
Code features for PowerMax Driver

Multi Unisphere Support

Starting with v1.7, the CSI PowerMax driver can communicate with multiple Unisphere for PowerMax servers to manage multiple PowerMax arrays. In order to use this feature, you must install CSI PowerMax ReverseProxy in StandAlone mode with the driver. For more details on how to configure the driver and ReverseProxy, see the relevant section here

Volume Snapshot Feature

The CSI PowerMax driver version 1.7 and later supports v1 snapshots.

In order to use Volume Snapshots, ensure the following components have been deployed to your cluster:

  • Kubernetes Volume Snapshot CRDs
  • Volume Snapshot Controller
  • Volume Snapshot Class

To use this feature, enable it in values.yaml

  enabled: true

Note: From v1.7, the CSI PowerMax driver installation process will no longer create VolumeSnapshotClass. If you want to create VolumeSnapshots, then create a VolumeSnapshotClass using the sample provided in the csi-powermax/samples/volumesnapshotclass folder

Note: Snapshots for File in PowerMax is currently not supported.

Creating Volume Snapshots

The following is a sample manifest for creating a Volume Snapshot using the v1 snapshot APIs:

apiVersion: snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: VolumeSnapshot
  name: pvol0-snap1
  volumeSnapshotClassName: powermax-snapclass
    persistentVolumeClaimName: pvol0

After the VolumeSnapshot has been successfully created by the CSI PowerMax driver, a VolumeSnapshotContent object is automatically created. When the status of the VolumeSnapshot object has the readyToUse field set to true, it is available for use.

The following is the relevant section of VolumeSnapshot object status:

  boundVolumeSnapshotContentName: snapcontent-5a8334d2-eb40-4917-83a2-98f238c4bda
  creationTime: "2020-07-16T08:42:12Z"
  readyToUse: true

Creating PVCs with VolumeSnapshots as Source

The following is a sample manifest for creating a PVC with a VolumeSnapshot as a source:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: pmax-restore-pvc-demo
  namespace: test
  storageClassName: powermax
    name: pmax-snapshot-demo
    kind: VolumeSnapshot
    apiGroup: snapshot.storage.k8s.io
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 8Gi

Creating PVCs with PVCs as source

This is a sample manifest for creating a PVC with another PVC as a source:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: pmax-clone-pvc-demo
  namespace: test
  storageClassName: powermax
    name: pmax-pvc-demo
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 8Gi


Starting from version 1.3.0, the unidirectional Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) for iSCSI has been supported. To enable CHAP authentication:

  1. Create secret powermax-creds with the key chapsecret set to the iSCSI CHAP secret. If the secret exists, delete and re-create the secret with this newly added key.
  2. Set the parameter enableCHAP in my-powermax-settings.yaml to true.

The driver uses the provided chapsecret to configure the iSCSI node database on each node with iSCSI access.

When the driver is installed and all the node plug-ins have initialized successfully, the storage administrator must enable CHAP authentication using the following Solutions Enabler (SYMCLI) commands:

symaccess -sid <symid> -iscsi <host iqn> set chap -cred <host IQN> -secret <CHAP secret>

Where host IQN is the name of the iSCSI initiator of a host IQN, and CHAP secret is the chapsecret that is used at the time of the installation of the driver.

NOTE: The host IQN is also used as the username when setting up the CHAP credentials.

CHAP support for PowerMax

With unidirectional CHAP, the PowerMax array challenges the host initiator during the initial link negotiation process and expects to receive a valid credential and CHAP secret in response.

When challenged, the host initiator transmits a CHAP credential and CHAP secret to the storage array. The storage array looks for this credential and CHAP secret which is stored in the host initiator group. When a positive authentication occurs, the PowerMax array sends an acceptance message to the host. However, if the PowerMax array fails to find any record of the credential/secret pair, it sends a rejection message, and the link is closed.

Custom Driver Name

Starting from version 1.3.0 of the driver, a custom name can be assigned to the driver at the time of installation. This enables installation of the CSI driver in a different namespace and installation of multiple CSI drivers for Dell PowerMax in the same Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster.

To use this feature, set the following values under customDriverName in my-powermax-settings.yaml.

  • Value: Set this to the custom name of the driver.
  • Enabled: Set this to true in case you want to enable this feature. The driver helm chart installation uses the values above to:
  • Configure the driver name which is used for communication with other Kubernetes components.
  • Configure the provisioner value in the storage class template.
  • Configure the snapshotter value in the snapshot class template.

