

Logs and Events

The first and in most cases sufficient step in troubleshooting issues with a CSI driver that has Encryption enabled is exploring logs of the Encryption driver and related Kubernetes components. These are some useful log sources:

CSI Driver Containers Logs

The driver creates several controller and node pods. They can be listed with kubectl -n <driver namespace> get pods. The output will look similar to:

NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
isi-controller-84f697c874-2j6d4   10/10   Running   0          16h
isi-node-4gtwf                    4/4     Running   0          16h
isi-node-lnzws                    4/4     Running   0          16h

List containers in pod isi-node-4gtwf with kubectl -n <driver namespace> logs isi-node-4gtwf. Each pod has containers called driver which is the storage driver container and driver-sec which is the Encryption driver container. These container’s logs tend to provide the most important information, but other containers may give a hint too. View the logs of driver-sec in isi-node-4gtwf with kubectl -n <driver namespace> logs isi-node-4gtwf driver-sec. The log level of this container can be changed by setting value encryption.logLevel and restarting the driver.

Often it is necessary to see the logs produced on a specific Kubernetes worker host. To find which node pod is running on which worker host, use kubectl -n <driver namespace> get pods -o wide.

PersistentVolume, PersistentVolumeClaim and Application Pod Events

Some errors may be logged to the related resource events that can be viewed with kubectl describe command for that resource.

Vault Server Logs

Some errors related to communication with the Vault server and key requests may be logged on the Vault server side. If you run a test instance of the server in a Docker container you can view the logs with docker logs vault-server.

Typical Failure Reasons

Incorrect Vault server-side configuration

Expired AppRole secret ID

Incorrect CSI driver configuration

SSH server is stopped/restarted on the worker host

This may manifest in:

  • failure to start the CSI driver
  • failure to create a new encrypted volume
  • failure to access an encrypted volume (IO errors)


  • check SSH server is running on all worker host
  • stop all workloads that use encrypted volumes on the node, then restart them

No license provided, or license expired

This may manifest in:

  • failure to start the CSI driver
  • failure to create a new encrypted volume


Typical Rekey Failure reasons

If all rekeys in the cluster are failing

  • check the Rekey controller helm chart values.yaml provisioner name against the Dell CSI driver chart encryption.pluginName, and ensure they match.
  • check the Rekey controller helm chart values.yaml port number against the Dell CSI driver chart encryption.apiPort, and ensure they match.

If Rekeys fail for a particular PV

  • check that the volume is provisioned by the Encryption provisioner
  • check that volume attachments exist for the said PV
  • check that at least one node on which the PV is mounted is available and reachable
  • check the Encryption provisioner logs for details that may indicate the failure reason
  • check the Rekey controller log for the reason for failure

If a Rekey results in a Status.Phase of unknown

  • this implies the connection failed during the rekey process which may mean the volume was rekeyed
  • an additional rekey attempt should work assuming a reliable connection to the Encryption provisioner. This may result in the volume being rekeyed twice.