PowerFlex Metrics

Dell Container Storage Modules (CSM) for Observability PowerFlex Metrics

This section outlines the metrics collected by the Container Storage Modules (CSM) Observability module for PowerFlex. The Grafana reference dashboards for PowerFlex metrics can be uploaded to your Grafana instance.

I/O Performance Metrics

Storage system I/O performance metrics (IOPS, bandwidth, latency) are available by default and broken down by export node and volume.

To disable these metrics, set the sdc_metrics_enabled field to false in helm/values.yaml.

The following I/O performance metrics are available from the OpenTelemetry collector endpoint. Please see the CSM for Observability for more information on deploying and configuring the OpenTelemetry collector.

Metric Description
powerflex_export_node_read_bw_megabytes_per_second The export node read bandwidth (MB/s) within PowerFlex system
powerflex_export_node_write_bw_megabytes_per_second The export node write bandwidth (MB/s)
powerflex_export_node_read_latency_milliseconds The time (in ms) to complete read operations within PowerFlex system by the export node
powerflex_export_node_write_latency_milliseconds The time (in ms) to complete write operations within PowerFlex system by the export host
powerflex_export_node_read_iops_per_second The number of read operations performed by an export node (per second)
powerflex_export_node_write_iops_per_second The number of write operations performed by an export node (per second)
powerflex_volume_read_bw_megabytes_per_second The volume read bandwidth (MB/s)
powerflex_volume_write_bw_megabytes_per_second The volume write bandwidth (MB/s)
powerflex_volume_read_latency_milliseconds The time (in ms) to complete read operations to a volume
powerflex_volume_write_latency_milliseconds The time (in ms) to complete write operations to a volume
powerflex_volume_read_iops_per_second The number of read operations performed against a volume (per second)
powerflex_volume_write_iops_per_second The number of write operations performed against a volume (per second)

Storage Capacity Metrics

Provides visibility into the total, used, and available capacity for a storage class and associated underlying storage construct.

To disable these metrics, set the storage_class_pool_metrics_enabled field to false in helm/values.yaml.

The following storage capacity metrics are available from the OpenTelemetry collector endpoint. Please see the CSM for Observability for more information on deploying and configuring the OpenTelemetry collector.

Metric Description
powerflex_storage_pool_total_logical_capacity_gigabytes The logical capacity (size) of a storage pool (GB)
powerflex_storage_pool_logical_capacity_available_gigabytes The capacity available for use (GB)
powerflex_storage_pool_logical_capacity_in_use_gigabytes The logical capacity of a storage pool in use (GB)
powerflex_storage_pool_logical_provisioned_gigabytes The total size of volumes (thick and thin) provisioned in a storage pool (GB)