
Installing the CSI Driver for Dell PowerMax via Dell CSM Operator

Starting with CSM 1.12, all deployments will use images from quay.io by default. New release images will be available on Docker Hub until CSM 1.14 (May 2025), and existing releases will remain on Docker Hub.

The CSI Driver for Dell PowerMax can be installed via the Dell CSM Operator. To deploy the Operator, follow the instructions available here.

Note that the deployment of the driver using the operator does not use any Helm charts and the installation and configuration parameters will be slightly different from the one specified via the Helm installer.

Listing installed drivers

To query for all Dell CSI drivers installed with the ContainerStorageModule CRD use the following command:

kubectl get csm --all-namespaces


The following requirements must be met before installing the CSI Driver for Dell PowerMax:

  • A Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster (see supported versions).
  • If enabling CSM for Authorization, please refer to the Authorization deployment steps first
  • If enabling CSM Replication, both source and target storage systems must be locally managed by Unisphere.
    • Example: When using two Unisphere instances, the first Unisphere instance should be configured with the source storage system as locally managed and target storage system as remotely managed. The second Unisphere configuration should mirror the first — locally managing the target storage system and remotely managing the source storage system.
  • Refer to the sections below for protocol specific requirements.
  • For NVMe support the preferred multipath solution is NVMe native multipathing. The Dell Host Connectivity Guide describes the details of each configuration option.
  • Linux multipathing requirements (described later).
  • PowerPath for Linux requirements (described later).
  • Mount propagation is enabled on the container runtime that is being used.
  • If using Snapshot feature, satisfy all Volume Snapshot requirements.
  • Insecure registries are defined in Docker or other container runtime for CSI drivers that are hosted in a non-secure location.
  • Ensure that your nodes support mounting NFS volumes if using NFS.
  • Auto RDM for vSphere over FC requirements

CSI PowerMax Reverse Proxy

The CSI PowerMax Reverse Proxy is a component that will be installed with the CSI PowerMax driver. For more details on this feature, see the related documentation.

Create a TLS secret that holds an SSL certificate and a private key. This is required by the reverse proxy server. Use a tool such as openssl to generate this secret using the example below:

openssl genrsa -out tls.key 2048
openssl req -new -x509 -sha256 -key tls.key -out tls.crt -days 3650
kubectl create secret -n <namespace> tls csirevproxy-tls-secret --cert=tls.crt --key=tls.key

Fibre Channel Requirements

The following requirements must be fulfilled in order to successfully use the Fiber Channel protocol with the CSI PowerMax driver:

  • Zoning of the Host Bus Adapters (HBAs) to the Fibre Channel port director must be completed.
  • Ensure that the HBA WWNs (initiators) appear on the list of initiators that are logged into the array.
  • If the number of volumes that will be published to nodes is high, then configure the maximum number of LUNs for your HBAs on each node. See the appropriate HBA document to configure the maximum number of LUNs.

iSCSI Requirements

The following requirements must be fulfilled in order to successfully use the iSCSI protocol with the CSI PowerMax driver.

  • All Kubernetes nodes must have the iscsi-initiator-utils package installed. On Debian based distributions the package name is open-iscsi.
  • The iscsid service must be enabled and running. You can enable the service by running the following command on all worker nodes: systemctl enable --now iscsid
  • To configure iSCSI in Red Hat OpenShift clusters, you can create a MachineConfig object using the console or oc to ensure that the iSCSI daemon starts on all the Red Hat CoreOS nodes. Here is an example of a MachineConfig object:
apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
kind: MachineConfig
  name: 99-iscsid
    machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: worker
      version: 3.2.0
      - name: "iscsid.service"
        enabled: true

Once the MachineConfig object has been deployed, CoreOS will ensure that the iscsid.service starts automatically. You can check the status of the iSCSI service by entering the following command on each worker node in the cluster: sudo systemctl status iscsid.

