ome_user (Resource)

This terraform resource is used to manage User entity on OME.We can Create, Update and Delete OME User using this resource. We can also do an ‘Import’ an existing ‘User’ from OME.

~> Note: Exactly one of ref_template_name and ref_template_id and exactly one of device_ids and device_servicetags are required.

~> Note: When schedule is true, following parameters are considered: notify_on_schedule, cron, email_addresses, output_format.

~> Note: Updates are supported for all the parameters.

Example Usage

resource "ome_user" "code_1" {
  # required params
  username = "Dell"
  password = "Dell123!"
  role_id  = "10"
  # optional params
  user_type_id         = 1
  directory_service_id = 0
  description          = "Avengers alpha"
  locked               = false
  enabled              = false

After the execution of above resource block, user would have been created on the OME. For more information, Please check the terraform state file.



  • password (String, Sensitive) Password of the OME user.
  • role_id (String) Role ID of the OME user.
  • username (String) Username of the OME user.


  • description (String) Description of the OME user.
  • directory_service_id (Number) Directory Service ID of the OME user. If the value of directory_service_id changes, Terraform will destroy and recreate the resource.
  • enabled (Boolean) Enable OME user.
  • locked (Boolean) Lock OME user. If the value of locked changes, Terraform will destroy and recreate the resource.
  • user_type_id (Number) User Type ID of the OME user. If the value of user_type_id changes, Terraform will destroy and recreate the resource.


  • id (String) ID of the OME user.


Import is supported using the following syntax:

terraform import ome_user.code_3 "<user-id>,<user-password>"