdc:3.6
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        name: sdc
          - name: MDM
            value: "10.x.x.x,10.x.x.x"

Note: Please comment the sdc-monitor sidecar section if you are not using it. Blank values for MDM will result in error. Do not comment the external-health-monitor argument.

Manual SDC Deployment

For detailed PowerFlex installation procedure, see the Dell PowerFlex Deployment Guide. Install the PowerFlex SDC as follows:


  1. Download the PowerFlex SDC from Dell Online support. The filename is EMC-ScaleIO-sdc-*.rpm, where * is the SDC name corresponding to the PowerFlex installation version.
  2. Export the shell variable MDM_IP in a comma-separated list using export MDM_IP=xx.xxx.xx.xx,xx.xxx.xx.xx, where xxx represents the actual IP address in your environment. This list contains the IP addresses of the MDMs.
  3. Install the SDC per the Dell PowerFlex Deployment Guide:
    • For Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS, run rpm -iv ./EMC-ScaleIO-sdc-*.x86_64.rpm, where * is the SDC name corresponding to the PowerFlex installation version.
  4. To add more MDM_IP for multi-array support, run /opt/emc/scaleio/sdc/bin/drv_cfg --add_mdm --ip 10.xx.xx.xx.xx,10.xx.xx.xx

Install Driver

  1. Create namespace: Run kubectl create namespace <driver-namespace> command using the desired name to create the namespace.

  2. Prepare the secret.yaml for driver configuration.

    Example: secret.yaml

      # Username for accessing PowerFlex system.	
      # Required: true
    - username: "admin"
      # Password for accessing PowerFlex system.	
      # Required: true
      password: "password"
      # System name/ID of PowerFlex system.	
      # Required: true
      systemID: "ID1"
      # REST API gateway HTTPS endpoint/PowerFlex Manager public IP for PowerFlex system.
      # Required: true
      endpoint: ""
      # Determines if the driver is going to validate certs while connecting to PowerFlex REST API interface.
      # Allowed values: true or false
      # Required: true
      # Default value: true
      skipCertificateValidation: true 
      # indicates if this array is the default array
      # needed for backwards compatibility
      # only one array is allowed to have this set to true 
      # Required: false
      # Default value: false
      isDefault: true
      # defines the MDM(s) that SDC should register with on start.
      # Allowed values:  a list of IP addresses or hostnames separated by comma.
      # Required: true
      # Default value: none 
      mdm: ","
      # Defines all system names used to create powerflex volumes
      # Required: false
      # Default value: none
      AllSystemNames: "name1,name2"
    - username: "admin"
      password: "Password123"
      systemID: "ID2"
      endpoint: ""
      skipCertificateValidation: true 
      mdm: ","
      AllSystemNames: "name1,name2"

    After editing the file, run the following command to create a secret called vxflexos-config

    kubectl create secret generic vxflexos-config -n <driver-namespace> --from-file=config=secret.yaml

    Use the following command to replace or update the secret:

    kubectl create secret generic vxflexos-config -n <driver-namespace> --from-file=config=secret.yaml -o yaml --dry-run=client | kubectl replace -f -


    • System ID, MDM configuration, etc. now are taken directly from secret.yaml. MDM provided in the input_sample_file.yaml will be overidden with MDM values in secret.yaml.
    • Please provide MDM values in input_sample_file.yaml so that it will be overidden by default value.
  3. Create a Custom Resource (CR) for PowerFlex using the sample files provided here.

  4. Users should configure the parameters in CR. The following table lists the primary configurable parameters of the PowerFlex driver and their default values:

    Parameter Description Required Default
    replicas Controls the number of controller pods you deploy. If the number of controller pods is greater than the number of available nodes, excess pods will become stay in a pending state. Defaults are 2 which allows for Controller high availability. Yes 2
    fsGroupPolicy Defines which FS Group policy mode to be used, Supported modes None, File and ReadWriteOnceWithFSType No “ReadWriteOnceWithFSType”
    Common parameters for node and controller
    X_CSI_VXFLEXOS_ENABLELISTVOLUMESNAPSHOT Enable list volume operation to include snapshots (since creating a volume from a snap actually results in a new snap) No false
    X_CSI_VXFLEXOS_ENABLESNAPSHOTCGDELETE Enable this to automatically delete all snapshots in a consistency group when a snap in the group is deleted No false
    X_CSI_DEBUG To enable debug mode No true
    X_CSI_ALLOW_RWO_MULTI_POD_ACCESS Setting allowRWOMultiPodAccess to “true” will allow multiple pods on the same node to access the same RWO volume. This behavior conflicts with the CSI specification version 1.3. NodePublishVolume description that requires an error to be returned in this case. However, some other CSI drivers support this behavior and some customers desire this behavior. Customers use this option at their own risk. No false
  5. Execute the kubectl create -f <input_sample_file.yaml> command to create PowerFlex custom resource. This command will deploy the CSI-PowerFlex driver.