  • Ensure that the iSCSI initiators are available on all the nodes where the driver node plugin will be installed.
  • Ensure that the unique initiator name is set in /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi.
  • If your worker nodes are running Red Hat CoreOS, make sure that automatic iSCSI login at boot is configured. Please contact RedHat for more details.
  • Kubernetes nodes must have network connectivity to an iSCSI director on the Dell PowerMax array that has IP interfaces. Manually create IP routes for each node that connects to the Dell PowerMax if required.
  • Ensure that the iSCSI initiators on the nodes are not a part of any existing Host (Initiator Group) on the Dell PowerMax array.
  • The CSI Driver needs the port group name containing the required iSCSI director ports. These port groups must be set up on each Dell PowerMax array. All the port group names supplied to the driver must exist on each Dell PowerMax with the same name.

Refer to the Dell Host Connectivity Guide for more information.

NVMe Requirements

The following requirements must be fulfilled in order to successfully use the NVMe/TCP protocols with the CSI PowerMax driver:

  • Modules including the nvme, nvme_core, nvme_fabrics, and nvme_tcp are required for using NVMe over Fabrics using TCP. Load the NVMe and NVMe-OF Modules using the below commands:
modprobe nvme
modprobe nvme_tcp
  • The NVMe modules may not be available after a node reboot. Loading the modules at startup is recommended.

Starting with OCP 4.14 NVMe/TCP is enabled by default on RCOS nodes.

Cluster requirements

  • All OpenShift or Kubernetes nodes connecting to Dell storage arrays must use unique host NQNs.
  • The driver requires the NVMe command-line interface (nvme-cli) to manage the NVMe clients and targets. The NVMe CLI tool is installed in the host using the following command on RPM oriented Linux distributions.
sudo dnf -y install nvme-cli
  • Support for NVMe requires native NVMe multipathing to be configured on each worker node in the cluster. Please refer to the Dell Host Connectivity Guide for more details on NVMe multipathing requirements. To determine if the worker nodes are configured for native NVMe multipathing run the following command on each worker node:
cat /sys/module/nvme_core/parameters/multipath

If the result of the command displays Y then NVMe native multipathing is enabled in the kernel. If the output is N then native NVMe multipating is disabled. Consult the Dell Host Connectivity Guide for Linux to enable native NVMe multipathing.

Configure the IO policy

  • The default NVMeTCP native multipathing policy is “numa”. The preferred IO policy for NVMe devices used for PowerMax is round-robin. You can use udev rules to enable the round robin policy on all worker nodes. To view the IO policy you can use the following command:
nvme list-subsys

To change the IO policy to round-robin you can add a udev rule on each worker node. Place a config file in /etc/udev/rules.d with the name 71-nvme-io-policy.rules with the following contents:

ACTION=="add|change", SUBSYSTEM=="nvme-subsystem", ATTR{iopolicy}="round-robin"

In order to change the rules on a running kernel you can run the following commands:

/sbin/udevadm control --reload-rules
/sbin/udevadm trigger --type=devices --action=change

On OCP clusters you can add a MachineConfig to enable this rule on all worker nodes:

apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
kind: MachineConfig
  name: 99-workers-multipath-round-robin
    machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: worker
      version: 3.2.0
      - contents:
          source: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,QUNUSU9OPT0iYWRkfGNoYW5nZSIsIFNVQlNZU1RFTT09Im52bWUtc3Vic3lzdGVtIiwgQVRUUntpb3BvbGljeX09InJvdW5kLXJvYmluIg==
          verification: {}
        filesystem: root
        mode: 420
        path: /etc/udev/rules.d/71-nvme-io-policy.rules

Array requirements

Once the NVMe endpoint is created on the array, follow the following steps to update the endpoint name to adhere to the CSI driver requirements.

