dellctl is a common command line interface(CLI) used to interact with and manage your Container Storage Modules (CSM) resources. This document outlines all dellctl commands, their intended use, options that can be provided to alter their execution, and expected output from those commands.

Command Description
dellctl dellctl is used to interact with Container Storage Modules
dellctl cluster Manipulate one or more k8s cluster configurations
dellctl cluster add Add a k8s cluster to be managed by dellctl
dellctl cluster remove Removes a k8s cluster managed by dellctl
dellctl cluster get List all clusters currently being managed by dellctl
dellctl backup Allows you to manipulate application backups/clones
dellctl backup create Create an application backup/clones
dellctl backup delete Delete application backups
dellctl backup get Get application backups
dellctl restore Allows you to manipulate application restores
dellctl restore create Restore an application backup
dellctl restore delete Delete application restores
dellctl restore get Get application restores
dellctl schedule Allows you to manipulate schedules
dellctl schedule create Create a schedule
dellctl schedule create for-backup Create a schedule for application backups
dellctl schedule delete Delete schedules
dellctl schedule get Get schedules
dellctl encryption rekey Rekey an encrypted volume
dellctl encryption rekey-status Get status of an encryption rekey operation
dellctl images List the container images needed by csi driver
dellctl volume get Gets PowerFlex volume infomation for a given tenant on a local cluster
dellctl admin token Generate an administrator token for administrating CSM Authorization v2
dellctl generate token Generate a tenant token for configuring a Dell CSI Driver with CSM Authorization v2

Installation instructions

  1. Download dellctl from here.
  2. chmod +x dellctl
  3. Move dellctl to /usr/local/bin or add dellctl’s containing directory path to PATH environment variable.
  4. Run dellctl --help to know available commands or run dellctl command --help to know more about a specific command.

By default, the dellctl runs against local cluster(referenced by KUBECONFIG environment variable or by a kube config file present at default location). The user can register one or more remote clusters for dellctl, and run any dellctl command against these clusters by specifying the registered cluster id to the command.

General Commands


dellctl is a CLI tool for managing Dell Container Storage Resources.

  -h, --help      help for dellctl
  -v, --version   version for dellctl  

Outputs help text

dellctl cluster

Allows you to manipulate one or more k8s cluster configurations

Available Commands
  add         Adds a k8s cluster to be managed by dellctl
  remove      Removes a k8s cluster managed by dellctl
  get         List all clusters currently being managed by dellctl  
  -h, --help   help for cluster  

Outputs help text

dellctl cluster add

Add one or more k8s clusters to be managed by dellctl

  -n, --names strings   cluster names
  -f, --files strings   paths for kube config files
  -u, --uids strings    uids of the kube-system namespaces in the clusters
      --force           forcefully add cluster
  -h, --help            help for add
dellctl cluster add -n cluster1 -f ~/kubeconfigs/cluster1-kubeconfig
 INFO Adding clusters ...
 INFO Cluster: cluster1
 INFO Successfully added cluster cluster1 in /root/.dellctl/clusters/cluster1 folder.

Add a cluster with it’s uid

dellctl cluster add -n cluster2 -f ~/kubeconfigs/cluster2-kubeconfig -u "035133aa-5b65-4080-a813-34a7abe48180"
 INFO Adding clusters ...
 INFO Cluster: cluster2
 INFO Successfully added cluster cluster2 in /root/.dellctl/clusters/cluster2 folder.

dellctl cluster remove

Removes a k8s cluster by name from the list of clusters being managed by dellctl

  remove, rm
  -h, --help          help for remove
  -n, --name string   cluster name
dellctl cluster remove -n cluster1
 INFO Removing cluster with id cluster1
 INFO Removed cluster with id cluster1

dellctl cluster get

List all clusters currently being managed by dellctl

  get, ls
  -h, --help   help for get
dellctl cluster get
CLUSTER ID      VERSION URL                             UID
cluster1        v1.22
cluster2        v1.22            035133aa-5b65-4080-a813-34a7abe48180

dellctl backup

Allows you to manipulate application backups/clones

Available Commands
  create      Create an application backup/clones
  delete      Delete application backups
  get         Get application backups
  -h, --help   help for backup  

