powerflex_protection_domain (Data Source)

This datasource is used to query the existing protection domain from the PowerFlex array. The information fetched from this datasource can be used for getting the details / for further processing in resource block.

Note: Only one of name and id can be provided at a time.

Example Usage

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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# commands to run this tf file : terraform init && terraform apply --auto-approve
# Reads protection domain either by name or by id , if provided
# If both name and id is not provided , then it reads all the protection domain
# id and name can't be given together to fetch the protection domain .

data "powerflex_protection_domain" "pd" {
  name = "domain1"
  # id = "202a046600000000"

output "inputPdID" {
  value = data.powerflex_protection_domain.pd.id

output "inputPdName" {
  value = data.powerflex_protection_domain.pd.name

output "pdResult" {
  value = data.powerflex_protection_domain.pd.protection_domains

After the successful execution of above said block, We can see the output by executing terraform output command. Also, we can fetch information via the variable: data.powerflex_protection_domain.pd.attribute_name where attribute_name is the attribute which user wants to fetch.



  • id (String) Unique identifier of the protection domain instance. Conflicts with name.
  • name (String) Unique name of the protection domain instance. Conflicts with id.


Nested Schema for protection_domains


  • fgl_default_metadata_cache_size (Number) Fine Granularity Metadata Cache size.
  • fgl_default_num_concurrent_writes (Number) Fine Granularity default number of concurrent writes.
  • fgl_metadata_cache_enabled (Boolean) Whether Fine Granularity Metadata Cache is enabled or not.
  • id (String) Unique identifier of the protection domain instance.
  • links (Attributes List) Underlying REST API links. (see below for nested schema)
  • mdm_sds_network_disconnections_counter (Attributes) MDM-SDS Network Disconnection Counter windows. (see below for nested schema)
  • name (String) Unique name of the protection domain instance.
  • overall_io_network_throttling_enabled (Boolean) Whether network throttling is enabled for overall io.
  • overall_io_network_throttling_in_kbps (Number) Maximum allowed io for protected maintenance mode in KBps. Must be greater than any other network throttling parameter.
  • protected_maintenance_mode_network_throttling_enabled (Boolean) Whether network throttling is enabled for protected maintenance mode.
  • protected_maintenance_mode_network_throttling_in_kbps (Number) Maximum allowed io for protected maintenance mode in KBps.
  • rebalance_network_throttling_enabled (Boolean) Whether network throttling is enabled for rebalancing.
  • rebalance_network_throttling_in_kbps (Number) Maximum allowed io for rebalancing in KBps.
  • rebuild_network_throttling_enabled (Boolean) Whether network throttling is enabled for rebuilding.
  • rebuild_network_throttling_in_kbps (Number) Maximum allowed io for rebuilding in KBps.
  • replication_capacity_max_ratio (Number) Maximum Replication Capacity Ratio.
  • rf_cache_accp_id (String) ID of the Rf Cache Acceleration Pool attached to the PD.
  • rf_cache_enabled (Boolean) Whether SDS Rf Cache is enabled or not.
  • rf_cache_max_io_size_kb (Number) Maximum io of the SDS RF Cache in KB.
  • rf_cache_opertional_mode (String) Operational Mode of the SDS RF Cache.
  • rf_cache_page_size_kb (Number) Page size of the SDS RF Cache in KB.
  • sdr_sds_connectivity (Attributes) SDR-SDS Connectivity information. (see below for nested schema)
  • sds_configuration_failure_counter (Attributes) SDS Configuration Failure Counter windows. (see below for nested schema)
  • sds_decoupled_counter (Attributes) SDS Decoupled Counter windows. (see below for nested schema)
  • sds_receive_buffer_allocation_failures_counter (Attributes) SDS receive Buffer Allocation Failure Counter windows. (see below for nested schema)
  • sds_sds_network_disconnections_counter (Attributes) SDS-SDS Network Disconnection Counter windows. (see below for nested schema)
  • state (String) State of a PD. Valid values are Active, ActivePending, Inactive or InactivePending.
  • system_id (String) System ID of the PD.
  • vtree_migration_network_throttling_enabled (Boolean) Whether network throttling is enabled for vtree migration.
  • vtree_migration_network_throttling_in_kbps (Number) Maximum allowed io for vtree migration in KBps.


