powerscale_synciq_rule (Data Source)

This datasource is used to query the existing SyncIQ Replication Rules from PowerScale array. The information fetched from this datasource can be used for getting the details or for further processing in resource block.

Example Usage

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# PowerScale SyncIQ Rule allows you to get a list of SyncIQ Rules or a rule by its ID.

# Returns a list of PowerScale SyncIQ Rules 
data "powerscale_synciq_rule" "all_rules" {

# Returns a the PowerScale SyncIQ Rule with given ID
data "powerscale_synciq_rule" "all_rules" {
  id = "bw-0"

# Output value of above block by executing 'terraform output' command.
# The user can use the fetched information by the variable data.powerscale_synciq_rule.all_rules.rules
output "powerscale_synciq_rules" {
  value = data.powerscale_synciq_rule.all_rules.rules

# After the successful execution of above said block, We can see the output value by executing 'terraform output' command.



  • id (String) Unique identifier of the performance rule.


Nested Schema for rules


  • description (String) User-entered description of this performance rule.
  • enabled (Boolean) Whether this performance rule is currently in effect during its specified intervals.
  • id (String) The system ID given to this performance rule.
  • limit (Number) Amount the specified system resource type is limited by this rule. Units are kb/s for bandwidth, files/s for file-count, processing percentage used for cpu, or percentage of maximum available workers.
  • schedule (Attributes) A schedule defining when during a week this performance rule is in effect. If unspecified or null, the schedule will always be in effect. (see below for nested schema)
  • type (String) The type of system resource this rule limits.

Nested Schema for rules.schedule


  • begin (String) Start time (inclusive) for this schedule, during its specified days. Format is “hh:mm” (24h format hour, and minute). A null value indicates the beginning of the day (“00:00”).
  • end (String) End time (inclusive) for this schedule, during its specified days. Format is “hh:mm” (three-letter weekday name abbreviation, 24h format hour, and minute). A null value indicates the end of the day (“23:59”).
  • friday (Boolean) If true, this rule is in effect on Friday. If false, or unspecified, it is not.
  • monday (Boolean) If true, this rule is in effect on Monday. If false, or unspecified, it is not.
  • saturday (Boolean) If true, this rule is in effect on Saturday. If false, or unspecified, it is not.
  • sunday (Boolean) If true, this rule is in effect on Sunday. If false, or unspecified, it is not.
  • thursday (Boolean) If true, this rule is in effect on Thursday. If false, or unspecified, it is not.
  • tuesday (Boolean) If true, this rule is in effect on Tuesday. If false, or unspecified, it is not.
  • wednesday (Boolean) If true, this rule is in effect on Wednesday. If false, or unspecified, it is not.