Outputs help text

dellctl backup create

Create an application backup/clones

      --cluster-id string                               Id of the cluster managed by dellctl
      --exclude-namespaces stringArray                  List of namespace names to exclude from the backup.
      --include-namespaces stringArray                  List of namespace names to include in the backup (use '*' for all namespaces). (default *)
      --ttl duration                                    Backup retention period. (default 720h0m0s)
      --exclude-resources stringArray                   Resources to exclude from the backup, formatted as, such as
      --include-resources stringArray                   Resources to include in the backup, formatted as, such as (use '*' for all resources).
      --backup-location string                          Storage location where k8s resources and application data will be backed up to. (default "default")
      --data-mover string                               Data mover to be used to backup application data. (default "Restic")
      --include-cluster-resources optionalBool[=true]   Include cluster-scoped resources in the backup
  -l, --label-selector labelSelector                    Only backup resources matching this label selector. (default <none>)
  -n, --namespace string                                The namespace in which application mobility service should operate. (default "app-mobility-system")
      --clones stringArray                              Creates an application clone into target clusters managed by dellctl. Specify optional namespace mappings where the clone is created. Example: 'cluster1/sourceNamespace1:targetNamespace1', 'cluster1/sourceNamespace1:targetNamespace1;cluster2/sourceNamespace2:targetNamespace2'
  -h, --help                                            help for create

Create a backup of the applications running in namespace demo1

dellctl backup create backup1 --include-namespaces demo1
 INFO Backup request "backup1" submitted successfully.
 INFO Run 'dellctl backup get backup1' for more details.

Create clones of the application running in namespace demo1, on clusters with id cluster1 and cluster2

dellctl backup create demo-app-clones --include-namespaces demo1 --clones "cluster1/demo1:restore-ns1" --clones "cluster2/demo1:restore-ns1"
 INFO Clone request "demo-app-clones" submitted successfully.
 INFO Run 'dellctl backup get demo-app-clones' for more details.

Take backup of application running in namespace demo3 on remote cluster with id cluster2

dellctl backup create backup4 --include-namespaces demo3 --cluster-id cluster2
 INFO Backup request "backup4" submitted successfully.
 INFO Run 'dellctl backup get backup4' for more details.

dellctl backup delete

Delete one or more application backups

      --all                 Delete all backups
      --cluster-id string   Id of the cluster managed by dellctl
      --confirm             Confirm deletion
  -h, --help                help for delete
  -n, --namespace string    The namespace in which application mobility service should operate. (default "app-mobility-system")
dellctl backup delete backup1
Are you sure you want to continue (Y/N)? Y
 INFO Request to delete backup "backup1" submitted successfully.
 INFO The backup will be fully deleted after all associated data (backup files, pod volume data, restores, velero backup) are removed.

Delete multiple backups

dellctl backup delete backup1 backup2
Are you sure you want to continue (Y/N)? Y
 INFO Request to delete backup "backup1" submitted successfully.
 INFO The backup will be fully deleted after all associated data (backup files, pod volume data, restores, velero backup) are removed.
 INFO Request to delete backup "backup2" submitted successfully.
 INFO The backup will be fully deleted after all associated data (backup files, pod volume data, restores, velero backup) are removed.

Delete all backups without asking for user confirmation

dellctl backup delete --all --confirm
 INFO Request to delete backup "backup4" submitted successfully.
 INFO The backup will be fully deleted after all associated data (backup files, pod volume data, restores, velero backup) are removed.
 INFO Request to delete backup "demo-app-clones" submitted successfully.
 INFO The backup will be fully deleted after all associated data (backup files, pod volume data, restores, velero backup) are removed.

dellctl backup get

Get application backups

      --cluster-id string   Id of the cluster managed by dellctl
  -h, --help                help for get
  -n, --namespace string    The namespace in which application mobility service should operate. (default "app-mobility-system")
dellctl backup get
NAME              STATUS      CREATED                         EXPIRES                         STORAGE LOCATION   DATA MOVER   CLONED   TARGET CLUSTERS
backup1           Completed   2022-07-27 11:51:00 -0400 EDT   2022-08-26 11:51:00 -0400 EDT   default            Restic       false
backup2           Completed   2022-07-27 11:59:24 -0400 EDT   2022-08-26 11:59:42 -0400 EDT   default            Restic       false
backup4           Completed   2022-07-27 12:02:54 -0400 EDT   NA                              default            Restic       false
demo-app-clones   Restored    2022-07-27 11:53:37 -0400 EDT   2022-08-26 11:53:37 -0400 EDT   default            Restic       true     cluster1, cluster2