  • href (String) Specifies the exact path to fetch the details.
  • rel (String) Specifies the relationship with the Protection Domain.

Nested Schema for protection_domains.mdm_sds_network_disconnections_counter


Nested Schema for protection_domains.mdm_sds_network_disconnections_counter.long_window


  • threshold (Number) Threshold.
  • window_size_in_sec (Number) Window Size in seconds.

Nested Schema for protection_domains.mdm_sds_network_disconnections_counter.medium_window


  • threshold (Number) Threshold.
  • window_size_in_sec (Number) Window Size in seconds.

Nested Schema for protection_domains.mdm_sds_network_disconnections_counter.short_window


  • threshold (Number) Threshold.
  • window_size_in_sec (Number) Window Size in seconds.

Nested Schema for protection_domains.sdr_sds_connectivity


  • client_server_conn_status (String) Connectivity Status.
  • disconnected_client_id (String) ID of the disconnected client.
  • disconnected_client_name (String) Name of the disconnected client.
  • disconnected_server_id (String) ID of the disconnected server.
  • disconnected_server_ip (String) IP address of the disconnected server.
  • disconnected_server_name (String) Name of the disconnected server.

Nested Schema for protection_domains.sds_configuration_failure_counter


Nested Schema for protection_domains.sds_configuration_failure_counter.long_window


  • threshold (Number) Threshold.
  • window_size_in_sec (Number) Window Size in seconds.

Nested Schema for protection_domains.sds_configuration_failure_counter.medium_window


  • threshold (Number) Threshold.
  • window_size_in_sec (Number) Window Size in seconds.

Nested Schema for protection_domains.sds_configuration_failure_counter.short_window


  • threshold (Number) Threshold.
  • window_size_in_sec (Number) Window Size in seconds.

Nested Schema for protection_domains.sds_decoupled_counter


Nested Schema for protection_domains.sds_decoupled_counter.long_window


  • threshold (Number) Threshold.
  • window_size_in_sec (Number) Window Size in seconds.

Nested Schema for protection_domains.sds_decoupled_counter.medium_window


  • threshold (Number) Threshold.
  • window_size_in_sec (Number) Window Size in seconds.

Nested Schema for protection_domains.sds_decoupled_counter.short_window


  • threshold (Number) Threshold.
  • window_size_in_sec (Number) Window Size in seconds.

Nested Schema for protection_domains.sds_receive_buffer_allocation_failures_counter


Nested Schema for protection_domains.sds_receive_buffer_allocation_failures_counter.long_window


  • threshold (Number) Threshold.
  • window_size_in_sec (Number) Window Size in seconds.

Nested Schema for protection_domains.sds_receive_buffer_allocation_failures_counter.medium_window


  • threshold (Number) Threshold.
  • window_size_in_sec (Number) Window Size in seconds.

Nested Schema for protection_domains.sds_receive_buffer_allocation_failures_counter.short_window


  • threshold (Number) Threshold.
  • window_size_in_sec (Number) Window Size in seconds.

Nested Schema for protection_domains.sds_sds_network_disconnections_counter


Nested Schema for protection_domains.sds_sds_network_disconnections_counter.long_window


  • threshold (Number) Threshold.
  • window_size_in_sec (Number) Window Size in seconds.

Nested Schema for protection_domains.sds_sds_network_disconnections_counter.medium_window


  • threshold (Number) Threshold.
  • window_size_in_sec (Number) Window Size in seconds.

Nested Schema for protection_domains.sds_sds_network_disconnections_counter.short_window


  • threshold (Number) Threshold.
  • window_size_in_sec (Number) Window Size in seconds.