  • Run nvme discover --transport=tcp --traddr=<InterfaceAdd> --trsvcid=4420. is the placeholder for actual IP address of NVMe Endpoint.
  • Fetch the subnqn, for e.g., nqn.1988-11.com.dell:PowerMax_2500:00:000120001100, this will be used as the subnqn holder while updating NVMe endpoint name.
  • Update the NVMe endpoint name as <subnqn>:<dir><port>>. Here is an example how it should look, nqn.1988-11.com.dell:PowerMax_2500:00:000120001100:OR1C000

NFS Requirements

CSI Driver for Dell PowerMax supports NFS communication. Ensure that the following requirements are met before you install CSI Driver:

  • Configure the NFS network. Please refer here for more details.
  • PowerMax Embedded Management guest to access Unisphere for PowerMax.
  • Create the NAS server. Please refer here for more details.

Linux Multipathing Requirements

Dell PowerMax supports Linux multipathing (DM-MPIO) and NVMe native multipathing. Configure Linux multipathing before installing the CSI Driver.

For NVMe connectivity native NVMe multipathing is used. The following sections apply only for iSCSI and Fiber Channel connectivity.

Configure Linux multipathing as follows:

  • Ensure that all nodes have the Device Mapper Multipathing package installed. You can install it by running dnf install device-mapper-multipath or apt install multipath-tools based on your Linux distribution.
  • Ensure that the multipath command mpathconf is available on all Kubernetes nodes.
  • Enable multipathing using the mpathconf --enable --with_multipathd y command. A default configuration file, /etc/multipath.conf is created.
  • Enable user_friendly_names and find_multipaths in the multipath.conf file.
  • As a best practice, use these options to help the operating system and the mulitpathing software detect path changes efficiently:
path_grouping_policy multibus
path_checker tur
features "1 queue_if_no_path"
path_selector "round-robin 0"
no_path_retry 10

The following is a sample multipath.conf file. You may have to adjust these values based on your environment.

defaults {
  user_friendly_names yes
  find_multipaths yes
  path_grouping_policy multibus
  path_checker tur
  features "1 queue_if_no_path"
  path_selector "round-robin 0"
  no_path_retry 10
  blacklist {

On some distributions the multipathd service for changes to the configuration and dynamically reconfigures itself. If you need to manually trigger a reload you can run the following command: sudo systemctl reload multipathd

To enable multipathd on RedHat CoreOS nodes you need to prepare a working configuration encoded in base64. For example you can run the following command to encode the above multipath.config file.

echo 'defaults {
  user_friendly_names yes
  find_multipaths yes
  path_grouping_policy multibus
  path_checker tur
  features "1 queue_if_no_path"
  path_selector "round-robin 0"
  no_path_retry 10
  blacklist {
}' | base64 -w0

The output of the above command follows:


Use the base64 encoded string output in the following MachineConfig yaml file (under source section)

apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
kind: MachineConfig
  name: workers-multipath-conf-default
    machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: worker
      version: 3.2.0
      - contents:
          source: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,ZGVmYXVsdHMgewogIHVzZXJfZnJpZW5kbHlfbmFtZXMgeWVzCiAgZmluZF9tdWx0aXBhdGhzIHllcwogIHBhdGhfZ3JvdXBpbmdfcG9saWN5IG11bHRpYnVzCiAgcGF0aF9jaGVja2VyIHR1cgogIGZlYXR1cmVzICIxIHF1ZXVlX2lmX25vX3BhdGgiCiAgcGF0aF9zZWxlY3RvciAicm91bmQtcm9iaW4gMCIKICBub19wYXRoX3JldHJ5IDEwCn0KICBibGFja2xpc3Qgewp9Cg==
          verification: {}
        filesystem: root
        mode: 400
        path: /etc/multipath.conf

After deploying thisMachineConfig object, CoreOS will start the multipath service automatically. Alternatively, you can check the status of the multipath service by running the following command on each worker node. sudo multipath -ll

Refer to the Dell Host Connectivity Guide for more information.

