powerflex_sdc_host (Resource)
This resource is used to manage the SDC entity of the PowerFlex Array. We can Create, Update and Delete the SDC using this resource. We can also import an existing SDC from the PowerFlex array.
Caution: SDC Host creation is not atomic. This resource sets parameters like name, etc. after SDC installation is complete. If that fails for any reason, Terraform, by default, will mark this resource as tainted and recreate it on the next apply. But these issues (caused by invalid inputs, network disruptions, etc.) do not require resource recreation (ie. SDC re-installation) to resolve. If one untaints this resource manually (by running
terraform untaint <resource_name>
) prior to applying again, this resource can start from where it left off and, if the cause of failure has been rectified, it can take incremental actions to set the necessary SDC parameters. So please untaint the resource before applying again if you want to prevent unnecessary SDC re-installations.
Example Usage
With ESXi
Copyright (c) 2024 Dell Inc., or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
# Command to run this tf file : terraform init && terraform plan && terraform apply.
# Create, Update, Read, Delete and Import operations are supported for this resource.
# sdc_details is the required parameter for the SDC resource.
# Example for adding an ESXi host as SDC.
# In this example, we are using passwordless ssh authentication using private key and host key.
# load the private key
data "local_sensitive_file" "ssh_key" {
filename = "/root/.ssh/esxi_rsa"
# load the host key
data "local_sensitive_file" "host_key" {
filename = "esxi_host_ecdsa_key.pub"
# generate a random guid. This is required only for ESXi hosts.
resource "random_uuid" "sdc_guid" {
resource "powerflex_sdc_host" "sdc" {
ip = ""
remote = {
user = "root"
# we are not using password auth here, but it can be used as well
# password = "W0uldntUWannaKn0w!"
private_key = data.local_sensitive_file.ssh_key.content_base64
host_key = data.local_sensitive_file.host_key.content_base64
os_family = "esxi"
esxi = {
guid = random_uuid.sdc_guid.result
name = "sdc-esxi"
package_path = "/root/terraform-provider-powerflex/sdc-3.6.500.106-esx7.x.zip"
# Optional all the mdms(either primary,secondary or virtual ips) in a comma separated list by cluster if unset will use the mdms of the cluster set in the provider block
# clusters_mdm_ips = [",", ","]
After the execution of above resource block, the ESXi host would have been added as an SDC to the PowerFlex array. For more information, please check the terraform state file.
With Linux
Copyright (c) 2024 Dell Inc., or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
# Command to run this tf file : terraform init && terraform plan && terraform apply.
# Create, Update, Read, Delete and Import operations are supported for this resource.
# sdc_details is the required parameter for the SDC resource.
# Example for adding an Linux host as SDC.
# In this example, we are using passwordless ssh authentication using private key and host key.
# load the private key
data "local_sensitive_file" "ssh_key" {
filename = "/root/.ssh/linux_rsa"
# load the host key
data "local_sensitive_file" "host_key" {
filename = "linux_host_ecdsa_key.pub"
# Example for adding an Linux host as SDC.
resource "powerflex_sdc_host" "sdc_linux" {
ip = ""
remote = {
user = "root"
# we are not using password auth here, but it can be used as well
# password = "password"
private_key = data.local_sensitive_file.ssh_key.content_base64
host_key = data.local_sensitive_file.host_key.content_base64
os_family = "linux"
name = "sdc-linux"
use_remote_path = false
package_path = "/root/terraform-provider-powerflex/EMC-ScaleIO-sdc-3.6-700.103.Ubuntu.22.04.x86_64.tar" # For Ubuntu
# package_path = "/root/terraform-provider-powerflex/EMC-ScaleIO-sdc-3.6-700.103.el7.x86_64.rpm" # For RHEL
# Optional all the mdms (either primary,secondary or virtual ips) in a comma separated list by cluster if unset will use the mdms of the cluster set in the provider block
# Removal of mdms is not supported for linux, if you wish to remove a cluster from the sdc please follow steps here: https://www.dell.com/support/kbdoc/en-us/000167031/how-do-i-remove-the-mdm-entry-from-the-sdc-as-displayed-in-the-output-of-drv-cfg-binary-in-query-mdms-on-the-sdc-on-windows-or-linux-os#:~:text=Resolution%201%20For%20Linux%20SDC%20host%2C%20open%20%2Fbin%2Femc%2Fscaleio%2Fdrv_cfg.txt,4%20Reboot%20Linux%20SDC%20host%20to%20apply%20changes.?msockid=0ee30a4c8e9f67f610c21ecc8f89664a
# clusters_mdm_ips = [",", ","]
After the execution of above resource block, the Linux host would have been addes as an SDC to the PowerFlex array. For more information, please check the terraform state file.