If enabled, the driver name is in the following format: <namespace>.<driver name>.dellemc.com

For example, if the driver name is set to driver and it is installed in the namespace powermax, then the name that is used for the driver (and the provisioner/snapshotter) is powermax.driver.dellemc.com

NOTE: If not enabled, the name is set to csi-powermax.dellemc.com by default (without any namespace prefix).

Install multiple drivers

To install multiple CSI Drivers for Dell PowerMax in a single Kubernetes cluster, you can take advantage of the custom driver name feature. There are a few important restrictions that should be strictly adhered to:

  • Only one driver can be installed in a single namespace
  • Different drivers should not connect to a single Unisphere server
  • Different drivers should not be used to manage a single PowerMax array
  • Storage class and snapshot class names must be unique across installations

To install multiple CSI drivers, follow these steps:

  1. Create (or use) a new namespace.
  2. Ensure that all the pre-requisites are met:
    • powermax-creds secret is created in this namespace
    • (Optional) powermax-certs secret is created in this namespace
  3. Update my-powermax-settings.yaml with the required values.
  4. Run the csi-install.sh script to install the driver.

Volume expansion

Starting in v1.4, the CSI PowerMax driver supports the expansion of Persistent Volumes (PVs). This expansion is done online, which is when the PVC is attached to any node.

To use this feature, enable in values.yaml

  enabled: true

To use this feature, the storage class that is used to create the PVC must have the attribute allowVolumeExpansion set to true.

This is a sample manifest for a storage class that allows for Volume Expansion.

apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
  name: powermax-expand-sc
    storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: false
provisioner: csi-powermax.dellemc.com
reclaimPolicy: Delete
allowVolumeExpansion: true #Set this attribute to true if you plan to expand any PVCs
created using this storage class
  SYMID: "000000000001"
  ServiceLevel: "Bronze"

To resize a PVC, edit the existing PVC spec and set spec.resources.requests.storage to the intended size. For example, if you have a PVC - pmax-pvc-demo of size 5 Gi, then you can resize it to 10 Gi by updating the PVC.

kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
  name: pmax-pvc-demo
  namespace: test
  - ReadWriteOnce
  volumeMode: Filesystem
      storage: 10Gi #Updated size from 5Gi to 10Gi
  storageClassName: powermax-expand-sc

NOTE: The Kubernetes Volume Expansion feature can only be used to increase the size of the volume, it cannot be used to shrink a volume.

Raw block support

Starting in v1.4, the CSI PowerMax driver supports raw block volumes.

Raw Block volumes are created using the volumeDevices list in the Pod template spec with each entry accessing a volumeClaimTemplate specifying a volumeMode: Block. An example configuration is outlined here:

kind: StatefulSet
apiVersion: apps/v1
  name: powermaxtest
  namespace: {{ .Values.namespace }}
          - name: test
              - devicePath: "/dev/data0"
                name: pvol
    - metadata:
        name: pvol
        - ReadWriteOnce
        volumeMode: Block
        storageClassName: powermax
            storage: 8Gi

Allowable access modes are ReadWriteOnce, ReadWriteMany, and for block devices that have been previously initialized, ReadOnlyMany.

Raw Block volumes are presented as a block device to the Pod by using a bind mount to a block device in the node’s file system. The driver does not format or check the format of any file system on the block device. Raw Block volumes support online Volume Expansion, but it is up to the application to manage to reconfigure the file system (if any) to the new size.

For additional information, see the website: Kubernetes

CSI PowerMax Reverse Proxy

CSI PowerMax Reverse Proxy application is deployed along with the driver to get the maximum performance out of the CSI driver for PowerMax and Unisphere for PowerMax REST APIs.

CSI PowerMax Reverse Proxy is a (go) HTTPS server that acts as a reverse proxy for the Unisphere for PowerMax RESTAPI interface. Any RESTAPI request sent from the driver to the reverse proxy is forwarded to the Unisphere server and the response is routed back to the driver.

The Reverse Proxy application helps regulate the maximum number of requests which can be sent to the Unisphere RESTAPI at a given time across all driver controller and node Pods. This helps with better queuing of CSI requests and the performance of the CSI PowerMax driver.

Optionally, you can specify an alternate (backup) Unisphere server and if the primary Unisphere server is not reachable or does not respond, the proxy will redirect the calls to this alternate Unisphere.