Get backups from remote cluster with id cluster2

dellctl backup get --cluster-id cluster2
NAME              STATUS      CREATED                         EXPIRES                         STORAGE LOCATION   DATA MOVER   CLONED   TARGET CLUSTERS
backup1           Completed   2022-07-27 11:52:42 -0400 EDT   NA                              default            Restic       false
backup2           Completed   2022-07-27 12:02:29 -0400 EDT   NA                              default            Restic       false
backup4           Completed   2022-07-27 12:01:49 -0400 EDT   2022-08-26 12:01:49 -0400 EDT   default            Restic       false
demo-app-clones   Completed   2022-07-27 11:54:55 -0400 EDT   NA                              default            Restic       true     cluster1, cluster2

Get backups with their names

dellctl backup get backup1 demo-app-clones
NAME              STATUS      CREATED                         EXPIRES                         STORAGE LOCATION   DATA MOVER   CLONED   TARGET CLUSTERS
backup1           Completed   2022-07-27 11:51:00 -0400 EDT   2022-08-26 11:51:00 -0400 EDT   default            Restic       false
demo-app-clones   Completed   2022-07-27 11:53:37 -0400 EDT   2022-08-26 11:53:37 -0400 EDT   default            Restic       true     cluster1, cluster2

dellctl restore

Allows you to manipulate application restores

Available Commands
  create      Restore an application backup
  delete      Delete application restores
  get         Get application restores
  -h, --help   help for restore  

Outputs help text

dellctl restore create

Restore an application backup

      --cluster-id string                               Id of the cluster managed by dellctl
      --from-backup string                              Backup to restore from
      --namespace-mappings mapStringString              Map of source namespace names to target namespace names to restore into in the form src1:dst1,src2:dst2,...
      --exclude-namespaces stringArray                  List of namespace names to exclude from the backup.
      --include-namespaces stringArray                  List of namespace names to include in the backup (use '*' for all namespaces). (default *)
      --exclude-resources stringArray                   Resources to exclude from the backup, formatted as, such as
      --include-resources stringArray                   Resources to include in the backup, formatted as, such as (use '*' for all resources).
      --restore-volumes optionalBool[=true]             Whether to restore volumes from snapshots.
      --include-cluster-resources optionalBool[=true]   Include cluster-scoped resources in the backup
  -n, --namespace string                                The namespace in which application mobility service should operate. (default "app-mobility-system")
  -h, --help                                            help for create

Restore application backup backup1 on local cluster in namespace restorens1

dellctl restore create restore1 --from-backup backup1 --namespace-mappings "demo1:restorens1"
 INFO Restore request "restore1" submitted successfully.
 INFO Run 'dellctl restore get restore1' for more details.

Restore application backup backup1 on remote cluster cluster2 in namespace demo1

dellctl restore create restore1 --from-backup backup1 --cluster-id cluster2
 INFO Restore request "restore1" submitted successfully.
 INFO Run 'dellctl restore get restore1' for more details.

dellctl restore delete

Delete one or more application restores

      --all                 Delete all restores
      --cluster-id string   Id of the cluster managed by dellctl
      --confirm             Confirm deletion
  -h, --help                help for delete
  -n, --namespace string    The namespace in which application mobility service should operate. (default "app-mobility-system")

Delete a restore created on remote cluster with id cluster2

dellctl restore delete restore1 --cluster-id cluster2
Are you sure you want to continue (Y/N)? Y
 INFO Request to delete restore "restore1" submitted successfully.
 INFO The restore will be fully deleted after all associated data (restore files, velero restore) are removed.

Delete multiple restores

dellctl restore delete restore1 restore4
Are you sure you want to continue (Y/N)? Y
 INFO Request to delete restore "restore1" submitted successfully.
 INFO The restore will be fully deleted after all associated data (restore files, velero restore) are removed.
 INFO Request to delete restore "restore4" submitted successfully.
 INFO The restore will be fully deleted after all associated data (restore files, velero restore) are removed.