PowerPath for Linux requirements

The CSI Driver for Dell PowerMax supports PowerPath for Linux. Configure Linux PowerPath before installing the CSI Driver.

Follow this procedure to set up PowerPath for Linux:

  • All the nodes must have the PowerPath package installed . Download the PowerPath archive for the environment from Dell Online Support.
  • Untar the PowerPath archive, Copy the RPM package into a temporary folder and Install PowerPath using rpm -ivh DellEMCPower.LINUX-<version>-<build>.<platform>.x86_64.rpm
  • Start the PowerPath service using systemctl start PowerPath

Note: Do not install Dell PowerPath if multi-path software is already installed, as they cannot co-exist with native multi-path software.

Auto RDM for vSphere over FC requirements

The CSI Driver for Dell PowerMax supports auto RDM for vSphere over FC. These requirements are applicable for the clusters deployed on ESX/ESXi using virtualized environment.

Set up the environment as follows:

  • Requires VMware vCenter management software to manage all ESX/ESXis where the cluster is hosted.

  • Add all FC array ports zoned to the ESX/ESXis to a port group where the cluster is hosted .

  • Add initiators from all ESX/ESXis to a host(initiator group)/host group(cascaded initiator group) where the cluster is hosted.

  • Create a secret which contains vCenter privileges. Follow the steps here to create the same.


Create secret for client-side TLS verification (Optional)

Create a secret named powermax-certs in the namespace where the CSI PowerMax driver will be installed. This is an optional step and is only required if you are setting the env variable X_CSI_POWERMAX_SKIP_CERTIFICATE_VALIDATION to false. See the detailed documentation on how to create this secret here.

Install Driver

  1. Create namespace: Run kubectl create namespace <driver-namespace> using the desired name to create the namespace.

  2. Create PowerMax credentials: Create a file called powermax-creds.yaml with the following content:

       apiVersion: v1
       kind: Secret
         name: powermax-creds
           # Replace driver-namespace with the namespace where driver is being deployed
         namespace: <driver-namespace>
       type: Opaque
         # set username to the base64 encoded username
         username: <base64 username>
         # set password to the base64 encoded password
         password: <base64 password>
         # Uncomment the following key if you wish to use ISCSI CHAP authentication (v1.3.0 onwards)
         # chapsecret: <base64 CHAP secret>

    Replace the values for the username and password parameters. These values can be obtained using base64 encoding as described in the following example:

    echo -n "myusername" | base64
    echo -n "mypassword" | base64
    # If mychapsecret is the iSCSI CHAP secret
    echo -n "mychapsecret" | base64

    Run the kubectl create -f powermax-creds.yaml command to create the secret.

  3. Create a configmap using sample here. Fill in the appropriate values for driver configuration. Example: config.yaml

    mode: StandAlone # Mode for the reverseproxy, should not be changed
    port: 2222 # Port on which reverseproxy will listen
    logLevel: debug
    logFormat: text
         - storageArrayId: "000000000001" # arrayID
           primaryURL: https://primary-1.unisphe.re:8443 # primary unisphere for arrayID
           backupURL: https://backup-1.unisphe.re:8443   # backup unisphere for arrayID
             - proxy-secret-11 # credential secret for primary unisphere, e.g., powermax-creds
             - proxy-secret-12 # credential secret for backup unisphere, e.g., powermax-creds
         - storageArrayId: "000000000002"
           primaryURL: https://primary-2.unisphe.re:8443
           backupURL: https://backup-2.unisphe.re:8443
            - proxy-secret-21
            - proxy-secret-22
        - url: https://primary-1.unisphe.re:8443 # primary unisphere endpoint
          arrayCredentialSecret: primary-1-secret # primary credential secret e.g., powermax-creds
          skipCertificateValidation: true
        - url: https://backup-1.unisphe.re:8443 # backup unisphere endpoint
          arrayCredentialSecret: backup-1-secret # backup credential secret e.g., powermax-creds
          skipCertificateValidation: false # value false, to verify unisphere certificate and provide certSecret
          certSecret: primary-certs # unisphere verification certificate
        - url: https://primary-2.unisphe.re:8443
          arrayCredentialSecret: primary-2-secret
          skipCertificateValidation: true
        - url: https://backup-2.unisphe.re:8443
          arrayCredentialSecret: backup-2-secret
          skipCertificateValidation: false
          certSecret: primary-certs