The CSI PowerMax Reverse Proxy can be installed in two ways:

  1. It can be installed as a Kubernetes deployment in the same namespace as the driver.
  2. It can be installed as a sidecar to the driver’s controller Pod.

It is also configured as a Kubernetes “NodePort” service. If the CSI PowerMax driver has been configured to use this service, then it will connect to the IP address and port exposed by the Kubernetes service instead of directly connecting to the Unisphere server.


CSI PowerMax Reverse Proxy is an HTTPS server and has to be configured with an SSL certificate and a private key.

The certificate and key are provided to the proxy via a Kubernetes TLS secret (in the same namespace). The SSL certificate must be an X.509 certificate encoded in PEM format. The certificates can be obtained via a Certificate Authority or can be self-signed and generated by a tool such as openssl.

Starting from v2.7.0 , the secrets for proxy will be created automatically using the below tls.key and tls.cert contents provided in values.yaml file. For this , we need to install cert-manager using below command which manages the certs and secrets .

kubectl apply -f https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.11.0/cert-manager.yaml

Here is an example showing how to generate a private key and use that to sign an SSL certificate using the openssl tool:

openssl genrsa -out tls.key 2048
openssl req -new -x509 -sha256 -key tls.key -out tls.crt -days 3650

Using Helm installer

In the my-powermax-settings.yaml file, the csireverseproxy section can be used to configure the CSI PowerMax Reverse Proxy.

The new Helm chart is configured as a sub chart for the CSI PowerMax helm chart. The install script automatically installs the CSI PowerMax Reverse Proxy and configures the CSI PowerMax driver to use this service.

Using Dell CSM Operator

For complete installation instructions for the CSI PowerMax driver and the CSI PowerMax Reverse Proxy, see the Dell CSM Operator documentation for PowerMax.

User-friendly hostnames

Users can set a value for the nodeNameTemplate in my-powermax-settings.yaml during the installation of the driver so that the driver can use this value to decide the name format of hosts to create or update in the PowerMax array for the nodes in a Kubernetes cluster. The hostname value in nodeNameTemplate should always be contained between two ‘%’ characters. String prefixing first ‘%’ and string suffixing second ‘%’ is used as is before and after every node identifier.

Also, a new setting, modifyHostName, can be set to true if you want the driver to rename the existing Hosts/IG for the host initiators on the PowerMax array. The new name uses the default naming convention (csi-<ClusterPrefix>-<HostName>*) or the nodeNameTemplate if it was specified.

For example, if nodeNameTemplate is abc-%foo%-hostname and nodename is worker1, then the host ID is created or updated as abc-worker1-hostname. This change will happen for all nodes in a cluster with the respective node name.

NOTE: nodeNameTemplate can contain alphanumeric characters [a - z, A - Z, 0 - 9], ‘-’ and ‘_’, other characters are not allowed.

Controller HA

Starting with version 1.5, the CSI PowerMax driver supports running multiple replicas of the controller Pod. Leader election is only applicable for all sidecar containers and driver container will be running in all controller pods . In case of a failure, one of the standby Pods becomes active and takes the position of leader. This is achieved by using native leader election mechanisms utilizing kubernetes leases. Additionally by leveraging pod anti-affinity, no two-controller Pods are ever scheduled on the same node.

To increase or decrease the number of controller Pods, edit the following value in values.yaml file:

controllerCount: 2

NOTE: The default value for controllerCount is 2. We recommend not changing this unless it is really necessary. Also, if the controller count is greater than the number of available nodes (where the Pods can be scheduled), some controller Pods will remain in the Pending state

If you are using the Dell CSM Operator, the value to adjust is:

replicas: 2  

For more details about configuring Controller HA using the Dell CSM Operator, see the Dell CSM Operator documentation.

NodeSelectors and Tolerations

Starting with version 1.5, the CSI PowerMax driver helm installer allows you to specify a set of nodeSelectors and tolerations which can be applied on the driver controller Deployment and driver node Daemonset. There are two new sections in the values file - controller and node - where you can specify these values separately for the controller and node Pods.


If you want to apply nodeSelectors and tolerations for the controller Pods, edit the controller section in the values file.