Delete all restores without asking for user confirmation

dellctl restore delete --all --confirm
 INFO Request to delete restore "restore1" submitted successfully.
 INFO The restore will be fully deleted after all associated data (restore files, velero restore) are removed.
 INFO Request to delete restore "restore2" submitted successfully.
 INFO The restore will be fully deleted after all associated data (restore files, velero restore) are removed.

dellctl restore get

Get application restores

      --cluster-id string   Id of the cluster managed by dellctl
  -h, --help                help for get
  -n, --namespace string    The namespace in which application mobility service should operate. (default "app-mobility-system")

Get all the application restores created on local cluster

dellctl restore get
NAME       BACKUP    STATUS      CREATED                         COMPLETED
restore1   backup1   Completed   2022-07-27 12:35:29 -0400 EDT
restore4   backup1   Completed   2022-07-27 12:39:42 -0400 EDT

Get all the application restores created on remote cluster with id cluster2

dellctl restore get --cluster-id cluster2
NAME       BACKUP    STATUS      CREATED                         COMPLETED
restore1   backup1   Completed   2022-07-27 12:38:43 -0400 EDT

Get restores with their names

dellctl restore get restore1
NAME       BACKUP    STATUS      CREATED                         COMPLETED
restore1   backup1   Completed   2022-07-27 12:35:29 -0400 EDT

dellctl schedule

Allows you to manipulate schedules

Available Commands
  create      Create a schedule
  delete      Delete schedules
  get         Get schedules
  -h, --help   Help for schedule  

Outputs help text

dellctl schedule create

Create a schedule

Available Commands
  for-backup  Create a schedule for application backups
      --cluster-id string   Id of the cluster managed by dellctl
  -h, --help                Help for create
      --name string         Name for the schedule
      --schedule string     A cron expression representing when to create the application backup  

Outputs help text

dellctl schedule create for-backup

Create a schedule for application backups

      --exclude-namespaces stringArray                        List of namespace names to exclude from the backup.
      --include-namespaces stringArray                        List of namespace names to include in the backup (use '*' for all namespaces). (default *)
      --ttl duration                                          Backup retention period. (default 720h0m0s)
      --exclude-resources stringArray                         Resources to exclude from the backup, formatted as, such as
      --include-resources stringArray                         Resources to include in the backup, formatted as, such as (use '*' for all resources).
      --backup-location string                                Storage location where k8s resources and application data will be backed up to. (default "default")
      --data-mover string                                     Data mover to be used to backup application data. (default "Restic")
      --include-cluster-resources optionalBool[=true]         Include cluster-scoped resources in the backup
  -l, --label-selector labelSelector                          Only backup resources matching this label selector. (default <none>)
      --set-owner-references-in-backup optionalBool[=false]   Specifies whether to set OwnerReferences on backups created by this schedule.
  -n, --namespace string                                      The namespace in which application mobility service should operate. (default "app-mobility-system")
  -h, --help                                                  Help for for-backup
Global Flags
      --cluster-id string   Id of the cluster managed by dellctl
      --name string         Name for the schedule
      --schedule string     A cron expression representing when to create the application backup

Create a schedule to backup namespace demo, every 1hour

dellctl schedule create for-backup --name schedule1 --schedule "@every 1h" --include-namespaces demo
 INFO schedule request "schedule1" submitted successfully.
 INFO Run 'dellctl schedule get schedule1' for more details.

Create a schedule to backup namespace demo, once a day at midnight and set OwnerReferences on backups created by this schedule

dellctl schedule create for-backup --name schedule2 --schedule "@daily" --include-namespaces demo --set-owner-references-in-backup
 INFO schedule request "schedule2" submitted successfully.
 INFO Run 'dellctl schedule get schedule2' for more details.

Create a schedule to backup namespace demo, at 23:00(11:00 pm) every saturday

dellctl schedule create for-backup --name schedule3 --schedule "00 23 * * 6" --include-namespaces demo
 INFO schedule request "schedule3" submitted successfully.
 INFO Run 'dellctl schedule get schedule3' for more details.

dellctl schedule delete

Delete one or more schedules

      --all                 Delete all schedules
      --cluster-id string   Id of the cluster managed by dellctl
      --confirm             Confirm deletion
  -h, --help                Help for delete
  -n, --namespace string    The namespace in which application mobility service should operate. (default "app-mobility-system")

Delete a schedule with name

dellctl schedule delete schedule1
Are you sure you want to continue (Y/N)? y
 INFO Request to delete schedule "schedule1" submitted successfully.

