ome_configuration_compliance (Resource)

This terraform resource is used to manage configuration baseline remediations entity of OME. We can Create, Update and Delete the OME configuration baseline remediations using this resource.

~> Note: Exactly one of ref_template_name and ref_template_id and exactly one of device_ids and device_servicetags are required.

~> Note: When schedule is true, following parameters are considered: notify_on_schedule, cron, email_addresses, output_format.

~> Note: Updates are supported for all the parameters.

Example Usage

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Licensed under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
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distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

# remediate baseline for the specified target devices 
resource "ome_configuration_compliance" "remeditation0" {
  baseline_name = "baseline_name"
  target_devices = [
      device_service_tag = "MX12345"
      compliance_status  = "Compliant"

# remediate baseline for the specified target devices with scheduling
resource "ome_configuration_compliance" "remeditation1" {
  baseline_name = "baseline_name"
  target_devices = [
      device_service_tag = "MX12345"
      compliance_status  = "Compliant"
  run_later = true
  cron      = "0 00 11 14 02 ? 2032"

# Manage a baseline and also remediate it
# create baseline 
resource "ome_configuration_baseline" "baseline" {
  baseline_name      = var.baselinename
  ref_template_name  = "Mytemplate"
  device_servicetags = ["MX12345"]
  description        = "baseline description"

# create a compliance resource from above baseline
resource "ome_configuration_compliance" "remeditation" {
  baseline_name = var.baselinename
  target_devices = [
      device_service_tag = "MX12345"
      compliance_status  = "Compliant"
  depends_on = [

After the execution of above resource block, devices would have been compliant with template on the OME. For more information, Please check the terraform state file.




  • baseline_id (Number) Id of the Baseline. Cannot be updated.
  • baseline_name (String) Name of the Baseline. Cannot be updated.
  • cron (String) Cron to schedule the remediation task.
  • job_retry_count (Number) Number of times the job has to be polled to get the final status of the resource. Default value is 30.
  • run_later (Boolean) Provides options to schedule the remediation task immediately, or at a specified time.
  • sleep_interval (Number) Sleep time interval for job polling in seconds. Default value is 20.


  • id (String) ID of the configuration compliance resource.

Nested Schema for target_devices


  • compliance_status (String) End compliance status of the target device, used to check the drifts in the compliance status. Valid values are Compliant.
  • device_service_tag (String) Target device servicetag to be remediated.