Here are some examples:

  • To schedule controller Pods to worker nodes only (Default):
  • Set the following values for controller Pods to tolerate the taint NoSchedule on master nodes:
   - key: "node-role.kubernetes.io/master"
     operator: "Exists"
     effect: "NoSchedule"
  • Set the following values for controller Pods to be scheduled only on nodes labelled master (node-role.kubernetes.io/master):
     node-role.kubernetes.io/master: ""
   - key: "node-role.kubernetes.io/master"
     operator: "Exists"
     effect: "NoSchedule"


If you want to apply nodeSelectors and tolerations for the node Pods, edit the node section in the values file.
The values file already includes a set of default tolerations and you can add and remove tolerations to this list

# "node" allows to configure node specific parameters
  # "node.nodeSelector" defines what nodes would be selected for Pods of node daemonset
  # Leave as blank to use all nodes
  #   node-role.kubernetes.io/master: ""

  # "node.tolerations" defines tolerations that would be applied to node daemonset
  # Add/Remove tolerations as per requirement
  # Leave as blank if you wish to not apply any tolerations
    - key: "node.kubernetes.io/memory-pressure"
      operator: "Exists"
      effect: "NoExecute"
    - key: "node.kubernetes.io/disk-pressure"
      operator: "Exists"
      effect: "NoExecute"
    - key: "node.kubernetes.io/network-unavailable"
      operator: "Exists"
      effect: "NoExecute"

Topology Support

Starting from version 1.5, the CSI PowerMax driver supports topology-aware volume provisioning which helps the Kubernetes scheduler place PVCs on worker nodes that have access to the backend storage. When used with nodeSelectors which can be specified for the driver node Pods, it provides an effective way to provision applications on nodes that have access to the PowerMax array.

After a successful installation of the driver, if a node Pod is running successfully on a worker node, the following topology keys are created for a specific PowerMax array:

  • csi-powermax.dellemc.com/\<array-id\>
  • If the worker node has Fibre Channel connectivity to the PowerMax array - csi-powermax.dellemc.com/\<array-id\>.fc
  • If the worker node has ISCSI connectivity to the PowerMax array - csi-powermax.dellemc.com/\<array-id\>.iscsi
  • If the worker node has NVMeTCP connectivity to the PowerMax array - csi-powermax.dellemc.com/\<array-id\>.nvmetcp

The values for all these keys are always set to the name of the provisioner which is usually csi-powermax.dellemc.com.

Starting from version 2.3.0, topology keys have been enhanced to filter out arrays, associated transport protocol available to each node and create topology keys based on any such user input.

Topology Usage

To use the Topology feature, the storage classes must be modified as follows:

  • volumeBindingMode must be set to WaitForFirstConsumer
  • allowedTopologies should be set to one or more topology keys described in the previous section

For example, a PVC created using the following storage class will always be scheduled on nodes which have FC connectivity to the PowerMax array 000000000001

apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
  name: powermax-fc
  SRP: "SRP_1"
  SYMID: "000000000001"
  ServiceLevel: <Service Level> #Insert Service Level Name
provisioner: csi-powermax.dellemc.com 
reclaimPolicy: Delete
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
allowVolumeExpansion: true
- matchLabelExpressions:
  - key: csi-powermax.dellemc.com/000000000001
    - csi-powermax.dellemc.com
  - key: csi-powermax.dellemc.com/000000000001.fc
    - csi-powermax.dellemc.com

In the above example, if you remove the entry for the key csi-powermax.dellemc.com/000000000001.fc, then the PVCs created using this storage class will be scheduled on any worker node with access to the PowerMax array 000000000001 irrespective of the transport protocol

A set of sample storage class definitions to enable topology-aware volume provisioning has been provided in the csi-powermax/samples/storageclass folder

For additional information on how to use Topology aware Volume Provisioning, see the Kubernetes Topology documentation.

Custom Topology keys

To use the enhanced topology keys:

  1. To use this feature, set node.topologyControl.enabled to true.
  2. Edit the config file topologyConfig.yaml in csi-powermax/samples/configmap folder and provide values for the following parameters.
Parameter Description
allowedConnections List of node, array and protocol info for user allowed configuration
allowedConnections.nodeName Name of the node on which user wants to apply given rules
allowedConnections.rules List of StorageArrayID:TransportProtocol pair
deniedConnections List of node, array and protocol info for user denied configuration
deniedConnections.nodeName Name of the node on which user wants to apply given rules
deniedConnections.rules List of StorageArrayID:TransportProtocol pair

Sample config file:

# allowedConnections contains a list of (node, array and protocol) info for user allowed configuration
# For any given storage array ID and protocol on a Node, topology keys will be created for just those pair and
# every other configuration is ignored
# Please refer to the doc website about a detailed explanation of each configuration parameter
# and the various possible inputs
  # nodeName: Name of the node on which user wants to apply given rules
  # Allowed values:
  # nodeName - name of a specific node
  # * -  all the nodes
  # Examples: "node1", "*"
  - nodeName: "node1"
    # rules is a list of 'StorageArrayID:TransportProtocol' pair. ':' is required between both value
    # Allowed values:
    # StorageArrayID:
    #   - SymmetrixID : for specific storage array
    #   - "*" :- for all the arrays connected to the node
    # TransportProtocol:
    #   - FC : Fibre Channel protocol
    #   - ISCSI : iSCSI protocol
    #   - "*" - for all the possible Transport Protocol
    # Examples: "000000000001:FC", "000000000002:*", "*:FC", "*:*"
      - "000000000001:FC"
      - "000000000002:FC"
  - nodeName: "*"
      - "000000000002:FC"
# deniedConnections contains a list of (node, array and protocol) info for denied configurations by user
# For any given storage array ID and protocol on a Node, topology keys will be created for every other configuration but
# not these input pairs
  - nodeName: "node2"
      - "000000000002:*"
  - nodeName: "node3"
      - "*:*"
  1. Use the below command to create ConfigMap with configmap name as node-topology-config in the namespace powermax,

kubectl create configmap node-topology-config --from-file=topologyConfig.yaml -n powermax

For example, let there be 3 nodes and 2 arrays, so based on the sample config file above, topology keys will be created as below:

New Topology keys N1: csi-driver/000000000001.FC:csi-driver, csi-driver/000000000002.FC:csi-driver
N2 and N3: None

Note: Name of the configmap should always be node-topology-config.

Dynamic Logging Configuration

This feature is introduced in CSI Driver for PowerMax version 2.0.0.

Helm based installation

As part of driver installation, a ConfigMap with the name powermax-config-params is created, which contains an attribute CSI_LOG_LEVEL which specifies the current log level of CSI driver.

Users can set the default log level by specifying log level to logLevel attribute in my-powermax-settings.yaml during driver installation.

To change the log level dynamically to a different value, the user can edit the same my-powermax-settings.yaml, and run the following command

cd dell-csi-helm-installer
./csi-install.sh --namespace powermax --values ./my-powermax-settings.yaml --upgrade

Note: my-powermax-settings.yaml is a values.yaml file which the user has used for driver installation.

Operator based installation

As part of driver installation, a ConfigMap with the name powermax-config-params is created using the manifest located in the sample file. This ConfigMap contains an attribute CSI_LOG_LEVEL which specifies the current log level of the CSI driver. To set the default/initial log level the user can set this field during driver installation.

To update the log level dynamically, the user has to edit the ConfigMap powermax-config-params and update CSI_LOG_LEVEL to the desired log level.

kubectl edit configmap -n powermax powermax-config-params

Volume Health Monitoring

CSI Driver for Dell PowerMax 2.2.0 and above supports volume health monitoring. Alpha feature gate CSIVolumeHealth needs to be enabled for the node side monitoring to take effect. For more information, please refer to the Kubernetes GitHub repository. To use this feature, set controller.healthMonitor.enabled and node.healthMonitor.enabled to true. To change the monitor interval, set controller.healthMonitor.interval parameter.

Single Pod Access Mode for PersistentVolumes- ReadWriteOncePod

Use ReadWriteOncePod(RWOP) access mode if you want to ensure that only one pod across the whole cluster can read that PVC or write to it. This is only supported for CSI Driver for PowerMax 2.2.0+ and Kubernetes version 1.22+.

Creating a PersistentVolumeClaim

kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
  name: single-writer-only
  - ReadWriteOncePod # the volume can be mounted as read-write by a single pod across the whole cluster
      storage: 1Gi

When this feature is enabled, the existing ReadWriteOnce(RWO) access mode restricts volume access to a single node and allows multiple pods on the same node to read from and write to the same volume.

To migrate existing PersistentVolumes to use ReadWriteOncePod, please follow the instruction from here.

Support for auto RDM for vSphere over FC

CSI Driver for Dell PowerMax 2.5.0 and above supports auto RDM for vSphere over FC.

This feature supports volume provisioning on Kubernetes clusters running on vSphere (VMware hypervisor) via RDM mechanism. This feature enables the users to use PMAX CSI drivers with VMs on vSphere Hypervisor with the same feature and functionality as there with bare metal servers when they have only FC ports in PMAX storage.

It will be supported only on new/freshly installed clusters where the cluster is exclusively deployed in a virtualized vSphere environment. Having hybrid topologies like iSCSI, NVMeTCP or FC (in pass-through) is not supported.