Delete multiple schedules

dellctl schedule delete schedule1 schedule2
Are you sure you want to continue (Y/N)? y
 INFO Request to delete schedule "schedule1" submitted successfully.
 INFO Request to delete schedule "schedule2" submitted successfully.

Delete all schedules without asking for user confirmation

dellctl schedule delete --confirm --all
 INFO Request to delete schedule "schedule1" submitted successfully.
 INFO Request to delete schedule "schedule2" submitted successfully.

dellctl schedule get

Get schedules

      --cluster-id string   Id of the cluster managed by dellctl
  -h, --help                Help for get
  -n, --namespace string    The namespace in which application mobility service should operate. (default "app-mobility-system")

Get all the application schedules created on local cluster

dellctl schedule get
NAME          STATUS    CREATED                         PAUSED   SCHEDULE    LAST BACKUP TIME
schedule1     Enabled   2022-11-04 08:33:35 +0000 UTC   false    @every 1h   NA
schedule2     Enabled   2022-11-04 08:35:57 +0000 UTC   false    @daily      NA

Get schedules with their names

dellctl schedule get schedule1
NAME          STATUS    CREATED                         PAUSED   SCHEDULE    LAST BACKUP TIME
schedule1     Enabled   2022-11-04 08:33:35 +0000 UTC   false    @every 1h   NA

dellctl encryption rekey

Encryption rekey with a name for the rekey object and volume name of an encrypted volume

      --cluster-id string   Id of the cluster managed by dellctl
  -h, --help                help for get
dellctl encryption rekey myrekey k8s-5d2cc565d4
 INFO rekey request "myrekey" submitted successfully for persistent volume "k8s-5d2cc565d4".
 INFO Run 'dellctl encryption rekey-status myrekey' for more details.

dellctl encryption rekey-status

Encryption rekey status with name of the rekey object

      --cluster-id string   Id of the cluster managed by dellctl
  -h, --help                help for get
dellctl encryption rekey-status myrekey
 INFO Status of rekey request myrekey = completed

dellctl images

List the container images needed by csm components


Supported CSM Components





  -c, --component string   csm-component name
  -h, --help               help for images


dellctl images --component csi-vxflexos
Driver/Module Image             Supported Orchestrator Versions         Sidecar Images
dellemc/csi-vxflexos:v2.9.0     k8s1.28,k8s1.27,k8s1.26,ocp4.14,ocp4.13

dellemc/csi-vxflexos:v2.8.0     k8s1.27,k8s1.26,k8s1.25,ocp4.13,ocp4.12

dellemc/csi-vxflexos:v2.7.0     k8s1.27,k8s1.26,k8s1.25,ocp4.12,ocp4.11
dellctl images --component csm-authorization
Driver/Module Image                             Supported Orchestrator Versions Sidecar Images
dellemc/csm-authorization-sidecar:v1.9.0        k8s1.28,k8s1.27,k8s1.26         jetstack/cert-manager-cainjector:v1.6.1

dellemc/csm-authorization-sidecar:v1.8.0        k8s1.27,k8s1.26,k8s1.25         jetstack/cert-manager-cainjector:v1.6.1

dellemc/csm-authorization-sidecar:v1.7.0        k8s1.27,k8s1.26,k8s1.25         jetstack/cert-manager-cainjector:v1.6.1

dellctl volume get

Gets PowerFlex volume infomation for a given tenant on a local cluster


get, ls, list

  -h, --help                           help for get
      --insecure optionalBool[=true]   provide flag to skip certificate validation
      --namespace string               namespace of the secret for the given tenant
      --proxy string                   auth proxy endpoint to use

Gets PowerFlex volume infomation for a given tenant on a local cluster. The namespace is the namespace where tenant secret is created.

