
Dell Container Storage Modules (CSM) for Observability Upgrade

This section outlines the upgrade steps for Container Storage Modules (CSM) for Observability. CSM for Observability upgrade can be achieved in one of two ways:

  • Helm Chart Upgrade
  • Online Installer Upgrade

Helm Chart Upgrade

CSM for Observability Helm upgrade supports Helm, Online Installer, and Offline Installer deployments.

To upgrade an existing Helm installation of CSM for Observability to the latest release, download the latest Helm charts.

helm repo update

Check if the latest Helm chart version is available:

helm search repo dell
NAME                            CHART VERSION   APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION
dell/karavi-observability       1.8.0           1.8.0           CSM for Observability is part of the [Container...

Note: If using cert-manager CustomResourceDefinitions older than v1.5.3, delete the old CRDs and install v1.5.3 of the CRDs prior to upgrade. See Prerequisites for location of CRDs.

Upgrade to the latest CSM for Observability release:

Upgrade Helm and Online Installer deployments:

helm upgrade --version $latest_chart_version --values values.yaml karavi-observability dell/karavi-observability -n $namespace

Upgrade Offline Installer deployment:

helm upgrade --version $latest_chart_version karavi-observability dell/karavi-observability -n $namespace

The configuration section lists all the parameters that can be configured using the values.yaml file.

Online Installer Upgrade

CSM for Observability online installer upgrade can be used if the initial deployment was performed using the Online Installer or Helm.

  1. Change to the installer directory:

    cd karavi-observability/installer
  2. Update values.yaml file as needed. Configuration options are outlined in the Helm chart deployment section.

  3. Execute the ./karavi-observability-install.sh script:

    ./karavi-observability-install.sh upgrade --namespace $namespace --values myvalues.yaml --version $latest_chart_version
    >  Upgrading Karavi Observability in namespace karavi on 1.27
    |- Karavi Observability is installed. Upgrade can continue          Success
    |- Verifying Kubernetes versions
      |--> Verifying minimum Kubernetes version                         Success
      |--> Verifying maximum Kubernetes version                         Success
    |- Verifying helm version                                           Success
    |- Upgrading CertManager CRDs                                       Success
    |- Updating helm repositories                                       Success
    |- Upgrading Karavi Observability helm chart                        Success
    |- Waiting for pods in namespace karavi to be ready                 Success

Offline Installer Upgrade

Assuming that you have already installed the Karavi Observability Helm Chart by offline installer and meet its installation requirement. These instructions can be followed when a Helm chart was installed and will be upgraded in an environment that does not have an Internet connection and will be unable to download the Helm chart and related Docker images.

  1. Build the Offline Bundle Follow Offline Karavi Observability Helm Chart Installer to build the latest bundle.

  2. Unpack the Offline Bundle Follow Offline Karavi Observability Helm Chart Installer, copy and unpack the Offline Bundle to another Linux system, and push Docker images to the internal Docker registry.

  3. Perform Helm upgrade

    1. Change directory to helm which contains the updated Helm chart directory:

      cd helm
    2. Install necessary cert-manager CustomResourceDefinitions provided.

      kubectl apply --validate=false -f cert-manager.crds.yaml
    3. (Optional) Enable Karavi Observability for PowerFlex/PowerScale to use an existing instance of Karavi Authorization for accessing the REST API for the given storage systems. Note: Assuming that if the Karavi Observability’s Authorization has been enabled in the phase of Offline Karavi Observability Helm Chart Installer, the Authorization Secrets/Configmap have been copied to the Karavi Observability namespace. A sample configuration values.yaml file is located here. In your own configuration values.yaml, you need to enable PowerFlex/PowerScale Authorization, and provide the location of the sidecar-proxy Docker image and URL of the Karavi Authorization proxyHost address.

    4. After the images have been made available and the Helm chart configuration is updated, follow the instructions within the Helm chart’s repository to complete the installation. Note: Assuming that Your Secrets from CSI Drivers have been copied to the Karavi Observability namespace during the steps of Offline Karavi Observability Helm Chart Installer Optionally, you could provide your own configurations. A sample values.yaml file is located here.

        helm upgrade -n install-namespace app-name karavi-observability
        NAME: app-name
        LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Aug 17 14:44:04 2022
        NAMESPACE: install-namespace
        STATUS: deployed
        REVISION: 1
        TEST SUITE: None