To use this feature

  • Set vSphere.enabled to true.
  • Create a secret which contains vCenter privileges. Follow the steps here to create it. Update vCenterCredSecret with the secret name created.
 VMware/vSphere virtualization support
# set enable to true, if you to enable VMware virtualized environment support via RDM
# Allowed Values:
#   "true" - vSphere volumes are enabled
#   "false" - vSphere volumes are disabled
# Default value: "false"
  enabled: false
  # fcPortGroup: an existing portGroup that driver will use for vSphere
  # recommended format: csi-x-VC-PG, x can be anything of user choice
  fcPortGroup: "csi-vsphere-VC-PG"
  # fcHostGroup: an existing host(initiator group) that driver will use for vSphere
  # this hostGroup should contain initiators from all the ESXs/ESXi host
  # where the cluster is deployed
  # recommended format: csi-x-VC-HG, x can be anything of user choice
  fcHostGroup: "csi-vsphere-VC-HG"
  # vCenterHost: URL/endpoint of the vCenter where all the ESX are present
  vCenterHost: ""
  # vCenterCredSecret: secret name for the vCenter credentials
  vCenterCredSecret: vcenter-creds  

Note: Replication is not supported with this feature. Limitations of RDM can be referred here.
Supported number of RDM Volumes per VM is 60 as per the limitations. RDMs should not be added/removed manually from vCenter on any of the cluster VMs.

Storage Capacity Tracking

CSI PowerMax driver version 2.8.0 and above supports Storage Capacity Tracking.

This feature helps the scheduler to make more informed choices about where to start pods that depend on unbound volumes with late binding (aka “wait for first consumer”). Nodes satisfying the topology constraints, and with the requested capacity that is present on the storage array, will be available for scheduling the pods, Otherwise, the pods stay in pending state. External-provisioner makes one GetCapacity() call per storage class that is present on the cluster to get the AvailableCapacity for the array specified in the storage class that matches with the array mentioned during driver deployment.

Without storage capacity tracking, pods get scheduled on a node satisfying the topology constraints. If the required capacity is not available, volume attachment to the pods fails, and pods remain in the ContainerCreating state. Storage capacity tracking eliminates unnecessary scheduling of pods when there is insufficient capacity.

Storage capacity can be tracked by setting the attribute storageCapacity.enabled to true in values.yaml (set to true by default) during driver installation. To configure how often driver checks for changed capacity, set the storageCapacity.pollInterval attribute (set to 5m by default). In case of driver installed via operator, this interval can be configured in the sample file provided here. by editing the --capacity-poll-interval argument present in the provisioner sidecar.

Volume Limits

The CSI Driver for Dell PowerMax allows users to specify the maximum number of PowerMax volumes that can be created on a node.

The user can set the volume limit for a node by creating a node label max-powermax-volumes-per-node and specifying the volume limit for that node.
kubectl label node <node_name> max-powermax-volumes-per-node=<volume_limit>

The user can also set the volume limit for all the nodes in the cluster by specifying the same to maxPowerMaxVolumesPerNode attribute in values.yaml. In case of driver installed via operator, this attribute can be modified in the sample file provided here by editing the X_CSI_MAX_VOLUMES_PER_NODE parameter.

This feature is also supported for limiting the volume provisioning on Kubernetes clusters running on vSphere (VMware hypervisor) via RDM mechanism. User can set vSphere.enabled to true and also set volume limits to positive values less than or equal 60 via labels or in Values.yaml file.

The default value of maxPowerMaxVolumesPerNode is 0.
If maxPowerMaxVolumesPerNode is set to zero, then CO shall decide how many volumes of this type can be published by the controller to the node.

The volume limit specified to maxPowerMaxVolumesPerNode attribute is applicable to all the nodes in the cluster for which node label max-powermax-volumes-per-node is not set.
Supported maximum number of RDM Volumes per VM is 60 as per the limitations.
If the value is set both by node label and values.yaml file then node label value will get the precedence and user has to remove the node label in order to reflect the values.yaml value.

NVMe/TCP Support

The CSI Driver for Dell PowerMax supports NVMeTCP from v2.11.0. To enable NVMe/TCP provisioning, blockProtocol in settings file should be specified as NVMETCP.

These are the CSM modules not supported with NVMeTCP protocol:

  • CSM Authorization
  • CSM Observability
  • CSM Application Mobility
  • Metro Replication