Note: This was output was generated using Authorization Proxy version 1.5.1. Please ensure you are using version 1.5.1 or greater.

dellctl volume get --proxy <> --namespace vxflexos
# dellctl volume get --proxy <> --namespace vxflexos

NAME             VOLUME ID          SIZE       POOL     SYSTEM ID          PV NAME          PV STATUS   STORAGE CLASS   PVC NAME       NAMESPACE
k8s-e7c8b39112   a69bf18e00000008   8.000000   mypool   636468e3638c840f   k8s-e7c8b39112   Released    vxflexos        demo-claim10   default
k8s-e6e2b46103   a69bf18f00000009   8.000000   mypool   636468e3638c840f   k8s-e6e2b46103   Bound       vxflexos        demo-claim11   default
k8s-b1abb817d3   a69bf19000000001   8.000000   mypool   636468e3638c840f   k8s-b1abb817d3   Bound       vxflexos        demo-claim13   default
k8s-28e4184f41   c6b2280d0000009a   8.000000   mypool   636468e3638c840f   k8s-28e4184f41   Available   local-storage  
k8s-7296621062   a69b554f00000004   8.000000   mypool   636468e3638c840f

dellctl admin token

Generate an administrator token for administrating CSM Authorization v2

      --access-token-expiration duration    Expiration time of the access token, e.g. 1m30s (default 1m0s)
  -h, --help                                help for token
  -s, --jwt-signing-secret string           Specify JWT signing secret, or omit to use stdin
  -n, --name string                         Admin name
      --refresh-token-expiration duration   Expiration time of the refresh token, e.g. 48h (default 720h0m0s)
dellctl admin token -n <administrator-name> --jwt-signing-secret <signing-secret>
# dellctl admin token -n admin --jwt-signing-secret secret
  "Access": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJjc20iLCJleHAiOjE3MjA3MDk1MTcsImdyb3VwIjoiYWRtaW4iLCJpc3MiOiJjb20uZGVsbC5jc20iLCJyb2xlcyI6IiIsInN1YiI6ImNzbS1hZG1pbiJ9.WS5NSxrCoMn90ohOZZyyGoBias583xYumeKvmIrCqSs",
  "Refresh": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJjc20iLCJleHAiOjE3MjMzMDE0NTcsImdyb3VwIjoiYWRtaW4iLCJpc3MiOiJjb20uZGVsbC5jc20iLCJyb2xlcyI6IiIsInN1YiI6ImNzbS1hZG1pbiJ9.MJ9ajrB-nLEQKdAA-H8n78kS9QiX1yW_-m7K4Tmu7Mg"

dellctl generate token

Generate a tenant token for configuring a Dell CSI Driver with CSM Authorization v2

      --access-token-expiration duration    Expiration time of the access token, e.g. 1m30s (default 1m0s)
  -h, --help                                help for token
      --refresh-token-expiration duration   Expiration time of the refresh token, e.g. 48h (default 720h0m0s)
  -t, --tenant string                       Tenant name

Global Flags:
      --addr string          Address of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server; required
  -f, --admin-token string   Path to admin token file; required
      --insecure             Skip certificate validation of the CSM Authorization Proxy Server
dellctl generate token --admin-token <admin-token-file> --addr <csm-authorization-address> --tenant <tenant-name>
# dellctl admin token -n admin --jwt-signing-secret secret
apiVersion: v1
  access: ZXlKaGJHY2lPaUpJVXpJMU5pSXNJblI1Y0NJNklrcFhWQ0o5LmV5SmhkV1FpT2lKamMyMGlMQ0psZUhBaU9qRTJPREl3TVRBeU5UTXNJbWR5YjNWd0lqb2labTl2SWl3aWFYTnpJam9pWTI5dExtUmxiR3d1WTNOdElpd2ljbTlzWlhNaU9pSmlZWElpTENKemRXSWlPaUpqYzIwdGRHVnVZVzUwSW4wLjlSYkJISzJUS2dZbVdDX0paazBoSXV0N0daSDV4NGVjQVk2ekdaUDNvUWs=
  refresh: ZXlKaGJHY2lPaUpJVXpJMU5pSXNJblI1Y0NJNklrcFhWQ0o5LmV5SmhkV1FpT2lKamMyMGlMQ0psZUhBaU9qRTJPRFEyTURJeE9UTXNJbWR5YjNWd0lqb2labTl2SWl3aWFYTnpJam9pWTI5dExtUmxiR3d1WTNOdElpd2ljbTlzWlhNaU9pSmlZWElpTENKemRXSWlPaUpqYzIwdGRHVnVZVzUwSW4wLkxQcDQzbXktSVJudTFjdmZRcko4M0pMdTR2NXlWQlRDV2NjWFpfWjROQkU=
kind: Secret
  creationTimestamp: null
  name: proxy-authz-tokens
type: Opaque