Deploying a PowerFlex cluster using ssh key for passwordless authentication

This guide explains how to use ssh keys for deploying a cluster using passwordless authentication

Steps for configuring ssh key

  • On one of the ScaleIO cluster machine:

    • Go to ~/.ssh
    • ssh-keygen -t rsa
  • cat > authorized_keys

  • If the RSA key was created in OpenSSH key format convert to pem format:

    • ssh-keygen -p -m PEM -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  • Copy the id_rsa, and authorized_keys to ~/.ssh on the rest of the cluster machines

  • Replace the key text in block-legacy-gateway-sshkey.yaml (attached below) with the content of id_rsa

  • Delete the secret before setting it:

    • kubectl delete -n powerflex secret platform-nodes-credentials
  • run on the M&O:

    • kubectl apply -n powerflex -f
  • delete block-legacy-gateway pod

    • legacy_gw=$(kubectl get pods -n powerflex|grep -i legacy-gateway |grep -v mds |awk ‘{print $1}’); kubectl delete pods -n powerflex $legacy_gw
  • Remove the value (leave empty) from all the “password” fields in the csv file

Example of block-legacy-gateway-sshkey.yaml file content

apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: platform-nodes-credentials type: Opaque stringData: id_rsa: | —–BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY—– PASTE THE RSA KEY HERE —–END RSA PRIVATE KEY—–

Example of cluster resource in case of passwordless authentication

In this case just remove the password attribute from the cluster resource .

resource "powerflex_cluster" "test" {
  mdm_password = "Password"
  lia_password = "Password"

  # Advance Security Configuration
  allow_non_secure_communication_with_lia = false
  allow_non_secure_communication_with_mdm = false
  disable_non_mgmt_components_auth        = false

  # Cluster Configuration related fields
  cluster = [
      # MDM Configuration Fields
      username                 = "user",
      operating_system         = "linux",
      is_mdm_or_tb             = "Primary",
      mdm_ips                  = "",
      mdm_mgmt_ip              = "",
      mdm_name                 = "mdm1",
      perf_profile_for_mdm     = "HighPerformance",
      is_sds                   = "Yes",
      sds_name                 = "sds1",
      sds_all_ips              = "",
      protection_domain        = "domain_1",
      sds_storage_device_list  = "/dev/sdb",
      sds_storage_device_names = "sdb",
      storage_pool_list        = "pool1",
      perf_profile_for_sds     = "HighPerformance",
      is_sdc                   = "Yes",
      sdc_name                 = "sdc1",
      perf_profile_for_sdc     = "HighPerformance"

      username                 = "user",
      password                 = "password",
      operating_system         = "linux",
      is_mdm_or_tb             = "Secondary",
      mdm_name                 = "mdm2",
      mdm_ips                  = "",
      mdm_mgmt_ip              = "",
      perf_profile_for_mdm     = "HighPerformance",
      is_sds                   = "Yes",
      sds_name                 = "sds2",
      sds_all_ips              = "",
      sds_storage_device_list  = "/dev/sdb",
      sds_storage_device_names = "sdb",
      protection_domain        = "domain_1",
      storage_pool_list        = "pool1",
      perf_profile_for_sds     = "HighPerformance",
      is_sdc                   = "Yes",
      sdc_name                 = "sdc2",
      perf_profile_for_sdc     = "HighPerformance"
      username                 = "user",
      password                 = "password",
      operating_system         = "linux",
      is_mdm_or_tb             = "TB",
      mdm_name                 = "tb1",
      mdm_ips                  = "",
      mdm_mgmt_ip              = "",
      perf_profile_for_mdm     = "HighPerformance",
      is_sds                   = "Yes",
      sds_name                 = "sds3",
      sds_all_ips              = "",
      sds_storage_device_list  = "/dev/sdb",
      sds_storage_device_names = "sdb",
      protection_domain        = "domain_1",
      storage_pool_list        = "pool1",
      perf_profile_for_sds     = "HighPerformance",
      is_sdc                   = "Yes",
      sdc_name                 = "sdc3",
      perf_profile_for_sdc     = "HighPerformance"

    storage_pools = [
      media_type        = "SSD"
      protection_domain = "domain_1"
      storage_pool      = "pool1"
      daya_layout       = "MG"
      zero_padding      = "true"

This Terraform configuration sets up a PowerFlex cluster without using password.