powerscale_cluster (Data Source)

This datasource is used to query the existing cluster from PowerScale array. The information fetched from this data source can be used for getting the details, including config, identity, nodes, internal_networks and acs.

Example Usage

Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Dell Inc., or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.

Licensed under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
data "powerscale_cluster" "test" {

output "powerscale_cluster" {
  value = data.powerscale_cluster.test

# After the successful execution of above said block, We can see the output by executing `terraform output` command.
# Also, we can fetch information via the variable: `data.powerscale.test.attribute_name` where attribute_name is the attribute which user wants to fetch.



Nested Schema for acs


  • failed_nodes_sn (List of String) list of failed nodes serial number.
  • joined_nodes (Number) the number of joined nodes.
  • license_status (String) the status of license activation.
  • srs_status (String) the status of SRS enablement.
  • total_nodes (Number) total nodes number of the cluster.
  • unresponsive_sn (List of String) list of unresponsive nodes serial number.

Nested Schema for config


  • description (String) Customer configurable description.
  • devices (Attributes List) device (see below for nested schema)
  • guid (String) Cluster GUID.
  • join_mode (String) Node join mode: ‘manual’ or ‘secure’.
  • local_devid (Number) Device ID of the queried node.
  • local_lnn (Number) Device logical node number of the queried node.
  • local_serial (String) Device serial number of the queried node.
  • name (String) Cluster name.
  • onefs_version (Attributes) version (see below for nested schema)
  • timezone (Attributes) version (see below for nested schema)

Nested Schema for config.devices


  • devid (Number) Device ID.
  • guid (String) Device GUID.
  • is_up (Boolean) If true, this node is online and communicating with the local node and every other node with the is_up property normally
  • lnn (Number) Device logical node number.

Nested Schema for config.onefs_version


  • build (String) OneFS build string.
  • release (String) Kernel release number.
  • revision (String) OneFS build number.
  • type (String) Kernel release type.
  • version (String) Kernel full version information.

Nested Schema for config.timezone


  • abbreviation (String) Timezone abbreviation.
  • custom (String) Customer timezone information.
  • name (String) Timezone full name.
  • path (String) Timezone hierarchical name.

Nested Schema for identity


  • description (String) A description of the cluster.
  • logon (Attributes) // (see below for nested schema)
  • name (String) The name of the cluster.

Nested Schema for identity.logon


  • motd (String) The message of the day.
  • motd_header (String) The header to the message of the day.

Nested Schema for internal_networks


  • failover_ip_addresses (Attributes List) Array of IP address ranges to be used to configure the internal failover network of the OneFS cluster. (see below for nested schema)
  • failover_status (String) Status of failover network.
  • int_a_fabric (String) Network fabric used for the primary network int-a.
  • int_a_ip_addresses (Attributes List) Array of IP address ranges to be used to configure the internal int-a network of the OneFS cluster. (see below for nested schema)
  • int_a_mtu (Number) Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU) of the primary network int-a.
  • int_a_prefix_length (Number) Prefixlen specifies the length of network bits used in an IP address. This field is the right-hand part of the CIDR notation representing the subnet mask.
  • int_a_status (String) Status of the primary network int-a.
  • int_b_fabric (String) Network fabric used for the failover network.
  • int_b_ip_addresses (Attributes List) Array of IP address ranges to be used to configure the internal int-b network of the OneFS cluster. (see below for nested schema)
  • int_b_mtu (Number) Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU) of the failover network int-b.
  • int_b_prefix_length (Number) Prefixlen specifies the length of network bits used in an IP address. This field is the right-hand part of the CIDR notation representing the subnet mask.

Nested Schema for internal_networks.failover_ip_addresses


  • high (String) IPv4 address in the format: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
  • low (String) IPv4 address in the format: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

Nested Schema for internal_networks.int_a_ip_addresses


  • high (String) IPv4 address in the format: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
  • low (String) IPv4 address in the format: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

Nested Schema for internal_networks.int_b_ip_addresses


  • high (String) IPv4 address in the format: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
  • low (String) IPv4 address in the format: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

Nested Schema for nodes


  • errors (Attributes List) A list of errors encountered by the individual nodes involved in this request, or an empty list if there were no errors. (see below for nested schema)
  • nodes (Attributes List) The responses from the individual nodes involved in this request. (see below for nested schema)
  • total (Number) The total number of nodes responding.

Nested Schema for nodes.errors


  • code (String) The error code.
  • field (String) The field with the error if applicable.
  • id (Number) Node ID (Device Number) of a node.
  • lnn (Number) Logical Node Number (LNN) of a node.
  • message (String) The error message.
  • status (Number) HTTP Status code returned by this node.