    After editing the file, run this command to create a secret called powermax-reverseproxy-config. If you are using a different namespace/secret name, just substitute those into the command.

    kubectl create configmap powermax-reverseproxy-config --from-file config.yaml -n powermax
  4. Create a configmap using below sample file. Fill in the appropriate values for driver configuration. Example: X_CSI_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL:“ISCSI”

       # Copyright © 2024 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.
       # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
       # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
       # You may obtain a copy of the License at
       #      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
       # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
       # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
       # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
       # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
       # limitations under the License.
       # To create this configmap use: kubectl create -f powermax-array-config.yaml
       apiVersion: v1
       kind: ConfigMap
         name: powermax-array-config
         namespace: powermax
         powermax-array-config.yaml: |
           X_CSI_POWERMAX_PORTGROUPS: "" # Portgroup is required in case of iSCSI only
           X_CSI_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL: "" # Defaults to empty
           X_CSI_MANAGED_ARRAYS: "000000000000,000000000000,"
  5. Create a CR (Custom Resource) for PowerMax using the sample files provided

    a. Install the PowerMax driver using default configuration using the sample file provided here. This file can be modified to use custom parameters if needed.

    b. Install the PowerMax driver using the detailed configuration using the sample file provided here.

NOTE: Replication module must be enabled to use the Metro volume


    - name: replication
      enabled: true

Target clusterID should be set as self


      value: "self"
  1. Users should configure the parameters in CR. The following table lists the primary configurable parameters of the PowerMax driver and their default values:

