COSI Driver installation using Helm

Installation of COSI Driver using Helm

The COSI Driver for Dell ObjectScale can be deployed by using the provided Helm v3 charts on Kubernetes platform.

The Helm chart installs the following components in a Deployment in the specified namespace:

  • COSI Driver for ObjectScale


Installing any of the CSI Driver components using Helm requires a few utilities to be installed on the system running the installation.

Dependency Usage
kubectl Kubectl is used to validate that the Kubernetes system meets the requirements of the driver.
helm Helm v3 is used as the deployment tool for Charts. Go here to install Helm 3.

ℹ️ NOTE: To use these tools, a valid KUBECONFIG is required. Ensure that either a valid configuration is in the default location, or, that the KUBECONFIG environment variable points to a valid configuration before using these tools.


Install the Driver


  1. Run git clone -b main to clone the git repository.
  2. Ensure that you have created the namespace where you want to install the driver. You can run kubectl create namespace dell-cosi to create a new one. The use of dell-cosi as the namespace is just an example. You can choose any name for the namespace.
  3. Copy the charts/cosi/values.yaml into a new location with name my-cosi-values.yaml, to customize settings for installation.
  4. Create new file called my-cosi-configuration.yaml, and copy the settings available in the Configuration File page.
  5. Edit my-cosi-values.yaml to set the following parameters for your installation: The following table lists the primary configurable parameters of the COSI driver Helm chart and their default values. More detailed information can be found in the values.yaml file in this repository.
Parameter Description Required Default
provisioner.logLevel The logging level for the COSI driver provisioner. yes 4
provisioner.logFormat The logging format for the COSI driver provisioner. yes "text"
provisioner.image.reposiotry COSI driver provisioner container image repository. yes ""
provisioner.image.tag COSI driver provisioner container image tag. yes "v0.1.0"
provisioner.image.pullPolicy COSI driver provisioner container image pull policy. Maps 1-to-1 with Kubernetes image pull policy. yes "IfNotPresent"
sidecar.verbosity The logging verbosity for the COSI driver sidecar, higher values are more verbose, possible values are integers from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. Generally the range used is between -4 and 12. However, there may be cases where numbers outside that range might provide more information. For additional information, refer to the COSI sidecar documentation. yes 5
sidecar.image.reposiotry COSI driver sidecar container image repository. yes ""
sidecar.image.tag COSI driver sidecar container image tag. yes "v20230130-v0.1.0-24-gc0cf995"
sidecar.image.pullPolicy COSI driver sidecar container image pull policy. Maps 1-to-1 with Kubernetes image pull policy. yes "IfNotPresent"
configuration.create Specifies whether a secret with driver configuration should be created If set to false, you must set configuration.secretName field to an existing configuration secret name. yes true
configuration.secretName Name can be used to specify an existing secret name to use for the driver configuration or override the generated name. no "cosi-config" Data should be provided when installing chart, it will be used to create the Secret with the driver configuration. configuration.create must be set to true for this to work. no ""

ℹ️ NOTE:

  • Whenever the configuration.secretName parameter changes in my-cosi-values.yaml user needs to reinstall the driver.
  • Whenever the parameter changes in my-cosi-values.yaml user needs to reinstall the driver.
  1. Install the driver by running the following command (assuming that the current working directory is charts and my-cosi-settings.yaml is also present in charts directory).
helm install dell-cosi ./cosi --namespace=dell-cosi --values ./my-cosi-values.yaml --set-file

Bucket Classes, Bucket Access Classes

The COSI driver for Dell ObjectScale version 1.2, dell-csi-helm-installer does not create any Bucket Classes nor Bucket Access Classes as part of the driver installation. A sample class manifests are available at samples/bucketclass/objectscale.yaml and samples/bucketaccessclass/objectscale.yaml. Use this sample manifest to create a Bucket Classes to provision storage. Remember to uncomment/update the manifest as per the requirements.