Nested Schema for nodes.nodes


Nested Schema for nodes.nodes.drives


  • baynum (Number) Numerical representation of this drive’s bay.
  • blocks (Number) Number of blocks on this drive.
  • chassis (Number) The chassis number which contains this drive.
  • devname (String) This drive’s device name.
  • firmware (Attributes) Drive firmware information (see below for nested schema)
  • handle (Number) Drive_d’s handle representation for this driveIf we fail to retrieve the handle for this drive from drive_d: -1
  • interface_type (String) String representation of this drive’s interface type.
  • lnum (Number) This drive’s logical drive number in IFS.
  • locnstr (String) String representation of this drive’s physical location.
  • logical_block_length (Number) Size of a logical block on this drive.
  • media_type (String) String representation of this drive’s media type.
  • model (String) This drive’s manufacturer and model.
  • physical_block_length (Number) Size of a physical block on this drive.
  • present (Boolean) Indicates whether this drive is physically present in the node.
  • purpose (String) This drive’s purpose in the DRV state machine.
  • purpose_description (String) Description of this drive’s purpose.
  • serial (String) Serial number for this drive.
  • ui_state (String) This drive’s state as presented to the UI.
  • wwn (String) The drive’s ‘worldwide name’ from its NAA identifiers.
  • x_loc (Number) This drive’s x-axis grid location.
  • y_loc (Number) This drive’s y-axis grid location.

Nested Schema for nodes.nodes.drives.y_loc


  • current_firmware (String) This drive’s current firmware revision
  • desired_firmware (String) This drive’s desired firmware revision.

Nested Schema for nodes.nodes.hardware


  • chassis (String) Name of this node’s chassis.
  • chassis_code (String) Chassis code of this node (1U, 2U, etc.).
  • chassis_count (String) Number of chassis making up this node.
  • class (String) Class of this node (storage, accelerator, etc.).
  • configuration_id (String) Node configuration ID.
  • cpu (String) Manufacturer and model of this node’s CPU.
  • disk_controller (String) Manufacturer and model of this node’s disk controller.
  • disk_expander (String) Manufacturer and model of this node’s disk expander.
  • family_code (String) Family code of this node (X, S, NL, etc.).
  • flash_drive (String) Manufacturer, model, and device id of this node’s flash drive.
  • generation_code (String) Generation code of this node.
  • hwgen (String) PowerScale hardware generation name.
  • imb_version (String) Version of this node’s PowerScale Management Board.
  • infiniband (String) Infiniband card type.
  • lcd_version (String) Version of the LCD panel.
  • motherboard (String) Manufacturer and model of this node’s motherboard.
  • net_interfaces (String) Description of all this node’s network interfaces.
  • nvram (String) Manufacturer and model of this node’s NVRAM board.
  • powersupplies (List of String) Description strings for each power supply on this node.
  • processor (String) Number of processors and cores on this node.
  • product (String) PowerScale product name.
  • ram (Number) Size of RAM in bytes.
  • serial_number (String) Serial number of this node.
  • series (String) Series of this node (X, I, NL, etc.).
  • storage_class (String) Storage class of this node (storage or diskless).

Nested Schema for nodes.nodes.partitions


  • count (Number) Count of how many partitions are included.
  • partitions (Attributes List) Partition information. (see below for nested schema)

Nested Schema for nodes.nodes.partitions.partitions


  • block_size (Number) The block size used for the reported partition information.
  • capacity (Number) Total blocks on this file system partition.
  • component_devices (String) Comma separated list of devices used for this file system partition.
  • mount_point (String) Directory on which this partition is mounted.
  • percent_used (String) Used blocks on this file system partition, expressed as a percentage.
  • statfs (Attributes) // (see below for nested schema)
  • used (Number) Used blocks on this file system partition.

Nested Schema for nodes.nodes.partitions.partitions.statfs


  • f_bavail (Number) Free blocks available to non-superuser on this partition.
  • f_bfree (Number) Free blocks on this partition.
  • f_blocks (Number) Total data blocks on this partition.
  • f_bsize (Number) Filesystem fragment size; block size in OneFS.
  • f_ffree (Number) Free file nodes avail to non-superuser.
  • f_files (Number) Total file nodes in filesystem.
  • f_flags (Number) Mount exported flags.
  • f_fstypename (String) File system type name.
  • f_iosize (Number) Optimal transfer block size.
  • f_mntfromname (String) Names of devices this partition is mounted from.
  • f_mntonname (String) Directory this partition is mounted to.
  • f_namemax (Number) Maximum filename length.
  • f_owner (Number) UID of user that mounted the filesystem.
  • f_type (Number) Type of filesystem.
  • f_version (Number) statfs() structure version number.