    Parameter Description Required Default
    namespace Specifies namespace where the driver will be installed Yes “powermax”
    dnsPolicy Determines the DNS Policy of the Node service Yes ClusterFirstWithHostNet
    replicas Controls the number of controller Pods you deploy. If controller Pods are greater than the number of available nodes, excess Pods will become stuck in pending. The default is 2 which allows for Controller high availability. Yes 2
    fsGroupPolicy Defines which FS Group policy mode to be used, Supported modes None, File and ReadWriteOnceWithFSType. In OCP <= 4.16 and K8s <= 1.29, fsGroupPolicy is an immutable field. No “ReadWriteOnceWithFSType”
    Common parameters for node and controller
    X_CSI_K8S_CLUSTER_PREFIX Define a prefix that is appended to all resources created in the array; unique per K8s/CSI deployment; max length - 3 characters Yes XYZ
    X_CSI_POWERMAX_ENDPOINT IP address of the Unisphere for PowerMax Yes
    X_CSI_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL Choose which transport protocol to use (ISCSI, FC, NVMETCP, auto) Yes auto
    X_CSI_POWERMAX_PORTGROUPS List of comma-separated port groups (ISCSI only). Example: “PortGroup1,PortGroup2” No -
    X_CSI_MANAGED_ARRAYS List of comma-separated array ID(s) which will be managed by the driver Yes -
    X_CSI_POWERMAX_PROXY_SERVICE_NAME Name of CSI PowerMax ReverseProxy service. Yes csipowermax-reverseproxy
    X_CSI_IG_MODIFY_HOSTNAME Change any existing host names. When nodenametemplate is set, it changes the name to the specified format else it uses driver default host name format. No false
    X_CSI_IG_NODENAME_TEMPLATE Provide a template for the CSI driver to use while creating the Host/IG on the array for the nodes in the cluster. It is of the format a-b-c-%foo%-xyz where foo will be replaced by host name of each node in the cluster. No -
    X_CSI_POWERMAX_DRIVER_NAME Set custom CSI driver name. For more details on this feature see the related documentation No -
    X_CSI_HEALTH_MONITOR_ENABLED Enable/Disable health monitor of CSI volumes from Controller and Node plugin. Provides details of volume status, usage and volume condition. As a prerequisite, external-health-monitor sidecar section should be uncommented in samples which would install the sidecar No false
    X_CSI_VSPHERE_ENABLED Enable VMware virtualized environment support via RDM No false
    X_CSI_VSPHERE_PORTGROUP Existing portGroup that driver will use for vSphere Yes ""
    X_CSI_VSPHERE_HOSTNAME Existing host(initiator group)/host group(cascaded initiator group) that driver will use for vSphere Yes ""
    X_CSI_VCenter_HOST URL/endpoint of the vCenter where all the ESX are present Yes ""
    Node parameters
    X_CSI_POWERMAX_ISCSI_ENABLE_CHAP Enable ISCSI CHAP authentication. For more details on this feature see the related documentation No false
    X_CSI_TOPOLOGY_CONTROL_ENABLED Enable/Disable topology control. It filters out arrays, associated transport protocol available to each node and creates topology keys based on any such user input. No false
    CSI Reverseproxy Module
    X_CSI_REVPROXY_TLS_SECRET Name of TLS secret defined in config map Yes “csirevproxy-tls-secret”
    X_CSI_REVPROXY_PORT Port number where reverseproxy will listen as defined in config map Yes “2222”
    X_CSI_CONFIG_MAP_NAME Name of config map as created for CSI PowerMax Yes “powermax-reverseproxy-config”
    Sidecar parameters
    volume-name-prefix The volume-name-prefix will be used by provisioner sidecar as a prefix for all the volumes created Yes pmax
    monitor-interval The monitor-interval will be used by external-health-monitor as an interval for health checks Yes 60s
  2. Execute the following command to create the PowerMax custom resource:kubectl create -f <input_sample_file.yaml>. The above command will deploy the CSI-PowerMax driver.

  3. The mandatory module CSI PowerMax Reverseproxy will be installed automatically with the same command.

  4. Refer https://github.com/dell/csi-powermax/tree/main/samples for the sample files.

Other features to enable

Dynamic Logging Configuration

This feature is introduced in CSI Driver for powermax version 2.0.0.

As part of driver installation, a ConfigMap with the name powermax-config-params is created using the manifest located in the sample file. This ConfigMap contains an attribute CSI_LOG_LEVEL which specifies the current log level of the CSI driver. To set the default/initial log level user can set this field during driver installation.

To update the log level dynamically user has to edit the ConfigMap powermax-config-params and update CSI_LOG_LEVEL to the desired log level.

kubectl edit configmap -n powermax powermax-config-params

Volume Health Monitoring

This feature is introduced in CSI Driver for PowerMax version 2.2.0.

Volume Health Monitoring feature is optional and by default this feature is disabled for drivers when installed via CSM operator.

To enable this feature, set X_CSI_HEALTH_MONITOR_ENABLED to true in the driver manifest under controller and node section. Also, install the external-health-monitor from sideCars section for controller plugin. To get the volume health state value under controller should be set to true as seen below. To get the volume stats value under node should be set to true.

     # Install the 'external-health-monitor' sidecar accordingly.
        # Allowed values:
        #   true: enable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
        #   false: disable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
        # Default value: false
           value: "true"
        # X_CSI_HEALTH_MONITOR_ENABLED: Enable/Disable health monitor of CSI volumes from node plugin - volume usage
        # Allowed values:
        #   true: enable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
        #   false: disable checking of health condition of CSI volumes
        # Default value: false
           value: "true"

Support for custom topology keys

This feature is introduced in CSI Driver for PowerMax version 2.3.0.

Support for custom topology keys is optional and by default this feature is disabled for drivers when installed via CSM operator.

