powermax_hostgroup (Resource)

Resource for managing HostGroups for a PowerMax Array. PowerMax host groups are groups of PowerMax Hosts. see the host example for more information on hosts.

Example Usage

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Licensed under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

# Available actions: Create, Update (name, host_ids, consistent_lun, host_flags), Delete and Import an existing host group from the PowerMax Array.
# After `terraform apply` of this example file it will create a new host_group with the name set in `name` attribute on the PowerMax

# PowerMax host groups are groups of PowerMax Hosts. see the host example for more information on hosts
resource "powermax_hostgroup" "test_host_group" {

  # Attributes which are able to be modified after create (name, host_ids, consistent_lun, host_flags)

  # Required the name of the new host group
  # Only alphanumeric characters, underscores ( _ ), and hyphens (-) are allowed
  name = "host_group"

  # Required A list of host ids associated with the hostgroup (should have at least 1) 
  host_ids = ["testHost"]

  # Optional host flags
  # All flags are optional and have 2 possible values enabled (to enable that flag on the PowerMax) and override (to force that flag to be set on the PowerMax)
  # If a flag is not set then it will have a default value of false
  host_flags = {

    # Optional It enables a SCSI bus reset to only occur to the port that received the reset.
    avoid_reset_broadcast = {
      override = true
      enabled  = true

    # Optional It is used for hosts that do not expect the queue to be flushed on a 0629 sense.
    disable_q_reset_on_ua = {
      override = true
      enabled  = true

    # Optional It enables the environmental error reporting by the storage system to the host on the specific port.
    environ_set = {
      override = true
      enabled  = true

    # Optional This attribute enables an Open VMS fibre connection
    openvms = {
      override = true
      enabled  = true

    # Optional This attribute provides a stricter compliance with SCSI standards
    scsi_support1 = {
      override = true
      enabled  = true

    # Optional SPC2 Protocol flag. When setting this flag, the port must be offline
    spc2_protocol_version = {
      override = true
      enabled  = true

    # Optional Alters the inquiry data to report that the storage system supports the SCSI-3 protocol
    scsi_3 = {
      override = true
      enabled  = true

    # Optional It enables the volume set addressing mode
    volume_set_addressing = {
      override = true
      enabled  = true

# After the execution of above resource block, a PowerMax host group has been created at PowerMax array.
# For more information about the newly created resource use the `terraform show` command to review the current state



  • host_ids (Set of String) A list of host ids associated with the hostgroup. (Update Supported)
  • name (String) The name of the hostgroup. Only alphanumeric characters, underscores ( _ ), and hyphens (-) are allowed. (Update Supported)


  • consistent_lun (Boolean) It enables the rejection of any masking operation involving this hostgroup that would result in inconsistent LUN values. (Update Supported)
  • host_flags (Attributes) Host Flags set for the hostgroup. When host_flags = {} or not set then default flags will be considered. (Update Supported) (see below for nested schema)


  • id (String) The ID of the hostgroup.
  • maskingviews (List of String) The masking views associated with the hostgroup.
  • numofhosts (Number) The number of hosts associated with the hostgroup.
  • numofinitiators (Number) The number of initiators associated with the hostgroup.
  • numofmaskingviews (Number) The number of masking views associated with the hostgroup.
  • port_flags_override (Boolean) States whether port flags override is enabled on the hostgroup.
  • type (String) Specifies the type of hostgroup.

Nested Schema for host_flags


  • avoid_reset_broadcast (Attributes) It enables a SCSI bus reset to only occur to the port that received the reset. (Update Supported) (see below for nested schema)
  • disable_q_reset_on_ua (Attributes) It is used for hosts that do not expect the queue to be flushed on a 0629 sense. (Update Supported) (see below for nested schema)
  • environ_set (Attributes) It enables the environmental error reporting by the storage system to the host on the specific port. (Update Supported) (see below for nested schema)
  • openvms (Attributes) This attribute enables an Open VMS fibre connection. (Update Supported) (see below for nested schema)
  • scsi_3 (Attributes) Alters the inquiry data to report that the storage system supports the SCSI-3 protocol. (Update Supported) (see below for nested schema)
  • scsi_support1 (Attributes) This attribute provides a stricter compliance with SCSI standards. (Update Supported) (see below for nested schema)
  • spc2_protocol_version (Attributes) When setting this flag, the port must be offline. (Update Supported) (see below for nested schema)
  • volume_set_addressing (Attributes) It enables the volume set addressing mode. (Update Supported) (see below for nested schema)

Nested Schema for host_flags.avoid_reset_broadcast


  • enabled (Boolean)
  • override (Boolean)

Nested Schema for host_flags.disable_q_reset_on_ua


  • enabled (Boolean)
  • override (Boolean)

Nested Schema for host_flags.environ_set


  • enabled (Boolean)
  • override (Boolean)

Nested Schema for host_flags.openvms


  • enabled (Boolean)
  • override (Boolean)

Nested Schema for host_flags.scsi_3


  • enabled (Boolean)
  • override (Boolean)

Nested Schema for host_flags.scsi_support1


  • enabled (Boolean)
  • override (Boolean)

Nested Schema for host_flags.spc2_protocol_version


  • enabled (Boolean)
  • override (Boolean)

Nested Schema for host_flags.volume_set_addressing


  • enabled (Boolean)
  • override (Boolean)


Import is supported using the following syntax:

# Copyright (c) 2023 Dell Inc., or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.

# Licensed under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at

#     http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/

# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# The command is
# terraform import powermax_hostgroup.test_host_group <id>
# Example:
terraform import powermax_hostgroup.test_host_group host_group
# after running this command, populate the name field in the config file to start managing this resource