    • Example CR for PowerFlex Driver
    apiVersion: storage.dell.com/v1
    kind: CSIVXFlexOS
      name: test-vxflexos
      namespace: test-vxflexos
        configVersion: v2.7.0
        replicas: 1
        dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet
        forceUpdate: false
        fsGroupPolicy: File
          image: "dellemc/csi-vxflexos:v2.7.0"
          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
              value: "false"
              value: "false"
            - name: X_CSI_DEBUG
              value: "true"
            - name: X_CSI_ALLOW_RWO_MULTI_POD_ACCESS
              value: "false"
        # comment the following section if you don't want to run the monitoring sidecar
          - name: sdc-monitor
            - name: HOST_PID
              value: "1"
            - name: MDM
              value: ""
          # Uncomment the following to install 'external-health-monitor' sidecar to enable health monitor of CSI volumes from Controller plugin.
          # Also set the env variable controller.envs.X_CSI_HEALTH_MONITOR_ENABLED  to "true".
          # - name: external-health-monitor
          #   args: ["--monitor-interval=60s"]
            # X_CSI_HEALTH_MONITOR_ENABLED: Enable/Disable health monitor of CSI volumes from Controller plugin - volume condition.
            # Install the 'external-health-monitor' sidecar accordingly.
            # Allowed values:
            #   true: enable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
            #   false: disable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
            # Default value: false
            - name: X_CSI_HEALTH_MONITOR_ENABLED
              value: "false"
            # X_CSI_HEALTH_MONITOR_ENABLED: Enable/Disable health monitor of CSI volumes from node plugin - volume usage
            # Allowed values:
            #   true: enable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
            #   false: disable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
            # Default value: false
            - name: X_CSI_HEALTH_MONITOR_ENABLED
              value: "false"
            # X_CSI_MAX_VOLUMES_PER_NODE: Defines the maximum PowerFlex volumes that can be created per node
            # Allowed values: Any value greater than or equal to 0
            # If value is 0 then the orchestrator decides how many volumes can be published by the controller to
            # the node
            # Default value: "0"
            - name: X_CSI_MAX_VOLUMES_PER_NODE
              value: "0"
          - image: dellemc/sdc:3.6.1
            imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            name: sdc
              - name: MDM
                value: "10.xx.xx.xx,10.xx.xx.xx"  #provide MDM value
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: ConfigMap
          name: vxflexos-config-params
          namespace: test-vxflexos
          driver-config-params.yaml: |
            CSI_LOG_LEVEL: "debug"
            CSI_LOG_FORMAT: "TEXT"        

Pre-Requisite for installation with OLM

Please run the following commands for creating the required ConfigMap before installing the dell-csi-operator using OLM. #Replace operator-namespace in the below command with the actual namespace where the operator will be deployed by OLM

  git clone https://github.com/dell/dell-csi-operator.git 
  cd dell-csi-operator 
  tar -czf config.tar.gz driverconfig/  
  kubectl create configmap dell-csi-operator-config --from-file config.tar.gz -n <operator-namespace>

Volume Health Monitoring

Volume Health Monitoring feature is optional and by default this feature is disabled for drivers when installed via operator.

To enable this feature, add the below block to the driver manifest before installing the driver. This ensures to install external health monitor sidecar. To get the volume health state value under controller should be set to true as seen below. To get the volume stats value under node should be set to true.

 # Uncomment the following to install 'external-health-monitor' sidecar to enable health monitor of CSI volumes from Controller plugin.
   # Also set the env variable controller.envs.X_CSI_HEALTH_MONITOR_ENABLED  to "true".
   # - name: external-health-monitor
   #   args: ["--monitor-interval=60s"]
 # Install the 'external-health-monitor' sidecar accordingly.
 # Allowed values:
 #   true: enable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
 #   false: disable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
 # Default value: false
     value: "true"
   # X_CSI_HEALTH_MONITOR_ENABLED: Enable/Disable health monitor of CSI volumes from node plugin - volume usage
   # Allowed values:
   #   true: enable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
   #   false: disable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
   # Default value: false
     value: "true"