With Windows
Copyright (c) 2024 Dell Inc., or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
# Command to run this tf file : terraform init && terraform plan && terraform apply.
# Create, Update, Read, Delete and Import operations are supported for this resource.
# sdc_details is the required parameter for the SDC resource.
# Example for adding an Windows host as SDC.
# In this example, we are using passwordless ssh authentication using private key and host key.
# Example for adding an Windows host as SDC.
resource "powerflex_sdc_host" "sdc_windows" {
ip = ""
remote = {
user = "username"
password = "password"
port = 5985
os_family = "windows"
name = "sdc-windows"
package_path = "/root/terraform-provider-powerflex/EMC-ScaleIO-sdc-3.6-200.105.msi"
# Optional all the mdms(either primary,secondary or virtual ips) in a comma separated list by cluster if unset will use the mdms of the cluster set in the provider block
# Removal of mdms is not supported for windows, if you wish to remove a cluster from the sdc please follow steps here: https://www.dell.com/support/kbdoc/en-us/000167031/how-do-i-remove-the-mdm-entry-from-the-sdc-as-displayed-in-the-output-of-drv-cfg-binary-in-query-mdms-on-the-sdc-on-windows-or-linux-os#:~:text=Resolution%201%20For%20Linux%20SDC%20host%2C%20open%20%2Fbin%2Femc%2Fscaleio%2Fdrv_cfg.txt,4%20Reboot%20Linux%20SDC%20host%20to%20apply%20changes.?msockid=0ee30a4c8e9f67f610c21ecc8f89664a
# clusters_mdm_ips = [",", ","]
After the execution of above resource block, the Windows Server host would have been addes as an SDC to the PowerFlex array. For more information, please check the terraform state file.
(String) IP address of the server to be configured as SDC.os_family
(String) Operating System family of the SDC. Accepted values are ’linux’, ‘windows’ and ’esxi’. Cannot be changed once set.package_path
(String) Full path (on local machine) of the package to be installed on the SDC.remote
(Attributes) Remote login details of the SDC. (see below for nested schema)
(List of String) List of MDM IPs (primary,secondary or list of virtual IPs) seperated by cluster, to be assigned to the SDC.Each string in the list is a set of Mdm Ips related to a specific cluster. These Ips should be seperated by comma I.E. [‘x.x.x.x,y.y.y.y’, ‘z.z.z.z,a.a.a.a’].esxi
(Attributes) Details of the SDC host if theos_family
. (see below for nested schema)linux_drv_cfg
(String) Path to the drv_cfg for linux, defaults to /opt/emc/scaleio/sdc/bin/name
(String) Name of SDC.performance_profile
(String) Performance profile of the SDC. Accepted values are ‘HighPerformance’ and ‘Compact’.use_remote_path
(Boolean) Use path on remote server where SDC is installed. Defaults tofalse
(String) Path to the drv_cfg.exe config for windows, defaults to C:\Program Files\EMC\scaleio\sdc\bin\
(String) GUID of the HOSTid
(String) The id of the SDCis_approved
(Boolean) Is Host Approvedmdm_connection_state
(String) MDM Connection Stateon_vmware
(Boolean) Is Host on VMwaresystem_id
(String) System ID of the Host
Nested Schema for remote
(String) Remote Login username of the SDC server.
(String) Remote Login certificate issued by a CA to the remote login user. Must be used withprivate_key
and the private key must match the certificate.dir
(String) Directory on the SDC server to upload packages to for Unix. Defaults to/tmp
on Unix.host_key
(String) Remote Login host key of the SDC server. Corresponds to the UserKnownHostsFile field of OpenSSH.password
(String, Sensitive) Remote Login password of the SDC server.port
(String) Remote Login port of the SDC server. Defaults to22
(String) Remote Login private key of the SDC server. Corresponds to the IdentityFile field of OpenSSH.
Nested Schema for esxi
(String) GUID of the SDC.
(Boolean) Whether to verify the VIB signature or not. Defaults totrue
Import is supported using the following syntax:
# /*
# Copyright (c) 2024 Dell Inc., or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# */
# import SDC by it's IP address
terraform import powerflex_sdc_host.sdc "<ip>"
- This will import the SDC instance with specified IP into your Terraform state.
- After successful import, you can run terraform state list to ensure the resource has been imported successfully.
- Now, you can fill in the resource block with the appropriate arguments and settings that match the imported resource’s real-world configuration.
- Execute terraform plan to see if your configuration and the imported resource are in sync. Make adjustments if needed.
- Finally, execute terraform apply to bring the resource fully under Terraform’s management.
- Now, the resource which was not part of terraform became part of Terraform managed infrastructure.