X_CSI_TOPOLOGY_CONTROL_ENABLED provides a way to filter topology keys on a node based on array and transport protocol. If enabled, user can create custom topology keys by editing node-topology-config configmap.

  1. To enable this feature, set X_CSI_TOPOLOGY_CONTROL_ENABLED to true in the driver manifest under node section.

       # X_CSI_TOPOLOGY_CONTROL_ENABLED provides a way to filter topology keys on a node based on array and transport protocol
            # if enabled, user can create custom topology keys by editing node-topology-config configmap.
            # Allowed values:
            #   true: enable the filtration based on config map
            #   false: disable the filtration based on config map
            # Default value: false
              value: "false"
  2. Edit the sample config map “node-topology-config” as described here with appropriate values: Example:

            kind: ConfigMap
              name: node-topology-config
              namespace: powermax
              topologyConfig.yaml: |
                  - nodeName: "node1"
                      - "000000000001:FC"
                      - "000000000002:FC"
                  - nodeName: "*"
                      - "000000000002:FC"
                  - nodeName: "node2"
                      - "000000000002:*"
                  - nodeName: "node3"
                      - "*:*"
    Parameter Description
    allowedConnections List of node, array and protocol info for user allowed configuration
    allowedConnections.nodeName Name of the node on which user wants to apply given rules
    allowedConnections.rules List of StorageArrayID:TransportProtocol pair
    deniedConnections List of node, array and protocol info for user denied configuration
    deniedConnections.nodeName Name of the node on which user wants to apply given rules
    deniedConnections.rules List of StorageArrayID:TransportProtocol pair

  3. Run following command to create the configmap

kubectl create -f topologyConfig.yaml

Note: Name of the configmap should always be node-topology-config.

Support for auto RDM for vSphere over FC

This feature is introduced in CSI Driver for PowerMax version 2.5.0.

Support for auto RDM for vSphere over FC feature is optional and by default this feature is disabled for drivers when installed via CSM operator.

  1. To enable this feature, set X_CSI_VSPHERE_ENABLED to true in the driver manifest under controller and node section.

    # VMware/vSphere virtualization support
            # set X_CSI_VSPHERE_ENABLED to true, if you to enable VMware virtualized environment support via RDM
            # Allowed values:
            #   "true" - vSphere volumes are enabled
            #   "false" - vSphere volumes are disabled
            # Default value: "false"
            - name: "X_CSI_VSPHERE_ENABLED"
              value: "false"
            # X_CSI_VSPHERE_PORTGROUP: An existing portGroup that driver will use for vSphere
            # recommended format: csi-x-VC-PG, x can be anything of user choice
            # Allowed value: valid existing port group on the array
            # Default value: "" <empty>
            - name: "X_CSI_VSPHERE_PORTGROUP"
              value: ""
            # X_CSI_VSPHERE_HOSTNAME: An existing host(initiator group)/ host group(cascaded initiator group) that driver will use for vSphere
            # this host/host group should contain initiators from all the ESXs/ESXi host where the cluster is deployed
            # recommended format: csi-x-VC-HN, x can be anything of user choice
            # Allowed value: valid existing host(initiator group)/ host group(cascaded initiator group) on the array
            # Default value: "" <empty>
            - name: "X_CSI_VSPHERE_HOSTNAME"
              value: ""
  2. Edit the Secret file vcenter-creds here with required values. Example:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: vcenter-creds
      # Set driver namespace
      namespace: powermax
    type: Opaque
      # set username to the base64 encoded username
      username: YWRtaW4=
      # set password to the base64 encoded password
      password: YWRtaW4=

These values can be obtained using base64 encoding as described in the following example:

echo -n "myusername" | base64
echo -n "mypassword" | base64

where myusername and mypassword are credentials for a user with vCenter privileges. 3. 4. Run following command to create the configmap

kubectl create -f vcenter-secret.yaml

Note: Name of the secret should always be vcenter-creds.