Nested Schema for nodes.nodes.sensors


Nested Schema for nodes.nodes.sensors.sensors


  • count (Number) The count of values in this sensor group.
  • name (String) The name of this sensor group.
  • values (Attributes List) The list of specific sensor value info in this sensor group. (see below for nested schema)

Nested Schema for nodes.nodes.sensors.sensors.values


  • desc (String) The descriptive name of this sensor.
  • name (String) The identifier name of this sensor.
  • units (String) The units of this sensor.
  • value (String) The value of this sensor.

Nested Schema for nodes.nodes.state


Nested Schema for nodes.nodes.state.smartfail


  • allowed (Boolean) The current read-only mode allowed status for the node.
  • enabled (Boolean) The current read-only user mode status for the node. NOTE: If read-only mode is currently disallowed for this node, it will remain read/write until read-only mode is allowed again. This value only sets or clears any user-specified requests for read-only mode. If the node has been placed into read-only mode by the system, it will remain in read-only mode until the system conditions which triggered read-only mode have cleared.
  • mode (Boolean) The current read-only mode status for the node.
  • status (String) The current read-only mode status description for the node.
  • valid (Boolean) The read-only state values are valid (False = Error).
  • value (Number) The current read-only value (enumerated bitfield) for the node.

Nested Schema for nodes.nodes.state.smartfail


  • enabled (Boolean) The node service light state (True = on).

Nested Schema for nodes.nodes.state.smartfail


  • smartfailed (Boolean) This node is smartfailed (soft_devs).

Nested Schema for nodes.nodes.status


Nested Schema for nodes.nodes.status.version


  • last_test_time1 (String) The last battery test time for battery 1.
  • last_test_time2 (String) The last battery test time for battery 2.
  • next_test_time1 (String) The next checkup for battery 1.
  • next_test_time2 (String) The next checkup for battery 2.
  • present (Boolean) Node has battery status.
  • result1 (String) The result of the last battery test for battery 1.
  • result2 (String) The result of the last battery test for battery 2.
  • status1 (String) The status of battery 1.
  • status2 (String) The status of battery 2.
  • supported (Boolean) Node supports battery status.

Nested Schema for nodes.nodes.status.version


  • bytes (Number) Total device storage bytes.
  • count (Number) Total device count.
  • type (String) Device type.

Nested Schema for nodes.nodes.status.version


  • model (String) Manufacturer model description of this CPU.
  • overtemp (String) CPU overtemp state.
  • proc (String) Type of processor and core of this CPU.
  • speed_limit (String) CPU throttling (expressed as a percentage).

Nested Schema for nodes.nodes.status.version


  • batteries (Attributes List) This node’s NVRAM battery status information. (see below for nested schema)
  • battery_count (Number) This node’s NVRAM battery count. On failure: -1, otherwise 1 or 2.
  • charge_status (String) This node’s NVRAM battery charge status, as a color.
  • charge_status_number (Number) This node’s NVRAM battery charge status, as a number. Error or not supported: -1. BR_BLACK: 0. BR_GREEN: 1. BR_YELLOW: 2. BR_RED: 3.
  • device (String) This node’s NVRAM device name with path.
  • present (Boolean) This node has NVRAM.
  • present_flash (Boolean) This node has NVRAM with flash storage.
  • present_size (Number) The size of the NVRAM, in bytes.
  • present_type (String) This node’s NVRAM type.
  • ship_mode (Number) This node’s current ship mode state for NVRAM batteries. If not supported or on failure: -1. Disabled: 0. Enabled: 1.
  • supported (Boolean) This node supports NVRAM.
  • supported_flash (Boolean) This node supports NVRAM with flash storage.
  • supported_size (Number) The maximum size of the NVRAM, in bytes.
  • supported_type (String) This node’s supported NVRAM type.

Nested Schema for nodes.nodes.status.version.batteries


  • color (String) The current status color of the NVRAM battery.
  • id (Number) Identifying index for the NVRAM battery.
  • status (String) The current status message of the NVRAM battery.
  • voltage (String) The current voltage of the NVRAM battery.

Nested Schema for nodes.nodes.status.version


  • count (Number) Count of how many power supplies are supported.
  • failures (Number) Count of how many power supplies have failed.
  • has_cff (Boolean) Does this node have a CFF power supply.
  • status (String) A descriptive status string for this node’s power supplies.
  • supplies (Attributes List) List of this node’s power supplies. (see below for nested schema)
  • supports_cff (Boolean) Does this node support CFF power supplies.

Nested Schema for nodes.nodes.status.version.supplies


  • chassis (Number) Which node chassis is this power supply in.
  • firmware (String) The current firmware revision of this power supply.
  • good (String) Is this power supply in a failure state.
  • id (Number) Identifying index for this power supply.
  • name (String) Complete identifying string for this power supply.
  • status (String) A descriptive status string for this power supply.
  • type (String) The type of this power supply.